Category:1856 births
Pages in category "1856 births"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 418 total.
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- Author:Mary Alling Aber
- Author:Reginald Brodie Dyke Acland
- Author:Charles Darwin Adams
- Author:Ophelia Guyon Browning Adams
- Author:Petrus Henricus Albers
- Author:Janet Aldridge
- Author:John Henry Alexander
- Author:Francis Greanleaf Allinson
- Author:Launcelot Winchester Andrews
- Author:William Arbuthnot-Lane
- Author:William Archer (1856-1924)
- Author:Simon Carter Armstrong
- Template:Author
- Template:Author/doc
- Template:Author/sandbox
- Author:Anton Aškerc
- Author:Louisa Alice Baker
- Author:Edwin Swift Balch
- Author:William Balderston
- Author:Florence Balgarnie
- Author:Erwin Hinckley Barbour
- Author:Jane Barlow
- Author:Joseph Miller Barr
- Author:Lyman Frank Baum
- Author:Arthur Anthony Baumann
- Author:Richard Olding Beard
- Author:Charles Emerson Beecher
- Author:Constance Mary Beerbohm
- Author:Fernand Beissier
- Author:Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell
- Author:Cecil Bendall
- Author:Louis Fitzgerald Benson
- Author:Ernest Bergholt
- Author:Aimée Daniell Beringer
- Author:Elsdon Best
- Author:Joseph Louis Bevir
- Author:Maude Ashurst Biggs
- Author:John Bilson
- Author:Reginald Bathurst Birch
- Author:James Milton Black
- Author:Amy Ella Blanchard
- Author:Kathleen Blechynden
- Author:James Hubert Blenk
- Author:Reginald Blomfield
- Author:Louis Boisot
- Author:Frank Bolles
- Author:Frank Bond
- Author:Edward Oliver Pleydel Bouverie
- Author:Charles Sumner Boyer
- Author:Nathan Gross Bozeman
- Author:David Legge Brainard
- Author:Louis Dembitz Brandeis
- Author:Victor Léopold Jacques Louis Brants
- Author:Wilhelm Breitenbach
- Author:Frank Edward Brightman
- Author:Paul Brookfield
- Author:Timothy Brosnahan
- Author:Alice Brown
- Author:Mary Haughton Brown
- Author:Nathan Clifford Brown
- Author:Philip Alexander Bruce
- Author:George Brown Burgin
- Author:Vincent Henry Penalver Caillard
- Author:Joshua William Caldwell
- Author:Josephine Martin Callwell
- Author:Joseph Campbell
- Author:Carleton Britton Case
- Author:Charles Solomon Caverly
- Author:Edward Channing
- Author:Charles Value Chapin
- Author:Emma Eames Chase
- Author:Russell Henry Chittenden
- Author:Charles Philippe Choquette
- Author:Andrew Clark
- Author:Ernest Clarke (1856-1923)
- Author:Walter Baker Clode
- Author:William Laird Clowes
- Author:Charles Henry Cochrane
- Author:Timothy Augustine Coghlan
- Author:William Martin Conway
- Author:Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare
- Author:Charles Cotton (1856-1939)
- Author:Ethel Stuart Coxon
- Author:Effie Crockett
- Author:Ernest Howard Crosby
- Author:Emma Gertrude Cummings
- Author:Henry Jackson Wells Dam
- Author:John Cotton Dana
- Author:Thomas Davidson (1856-1923)
- Author:Charles Harold Davis
- Author:James Davidson Davis
- Author:Valentine David Davis
- Author:William Edward de Winton
- Author:Alfred Deakin
- Author:James Denney
- Author:William Wallace Denslow
- Author:Sherman Foote Denton
- Author:James Caxton Dibdin
- Author:James Hardy Dillard
- Author:James Thomas Donald
- Author:George Brisbane Scott Douglas
- Author:Edmund Downey
- Author:William Henry Drake
- Author:Fanny Du Tertre
- Author:Edward Perry Dumergue
- Author:Toru Dutt
- Author:Jean Dybowski
- Author:Bernard Shirley Dyer
- Author:Franklin Sumner Earle
- Author:George Howard Earle (1856-1928)
- Author:Frederick Warrington Eastlake
- Author:Alfred Einhorn
- Author:Francisco Elguero Iturbide
- Author:Anne Elliot
- Author:William Otto Emerson
- Author:Willis George Emerson
- Author:Edmund Arthur Engler
- Author:Evelyn Everett-Green
- Author:Carl Ewald
- Author:James Octavius Fagan
- Author:William Fairweather
- Author:Lewis Richard Farnell
- Author:Alfred Laurence Felkin
- Author:Enrico Ferri
- Author:Albert Warren Ferris
- Author:Charles Ferton
- Author:Harold Heneage Finch-Hatton
- Author:Henry William Fischer
- Author:Albert Kenrick Fisher
- Author:Sydney George Fisher
- Author:Samuel Augustus Fisk
- Author:William Henry Fleming
- Author:Harriette Merrifield Forbes
- Author:Alcée Fortier
- Author:Timothy Thomas Fortune
- Author:William Prescott Foster
- Author:Thomas William Fox
- Author:St George Lane Fox-Pitt
- Author:Ivan Yakovych Franko
- Author:Harold Frederic
- Author:Sigismund Schlomo Freud
- Author:Hulda Friederichs
- Author:Friedrich Maria Albrecht Wilhelm Karl of Austria
- Author:Charles Hutchinson Gabriel
- Author:John Patrick Gannon
- Author:Emile Garcke
- Author:Ina Garvey
- Author:Moses Gaster
- Author:Walter Gay
- Author:Morice Gerard
- Author:Kenneth Francis Gibbs
- Author:Alfred Denis Godley
- Author:Alfred Thomas Scrope Goodrick
- Author:Gordon Goodwin
- Author:Maud Wilder Goodwin
- Author:James Howard Gore
- Author:Heber Jeddy Grant
- Author:Charles Larcom Graves
- Author:Robert Frederick Green
- Author:Sarah Pratt McLean Greene
- Author:Walter Conant Greenough
- Author:Antony Alfred Geoffrey Guest
- Author:Thomas Anstey Guthrie
- Author:Charles Lewis Guy
- Author:Ahad Ha'am
- Author:Arthur Twining Hadley
- Author:Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine
- Author:Henry Rider Haggard
- Author:Charles Reginald Haines
- Author:Richard Burdon Haldane
- Author:Gerald Harnett Halligan
- Author:Anson Uriel Hancock
- Author:James Keir Hardie
- Author:William Rainey Harper
- Author:Frank Harris
- Author:Kazuo Hatoyama
- Author:Maurice Hauriou
- Author:William Hamilton Hayne
- Author:Frederick Webb Headley
- Author:Marion Hepworth-Dixon
- Author:Alexander Hill
- Author:Ernest William Hobson
- Author:George Hodges
- Author:Bernard Henry Holland
- Author:Frederick George Holweck
- Author:Johan Baptiste Horner
- Author:James Aidan Howlett
- Author:Elbert Green Hubbard
- Author:Henry Neville Hutchinson
- Author:Thomas Hutchinson (1856-1938)
- Author:Maurice Hutton