Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/53
53 (k-d 14)
I was an armed fighter. Now a young home-dweller covers me proudly with twisted wires, with gold and silver. Sometimes men kiss me. Sometimes with my song I summon to battle happy comrades. Sometimes a steed carries me over the marches. Sometimes a sea-horse bears me over waves with my bright trappings. Sometimes a maiden fills my ring-adorned bosom. Sometimes I must lie hard and headless stripped on the tables. Sometimes I hang, with ornaments proud, on the wall where men drink. Sometimes a good weapon, the warriors bear me, riding on horseback, with treasure laden, I must breathe in the breath of a man’s breast. Sometimes with my music I summon proud warriors to drink their wine. Sometimes with my voice I rescue the booty, put foe to flight. Ask me my name. |
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Ic wæs wæpen wiga nu mec wlonc þeceð geong hagostealdmon golde ⁊ sylfore woum wirbogum hwilum weras cyssað hwilum ic to hilde hleoþre bonne wilgehleþan hwilum wycg byreþ mec ofer mearce hwilū merehengest fereð ofer flodas frætwum beorhtne hwilū mægða sum minne gefylleð bosm beaghroden hwilum ic bordum sceal heard heafodleas behlyþed licgan hwilū hongige hyrstum frætwed wlitig on wage þær weras drincað freolic fyrd sceorp · hwilū folcwigan wicge wegað þōn ic winde sceal sincfag swelgan of sumes bosme · hwilū ic gereordum rincas laðige wlonce to wine · hwilū wraþþum sceal stefne minre forstolen hreddan flyman feondsceaþan frige hwæt ic hatte |
Horn, described under various aspects marked by the “Sometimes” repeated ten times in nineteen lines: on the head of a steer, as war-horn (also on ships), as drinking horn, as hunting horn, as warning against thieves. “Ring-adorned,” l. 8, ‘adorned with a necklace.’