Category:1855 births
Pages in category "1855 births"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 353 total.
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- Author:Emma Morse Backus
- Author:Friedrich von Baerenbach
- Author:Arthur Churchill Bailward
- Author:Alfred Baker
- Author:Louis Albert Banks
- Author:Sydney Walker Barnaby
- Author:David Baron
- Author:Clarence Walker Barron
- Author:René Maria Joseph Basset
- Author:Charles Francis Bastable
- Author:Thomas Stephenson Francis Battersby
- Author:Georg Baumberger
- Author:Herbert Morton Walker Baynes
- Author:Mary Stevens Beall
- Author:Pakenham Thomas Beatty
- Author:Louis de Beaufront
- Author:George Lewis Becke
- Author:Francis Jeffrey Bell
- Author:Francis Julius Bellamy
- Author:William Henry Bennett
- Author:Jean Jules Besson
- Author:Carrie Elizabeth Fargo Bicknell
- Author:Poultney Bigelow
- Author:John Thomas Bingley
- Author:George Jonathan Binns
- Author:Herbert Field Blackett
- Author:Raymond Blathwayt
- Author:Petrus Johannes Blok
- Author:Maurice Bloomfield
- Author:Pramatha Nath Bose
- Author:Jonathan Bourne, Jr.
- Author:Frederick Orpen Bower
- Author:Walter Prentice Bowers
- Author:Charles Vernon Boys
- Author:Alois Brandl
- Author:Albert Perry Brigham
- Author:Oliver Madox Brown
- Author:Robert Weir Brown
- Author:William Browning
- Author:Henry Cuyler Bunner
- Author:John Burgess
- Author:Anna Burnham Bryant
- Author:Michael Cababé
- Author:Fernand Cabrol
- Author:Kathleen Mannington Caffyn
- Author:John Brainerd Capper
- Author:Frank George Carpenter
- Author:Houston Stewart Chamberlain
- Author:Alfred Edward Chamot
- Author:Georgiana Charlotte Clive Chapman
- Author:Brother Charles
- Author:Robert Henry Charles
- Author:Joseph Thacher Clarke
- Author:William Fayal Clarke
- Author:Arthur William Clayden
- Author:Leonard Cockayne
- Author:Nina Morais Cohen
- Author:William Elsey Connelley
- Author:Marie Corelli
- Author:Alice Penney Cornwall
- Author:Clement Webber Coumbe
- Author:William Lang Paige Cox
- Author:Oliver Turnbull Crane
- Author:Rudolf Cronau
- Author:Charles Frederick Cross
- Author:Edward Parnall Culverwell
- Author:Andrew Storrar Cunningham
- Author:Frederick William D'Evelyn
- Author:Henry Dalby
- Author:Edith Mary David
- Author:Robert de Montesquiou
- Author:Jean de Paleologu
- Author:Eugene Victor Debs
- Author:Richard Mountford Deeley
- Author:Sheridan Delépine
- Author:Gordon Kimball Dickinson
- Author:William Henry Dines
- Author:Florence Caroline Dixie
- Author:Frank Stockton Dobbins
- Author:Charles Joseph Doherty
- Author:Clarke Dooley
- Author:William Henry Draper
- Author:Russell Duncan
- Author:Jacob Piatt Dunn
- Author:Théophile Alexis Durand
- Author:Manmatha Nath Dutt
- Author:Eva Emery Dye
- Author:Hans Friedrich Gadow
- Author:Henry George Ganss
- Author:Harry Norman Gardiner
- Author:Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin
- Author:Gustave Geffroy
- Author:Adam Geibel
- Author:Irma Geisslová
- Author:Dorothea Gerard
- Author:Swarnakumari Ghosal
- Author:Franklin Henry Giddings
- Author:Francis James Gillen
- Author:King Camp Gillette
- Author:Sri Yukteswar Giri
- Author:Eduard Glaser
- Author:Karl Immanuel Eberhard Ritter von Goebel
- Author:Frederick James Gould
- Author:John Henry Gower
- Author:Henry Gradle
- Author:Mary Catherine Lee Griffith
- Author:Thomas Newcomen Archibald Grove
- Author:Carl Ewald Grunsky
- Author:Edward Peregrine Gueritz
- Author:Francis Barton Gummere
- Author:Wilhelm Haacke
- Author:John Henry Haaren
- Author:Alfred Cort Haddon
- Author:Arthur Elam Haigh
- Author:George Charles Haité
- Author:Edwin Henry Hall
- Author:Alfred Dwight Foster Hamlin
- Author:Charles Montagu Handfield-Jones
- Author:James Ballantyne Hannay
- Author:Paul Henry Hanus
- Author:Charles Alexander Harris
- Author:William Hatherell
- Author:Timothy Michael Healy
- Author:Walter Heape
- Author:William James Henderson
- Author:James Chalmers Herdman
- Author:Arthur Hervey
- Author:Marcus Hitch
- Author:James Francis Hogan
- Author:Louise Eleanor Hogan
- Author:Sydney George Holland
- Author:Thomas Rice Edward Holmes
- Author:Frederick Tyrie Sidney Houghton
- Author:Alan George Ferrers Howell
- Author:Edmund Whytehead Howson
- Author:William Evans Hoyle
- Author:Margaret Wolfe Hungerford
- Author:Lucy Henrietta Hurlburt-Edwards
- Author:Samuel Walter Kelley
- Author:Elizabeth Kimball Kendall
- Author:Edith C. Kenyon
- Author:William Paton Ker
- Author:Philip Moore Callow Kermode
- Author:Frank Kidson
- Author:Kikuchi Dairoku
- Author:George Washington Kirchwey
- Author:Jan Klecanda (1855-1920)
- Author:Adolph Koenig
- Author:Jan Koula
- Author:František Kvapil
- Author:Eugène Lagrange
- Author:Horace Marmaduke Langdale
- Author:Joseph Lauber
- Author:James Lecky
- Author:Alfred Henry Lewis
- Author:Jesse Warren Lilienthal
- Author:William Thomas Linskill
- Author:Richard Lodge
- Author:Henry Louis
- Author:Percival Lowell
- Author:Alice Lucas (1855-1935)
- Author:Arthur Pearson Luff
- Author:Horace Sumner Lyman
- Author:Thomas William Lyster
- Author:Edward Lyttelton