- Koch, Heinrich, from appendix
- Köchel, Ludwig
- Köhler
- Köhler, Louis, from appendix
- Kömpel, August
- Kollmann, August
- Kontski, de
- Kotzwara, Franz
- Koželuch, Johann Anton
- Kraft, Anton
- Krakoviak
- Krauss, Marie, from appendix
- Krebs
- Krebs, Johann Ludwig
- Kreisleriana
- Kreissle von Hellborn, Heinrich
- Krenn, Michael
- Kretschmer, Edmund
- Kreutzer, Conradin
- Kreutzer, Rodolphe
- Kreutzer Sonata
- Kroll, Franz
- Krommer, Franz
- Krummhorn
- Krumpholz, Johann Baptist
- Kücken, Friedrich
- Kühmstedt, Friedrich
- Kufferath, Hubert
- Kuhe, Wilhelm, from appendix
- Kuhlau, Friedrich
- Kuhnau, Johann
- Kullak, Theodor
- Kummer, Friedrich
- Kunst der Fuge, Die
- Kuntzsch, Johann Gottfried
- Kupsch, Karl
- Kyrie
- La
- Labitzky, Josef
- Lablache, Luigi
- Lac des Fées, Le
- Lachner
- Lachnith, Ludwig
- Lacombe, Louis, from appendix
- Lacy, John
- Lacy, Michael
- Lady Henriette
- Lady of the Lake, The
- Ländler
- La Fage, Juste
- Lafont, Charles
- Lagarde
- Laguerre, Jean
- Lahee, Henry, from appendix
- La Houssaye, Pierre, from appendix
- Laidlaw, Anna
- Lajarte, Théodore de
- Lajeunesse
- Lalande, Henriette-Clémentine
- Lalande, Michel de, from appendix
- Lalla Rookh
- Lalla Roukh
- Lalo, Edouard, from appendix
- Lamb, Benjamin
- Lambert, George
- Lambeth, Henry, from appendix
- Lamentations
- Lamoureux, Charles, from appendix
- Lampe, John
- Lamperti, Francesco
- Lancers' Quadrille, The
- Landolfi, Carlo
- Landsberg, Ludwig
- Lang
- Lang, Benjamin, from appendix
- Langdon, Richard
- Lange
- Langsam
- Langshaw, John
- Laniere, Nicholas
- Lanner, Joseph
- Lanzetti, Salvatore, from appendix
- Laporte, Pierre
- Large
- Larghetto
- Largo
- Larigot
- Laroche, James
- Laroon, J.
- Lassalle, Jean, from appendix
- Lassen, Eduard
- Lasserre, Jules
- Lassus, Orlando di
- Last Judgment, The
- Latrobe, Christian
- Laub, Ferdinand
- Lauda Sion