Author:William Barnes/Index of titles
[edit]- The Bachelor
- Bad News
- The Beam in Grenley Church
- Be’mi’ster
- The Beän-vield
- The Beäten Path
- Beauty Undecked
- Bees a-Zwarmèn
- The Bells ov Alderburnham
- The Best Man in the Vield (Eclogue)
- The Better vor zeèn o’ you
- Bishop’s Caundle
- A Bit o’ Fun
- A Bit o’ Sly Coortèn (Eclogue)
- The Blackbird (1) – Ov all the birds upon the wing
- The Blackbird (2) – ’Twer out at Penley I’d a-past
- Blackmwore Maïdens — set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams as “Blackmwore by the Stour”
- Bleäke’s House
- Blessens a-left
- Bob the Fiddler
- Bringèn Woone Gwaïn o’ Zundays
- The Broken Heart
- Brookwell
- The Brook that Ran by Gramfer’s
- The Bwoat
[edit]- The Carter
- The Castle Ruins
- Changes
- The Child an’ the Mowers
- The Child’s Greäve
- Childern’s Childern
- Childhood
- Chris’mas Invitation
- The Church an’ Happy Zunday
- The Clote
- Come
- Come an’ zee us (Eclogue)
- Comen Hwome
- The Common a-took in
- The Common a-took in (Eclogue)
- Corn a-turnèn Yollow
- Culver Dell and the Squire
[edit]- Daniel Dwithen
- Day’s Work a-done
- Dobbin Dead
- Dock-Leaves
- Don’t ceäre — set to music by John Alden Carpenter
- The Do’set Militia
- A Do’set Sale
- The Dree Woaks
- The Drèven o’ the Common
[edit]- Early Plaÿmeäte
- Early risén
- Easter Monday
- Easter Zunday
- The Echo
- Ellen Brine ov Allenburn
- Evenèn, an’ Maïdens out at Door
- Evenèn in the Village
- Evenèn Light
- The Evenèn Star o’ Zummer
[edit]- Faïr Emily of Yarrow Mill
- Fall
- Fall Time
- False Friends-like
- Fancy
- The Fancy Feäir
- Fanny’s Be’th-day
- Farmer’s Sons
- The Farmer’s Woldest Dā’ter
- Father Come Hwome (Eclogue)
- A Father out an’ Mother Hwome
- Fatherhood
- Fifehead
- The flood in Spring
[edit]- Gammony Gaÿ
- A Ghost (Eclogue)
- The Giants in Treädes
- The Girt Woak Tree that’s in the Dell
- The Girt Wold House o’ Mossy Stwone
- A Good Father
- Good Meäster Collins
- Good Night
- Grammer a-crippled
- Grammer’s Shoes
- Grenley Water
- Grief an’ Gladness
- Gruffmoody Grim
- The Guide Post
- Guy Faux’s Night
- Gwaïn down the Steps
- Gwaïn to Brookwell
- Gwain to Feäir
[edit]- Hallowed Pleäces
- Happiness
- The Happy Days when I wer Young
- Harvest Hwome:—The vu’st Peärt
- Harvest Hwome:—Second Peärt
- Hawthorn Down
- Haÿ-Meäken
- Hay Meäken—Nunchen Time
- Haÿ-Carrèn
- Havèn Woones Fortune a-twold
- The Heäre
- The Hedger
- Heedless o’ my love
- Herrènston
- The Hollow Woak
- Hope a-left Behind
- Hope in Spring
- The Humstrum
- The Hwomestead
- The Hwomestead a-vell into Hand
[edit]- I know Who
- I got two Vields
- I’m out o’ Door
- In the Spring — Set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams as “In the Spring”
- In the Stillness o’ the Night
- The Ivy
- Ivy Hall
[edit]- Jeäne
- Jeäne o’ Grenley Mill
- Jeäne’s Weddèn Day in Mornèn
- Jenny out vrom Hwome
- Jenny’s Ribbons
- Jessie Lee
- John an’ Thomas (Eclogue)
- John Bleäke at Hwome
- John Bloom in Lon’on
- John jealous (Eclogue)
[edit]- Leädy-Day, an’ Riddèn House
- The Leädy’s Tower
- The Leäne
- The Lark
- Leaves a-vallèn
- Leeburn Mill
- The Lew o’ the Rick
- Light or Sheäde
- The Lilac
- Linda Deäne
- The Linden on the Lawn
- Lindenore
- The Little Worold
- Lizzie
- Looks a-know’d Avore
- A Lot o’ Maïdens
- The ’Lotments (Eclogue)
- The Love Child
- The Lovely Maïd ov Elwell Meäd
- Lullaby
- Lwonesomeness
- The Lydlinch Bells
[edit]- The Maïd o’ Newton
- The Maïd vor my Bride
- Married Peäir’s Love-walk
- Martin’s Tide
- May
- The May-tree
- The Meäd a-mow’d
- The Meäd in June
- Meäken up a Miff
- Meäple Leaves be Yollow
- Meäry Wedded
- Meäry-Ann’s Child
- Meäry’s Smile
- Me’th below the Tree
- The Milk-Maïd o’ the Farm
- Milkèn Time
- Mindèn House
- Moonlight on the Door
- The Motherless Child
- Mornèn
- The Music o’ the Dead
- My love is good
- My Love’s Guardian Angel
- My Orcha’d in Lindèn Lea — Set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams as “Linden Lea”
[edit]- Naighbour Plaÿmeätes
- Nanny Gill
- Nanny’s Cow
- Nanny’s new Abode
- The Neäme Letters
- The New House a-gettèn Wold
- Night a-zettèn in
- Not goo Hwome To-night
[edit]- Pentridge by the River
- Pickèn o’ Scroff
- The Pillar’d Geäte
- Pity
- The Pleäce a Teäle’s a-twold o’
- A Pleäce in Zight
- The Pleäce our own ageän
- Poll
- Poll’s Jack-Daw
- Polly be-èn upzides wi’ Tom
- The Poplars
- Praise o’ Do’set
[edit]- Racketèn Joe (Eclogue)
- The Raïlroad (1) – I took a flight, awhile agoo,
- The Raïlroad (2) – An’ while I went ’ithin a traïn,
- Readèn ov a Head-stwone
- Riddles
- Ridèn Hwome at Night
- Rivers don’t gi’e out
- Ruth a-ridèn
- The Rwose in the Dark
- The Rwose that Deck’d her Breast
[edit]- The Scud
- Seats
- The Settle an’ the Girt Wood Vire
- Shaftesbury Feäir
- Sheädes
- The Shep’erd Bwoy
- The Shepherd o’ the Farm
- Shrodon Feäir:—The vu’st Peärt
- Shrodon Feäir:—The rest o’t
- The Shy Man
- The Sky a-cleärèn
- The Slantèn light o’ Fall
- Sleep did come wi’ the Dew
- Slidèn
- Slow to come, quick agone
- A Snowy Night
- Sound o’ Water
- The Sparrow Club
- Spring
- The Spring
- The Stage Coach
- The Stwonèn Bwoy
- The Stwonèn Pworch
- Sweet Music in the Wind
[edit]- Teäkèn in Apples
- Thatchèn o’ the Rick
- Things do Come Round
- Thissledown
- The Thorns in the Geäte
- The Times (Eclogue)
- Times o’ Year
- To Me
- Tokens
- Treat well you Wife
- Trees be Company
- True Love
- The Turn o’ the Days
- Turnèn things off
- The Turnstile
- Tweil
- Two an’ Two
- The Two Churches
- Two Farms in Woone (Eclogue)
[edit]- The Vaïces that be Gone
- Eclogue:—The Veäiries
- The Veäiry Veet that I do meet
- Vellèn o’ the Tree
- Vields by Watervalls
- Vields in the Light
- The Vier-zide
- Vo’k a-comèn into Church
- The Vrost
- Vull a Man
[edit]- The Waggon a-stooded
- The Water Crowvoot
- The Waterspring in the Leäne
- Wayfeärèn
- The Weather-beäten Tree
- Week’s End in Zummer, in the Wold Vo’k’s Time
- The Weepèn Leädy
- The Welshnut Tree
- Went Hwome
- Went vrom Hwome
- What Dick an’ I did
- What John wer a-tellèn
- Wheat
- The Wheel Routs
- When Birds be Still
- Where we did keep our Flagon
- The White Road up athirt the Hill
- Whitsuntide an’ Club Walkèn
- The Widow’s House
- The Wife a-lost
- A Wife a-praïs’d
- The Wind in the Woone’s Feäce
- The Window freämed wi’ Stwone
- The Winter’s Willow — Set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams as “The Winter’s Willow”
- A Witch
- Withstanders
- Woak Hill
- Woak wer Good Enough Woonce
- A Wold Friend
- Wold Friends a-met
- The Wold vo’k Dead
- The Wold Waggon
- The Wold Wall
- Woodcom’ Feäst
- The Woodlands
- Woodley
- The Woody Hollow
- Woone Rule
- Woone Smile Mwore