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Author:Marcus Tullius Cicero/56 BC

From Wikisource

The numbering of the letters and the summary of Cicero's activities for this year are taken from Cicero, Letters, ed & trans by Evelyn Shuckburgh.

Cicero chronologically:

In the year B.C. 56 the growing differences between the triumvirs were temporarily composed at the meeting at Luca, and Cicero made up his mind that the only course for him to pursue was to attach himself to them, as the party of the boni had not, as he hoped, taken advantage of those differences to attach Pompey to themselves as a leader against Caesar. His recantation is indicated in the speeches de provinciis Consularibus and Pro Balbo, in which he practically supports part, at least, of the arrangements of Luca.


  • XCIV: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, 13 January
  • XCV: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, 15 January
  • XCVI: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, January
  • XCVII: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, January
  • XCVIII: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, February
  • XCIX: To Quintus in Sardinia, from Rome, 18 January
  • C: To Atticus returning from Epirus, from Rome, 28 January
  • CI: To Quintus in Sardinia, from Rome, 12 February
  • CII: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, February
  • CIII: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, February
  • CIV: To Quintus in Sardinia, from Rome, March
  • CV: To Quintus in Sardinia, from Rome, April
  • CVI: To Atticus returning from Epiris, from Antium, April
  • CVII: To Atticus at Rome, from Antium, April
  • CVIII: To L. Lucceius, from Arpinum, April
  • CIX: To Atticus at Rome, from the country, April or May
  • CX: To Atticus at Rome, from Arpinum, April or May
  • CXI: To Atticus at Rome, from Antium, April or May
  • CXII: To Cicero, from Q. Metellus Nepos in Spain
  • CXIII: To P. Lentulus Spinther in Cilicia, from Rome, October
  • CXIV: To Q. Valerius Orca, proconsul in Africa, from Rome, May
  • CXV: To Q. Valerius Orca, proconsul in Africa, from Rome, May
  • CXVI: To Quintus returning from Sardinia, from Rome, May

