Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/26
26 (k-d 38)
I saw the creature, of the arms-bearing kind, greedy for youth’s joys. As its due it let four nourishing fountains, brightly shining, shoot forth noisily, as is right and proper. Then spake a man, who said to me: “The creature, if it lives, will break up the hillside; if rent apart, will bind the living.” |
Ic þa wiht geseah wæpned cynnes · geoguð myrþe grædig him on gafol forlet ferðfriþende feower wellan scire sceotan on gesceap þeotan mon maþelade se þe me gesægde seo wiht gif hio gedygeð duna briceð gif he tobirsteð bindeð cwice |
Bull calf. See pp. xiv f. above. “Arms-bearing” means “masculine.”