Category:1850 births
Pages in category "1850 births"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 375 total.
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- Author:Thomas Achelis
- Author:William Mitchell Acworth
- Author:Francis Colburn Adams
- Author:Herbert Baxter Adams
- Author:Andrew Noel Agnew
- Author:Abby Langdon Alger
- Author:Émile Amélineau
- Author:Charles Anderson (1850-1913)
- Author:Yarborough Anderson
- Author:Mary Edith Dunckley Angus
- Author:William John Ansorge
- Author:Annie Armitt
- Author:Joseph Beattie Armstrong
- Author:Walter Armstrong
- Author:Joseph Charles Arthur
- Author:Chewton Atchley
- Author:Edward Cresswell Baber
- Author:William Bacher
- Author:Philip Henry Dudley Bagenal
- Author:Smith Baker
- Author:Emily Lydia Baldwin
- Author:Walter William Rouse Ball
- Author:Nancy Huston Banks
- Author:Mary Sheldon Barnes
- Author:Robert Barr
- Author:Charles Raymond Booth Barrett
- Author:John Arthur Barry
- Author:William Malone Baskervill
- Author:Arlo Bates
- Author:Albert Marie Joseph Battandier
- Author:Sylvester Baxter
- Author:Octavius Charles Beale
- Author:Daniel Carter Beard
- Author:George Thomas Beilby
- Author:Dalrymple James Belgrave
- Author:James Bell (1850-1929)
- Author:Malcolm Bell (1850-1925)
- Author:Edward Bellamy
- Author:Harold Kyrle Bellew
- Author:Wooster Woodruff Beman
- Author:Warren Gilbert Benton
- Author:Bice Benvenuti
- Author:Eduard Bernstein
- Author:George Thomas Bettany
- Author:Henry Gustav Beyer
- Author:Jogendra Nath Bhattacharya
- Author:Augustine Birrell
- Author:John Bloundelle-Burton
- Author:Elizabeth Anne Mould de Sodington Blount
- Author:Hungerford Tudor Boddam
- Author:Dimitrije Bodi
- Author:Matthias McDonnell Bodkin
- Author:Alfred Edward Bonser
- Author:Richard William Boodle
- Author:Anundoram Borooah
- Author:James David Bourchier
- Author:Arthur Granville Bradley
- Author:Charles Rollin Brainard
- Author:William Bramsen
- Author:John Casper Branner
- Author:Gerald Dyson Branson
- Author:Arthur Aikin Brodribb
- Author:Abraham Thew Hunter Brower
- Author:Alexander Carmichael Bruce
- Author:Sophie Willock Bryant
- Author:Neil Buchanan
- Author:Karl Ferdinand Reinhard Budde
- Author:William Mitchell Bunker
- Author:Charlotte Sophia Burne
- Author:Mary Burrell
- Author:Mary Elizabeth Burt
- Author:Stephen Smith Burt
- Author:Samuel Henry Butcher
- Author:Alfred Joshua Butler
- Author:Alfred Caldecott
- Author:John M. Campbell
- Author:Alice Laura Vansittart Carr
- Author:Basil Hall Chamberlain
- Author:Elizabeth Williams Champney
- Author:George Goudie Chisholm
- Author:J. R. Chitty
- Author:Kate Chopin
- Author:James Beauchamp Clark
- Author:Florence Earle Coates
- Author:Charles Coborn
- Author:John Alexander Cockburn
- Author:Thomas Common
- Author:Peter Condon
- Author:Alfred Ronald Conkling
- Author:Michael Considine
- Author:William Augustus Brevoort Coolidge
- Author:William Leonard Courtney
- Author:Wilbur Fisk Crafts
- Author:Alice Arnold Crawford
- Author:Isabella Valancy Crawford
- Author:James Troubridge Critchell
- Author:May de la Cherois Crommelin
- Author:Joseph Henry Crooker
- Author:Henry Cuningham
- Author:Daniel John Cunningham
- Author:William Eleroy Curtis
- Author:Charles Dalton
- Author:Mansel Longworth Dames
- Author:Joseph Darlington
- Author:Leonard Darwin
- Author:John Henry Davies
- Author:Matthew Henry Davies
- Author:William Morris Davis
- Author:Mary De Morgan
- Author:Georges Demeny
- Author:Frederic Shepard Dennis
- Author:Isabella Dickson
- Author:Florence Carpenter Dieudonné
- Author:Ashton Wentworth Dilke
- Author:Joseph Silas Diller
- Author:John Edwin Fowler Dixon
- Author:George Dobson
- Author:Francis Worcester Doughty
- Author:Mary Osborn Douthit
- Author:Henry Sturgis Drinker
- Author:George Claridge Druce
- Author:Herman LeRoy Fairchild
- Author:Eaton Faning
- Author:Edward Farrer
- Author:James Walter Ferrier
- Author:Jesse Walter Fewkes
- Author:Eugene Field
- Author:William Westropp Flemyng
- Author:George William Foote
- Author:Urquhart Atwell Forbes
- Author:Frank Foxcroft
- Author:David Rowland Francis
- Author:Alice French
- Author:Frank Pierce French
- Author:William Garnett
- Author:Placide P. Gaudet
- Author:William Hamilton Gibson
- Author:William Milford Giffin
- Author:Rosetta Luce Gilchrist
- Author:Joseph Gillow
- Author:Edwin Gilpin
- Author:Friedrich Karl Ginzel
- Author:Louise Hume von Glehn
- Author:Philip Thomas Godsal
- Author:Ignác Goldziher
- Author:Samuel Gompers
- Author:Joseph King Goodrich
- Author:Robert Archer Goodwin
- Author:Louis Pope Gratacap
- Author:Charles Alfred Graves
- Author:Albert Gray
- Author:John Miller Gray
- Author:Thomas Lomar Gray
- Author:Francis Vinton Greene
- Author:Frances Gregor
- Author:Auguste Groner
- Author:John Percy Groves
- Author:Adolf Growoll
- Author:Guyot Daubés
- Author:Eduard Hackel
- Author:Mary Christian Dundas Hamilton
- Author:James Edward Hanauer
- Author:James Procktor Harding
- Author:Iza Duffus Hardy
- Author:Lawrence Hargrave
- Author:Louis Kinney Harlow
- Author:Jane Ellen Harrison
- Author:Joshua Hatton
- Author:John Healy (1850-1942)
- Author:Lafcadio Hearn
- Author:Oliver Heaviside
- Author:Killingworth William Hedges
- Author:Richard Heighway
- Author:Benjamin Couch Henry
- Author:William Arnon Henry
- Author:Henry Wetherbee Henshaw
- Author:George Herbert (1850-1895)
- Author:Daniel Webster Hering
- Author:Henry Bendelack Hewetson
- Author:Emma Churchman Hewitt
- Author:Robert Drew Hicks
- Author:David Jayne Hill
- Author:Edwin Allston Hill
- Author:Silas Kitto Hocking
- Author:George Otis Holbrooke
- Author:Frederick William Holder
- Author:Edmond Gore Alexander Holmes
- Author:Ebenezer Howard
- Author:John James Hummel
- Author:Eliza Margaret Jane Humphreys
- Author:Elizabeth May Hunt
- Author:George Huntington