- Vorhalt, from Appendix
- Vorschlag
- Vorspiel
- Voss, Charles, from Appendix
- Vowles, W. G., from Appendix
- Vox Humana
- Vroye, Théodore de
- Vuillaume
- Vulpius, Melchior, from Appendix
- Wacht am Rhein, Die
- Wachtel, Theodor
- Wade, Joseph
- Waelrant, Hubert
- Waert, de
- Wagenseil, Georg
- Wagner, Johanna
- Wagner, Richard
- Wainwright, John
- Waits, The
- Waldhorn
- Waldmädchen, Das
- Waldstein, Count
- Waldteufel
- Waldteufel, Emil
- Waley, Simon
- Walkeley, Antony
- Walker, Eberhardt
- Walker, Joseph & Sons
- Walküre, Die
- Wallace, Grace
- Wallace, Vincent
- Wallerstein, Anton
- Walliser, Christoph, from Appendix
- Walmisley, Thomas
- Walond, William
- Walpurgisnight
- Walsegg, Franz
- Walsh, John
- Walsingham
- Walter, Gustav
- Walter, John
- Walter, William
- Walther, Johann
- Walther, Johann Gottfried
- Walther, Johann Jacob, from Appendix
- Waltz
- Waltz, Gustavus
- Wanda
- Wandering Minstrels, from Appendix
- Wanhal, John Baptist
- Wanless, Thomas
- Ward, John
- Waring, William
- Warnots, Henry
- Warren, Joseph
- Wartel, Pierre
- Warwick, Thomas
- Wasielewsky, Joseph
- Water Carrier, The
- Water Music, The
- Watson, Thomas
- Waylett, Harriett, from Appendix
- Webbe, Samuel
- Weber, Carl Maria von
- Weber Family
- Weber, Gottfried, from Appendix
- Weber's Last Waltz
- Wechselnote, Die Fux'sche
- Weckerlin, Jean Baptiste
- Wedding of Camacho, The
- Wednesday Concerts
- Weelkes, Thomas
- Wehli, Karl
- Weigl, Joseph
- Weinlig, Christian
- Weiss, Franz
- Weiss, Willoughby
- Weissenbach, Aloys
- Weist-Hill, Henry
- Weitzmann, Karl, from Appendix
- Welch, John
- Welcker von Gontershausen, Heinrich
- Weldon, Georgina
- Weldon, John
- Well-Tempered Clavier
- Welsh Music
- Welsh Triple Harp
- Welsh, Thomas
- Wennerberg, Gunnar, from Appendix
- Wert, Giaches
- Wesley, Charles
- Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
- Wessel, Christian
- Westbrook, William
- Western Madrigal Society, The
- Westlake, Frederick
- Westminster