- Jones, Edward
- Jones, Henry and Sons, from appendix
- Jones, John
- Jones, William
- Jones, Robert
- Jordan, Abraham, from appendix
- Joseph
- Joshua
- Josquin
- Jota
- Joule, Benjamin
- Jubilate
- Jubilee Overture, The
- Judas Maccabæus
- Judith
- Juive, La
- Jullien, Adolphe, from appendix
- Jullien, Louis Antoine
- Jullien's Military Journal
- Junck, Benedetto, from appendix
- Jüngste Gericht, Das
- Jupiter
- Kahrer-Rappoldi, Mme, from appendix
- Kalkbrenner, Friedrich
- Kalliwoda, Johann
- Kammerton, from appendix
- Kandler, Franz
- Kapelle
- Kapsberger, J. H., from appendix
- Karajan, Theodor
- Kastner, Johann Georg, from appendix
- Kauka, Johann von
- Kearns, William, from appendix
- Keeble, John
- Keeley, Mary, from appendix
- Keiser, Reinhard
- Kéler Béla
- Kellogg, Clara
- Kelly, Michael
- Kelway, Joseph
- Kemble, Adelaide
- Kemp, Joseph
- Kendall, John
- Kennedy, from appendix
- Kennedy, David, from appendix
- Kent, James
- Kent Bugle
- Keolanthe
- Keper, John
- Keraulophon
- Kerl, Johann Caspar
- Ketterer, Eugène, from appendix
- Kettle-drums
- Key
- Key-bugle
- Key-note
- Kiel, Friedrich
- Kiesewetter, Raphael
- Kind, Johann Friedrich
- Kindermann, from appendix
- King, Charles
- King, Matthew
- King, Robert
- King, William
- King Charles the Second
- King's Band of Music, The
- King's Theatre, The
- Kinsky, Prince Ferdinand
- Kirbye, George
- Kirchen Cantaten
- Kircher, Athanasius
- Kirchgessner, Marianna
- Kirchner, Theodor
- Kirkman
- Kirnberger, Johann Philipp
- Kirtland, from appendix
- Kistner
- Kit
- Kitchener, William
- Kittel, Johann Christian
- Kjerulf, Halfdan, from appendix
- Klavier-musik, Alte
- Klein, Bernhard
- Klemm
- Kleinmichel, Richard, from appendix
- Klengel, August
- Klindworth, Karl
- Klingemann, Carl
- Klotz
- Knapp, William
- Knapton, Philip
- Knecht, Justin
- Knell
- Kneller Hall
- Knight, Joseph
- Knyvett, Charles