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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ciⁿ

From Wikisource


  • ciⁿ43825
  • Felt; rough and nappy fabrics.
ciⁿ bō̤;
a felt hat.
ciⁿ tîo;
a rug.
ciⁿ tói;
felt soles.
thó ciⁿ;
shoddy; felt made from cotton.
îu ciⁿ;
oiled felt.
mô̤ⁿ ciⁿ;
sai ciⁿ;
foreign carpeting.
jû cŏ̤ cam ciⁿ;
like sitting on needles.
pho ciⁿ kak chái;
carpeted and curtained.
îeⁿ ciⁿ;
foreign blanketing.
sì ciⁿ;
the four limbs.
the body.
  • ciⁿ54650
  • A branch or tribe; to advance money.
the twelve branches.
ciⁿ ēng;
to pay out.
ciⁿ kang-ngṳ̂n;
to give out the wages.
a tribe or clan.
ciⁿ cîⁿ lâi ēng;
advances the money to be spent.
hûeⁿ ciⁿ;
a collateral branch of the same family.
ciⁿ cieh;
to advance the outlay.
ciⁿ sio;
lăm ciⁿ;
wastefully expend.
ciⁿ lî, irrelevant;
ciⁿ cṳ́;
a child of.
to make a protégé of.
tâng sòi ciⁿ-thî kàu tōa;
brought him up from infancy.
sĭ i tó̤ ciⁿ-thî;
it is she who pays his expenses.
bô̤ nâng ciⁿ-thî;
no one looks after him.
  • ciⁿ9641548
  • To take in both hands and offer respectfully; to send, as a dispatch; to give, as a present.
ciⁿ-sàng bṳ̂n-cṳ khṳ̀ tău-thâi kò̤ tâu;
handed in a dispatch to be delivered to the Intendant of Circuit.
  • ciⁿ977423
  • Wedge-like; tapering.
the toe.
i ēng kha-ciⁿ khṳ̀ nek i;
he gave it a shove with his toe.
khṳt i kâi kha-ciⁿ thak khṳ̀ kàu cū sí khṳ̀;
on being kicked by him, it died.
unctuous matter.
peh-sèⁿ hùe kâi ciⁿ-ko̤;
the fat of the people, (their money).
mîn ko̤ mîn ciⁿ;
the fat of the land.
cîeh ciⁿ;
unctuous earths, used in ointments.
  • cíⁿ601158
  • Immature; young.
cíⁿ cṳ́;
a young child.
young and small.
hŵn-lío ío cíⁿ;
is still rather immature.
cíⁿ-kó̤, cíⁿ-kó̤;
fresh and fair.
thóiⁿ tîeh hŵn-lío ap-ap-cíⁿ;
I see that you still look blooming.
mûeh khah cíⁿ;
things that are unripe.
cíⁿ-cíⁿ nē;
very youthful.
cíⁿ hîeh;
young and tender leaves.
cíⁿ-cṳ́ kâi sim;
youthful in heart.
  • cìⁿ9781189
  • An arrow; an archer.
sīa cìⁿ;
to shoot arrows.
keng cìⁿ;
bows and arrows.
keng-cìⁿ kẃn sĭ tó̤ kà keng-cìⁿ kâi tī-hng;
a shooting gallery is a place where archery is taught.
lṳ́ sĭ cîah pâi-to̤, a sĭ cîah keng-cìⁿ?
Do you get your living as a swordsman or as a bowman?
húe cìⁿ;
a rocket.
tieⁿ năuⁿ-cìⁿ sīa hóⁿ;
sent an arrow from his crossbow and hit the tiger.
cìⁿ sīa tîeh a sīa m̄ tîeh?
Did the arrow hit the mark or did it not?
chíu cìⁿ;
an arrow shot from the hand, without a bow.
pàng né cìⁿ;
shoot at a venture.
híang cìⁿ;
a whizzing arrow.
bé cìⁿ;
mounted bowmen.
pō cìⁿ;
unmounted bowmen.
hó̤ cìⁿ;
a good shot.
siang lî put kùe cêk cìⁿ cṳ tī;
not more than a bowsbot apart.
kuang-im sṳ̆ cìⁿ;
time flies like an arrow.
àm cìⁿ;
a secret arrow.
cìⁿ tah cĭeⁿ keng hîⁿ;
the arrow is laid upon the bowstring ready to be shot.
tît kùe cìⁿ, ngĕ kùe thih;
straighter than an arrow, and harder than iron.
chah hĭⁿ cìⁿ;
pierce the ear with an arrow as a punishment.
lĕng cìⁿ;
a random shot.
cìⁿ kuaⁿ, cìⁿ nêk, cìⁿ mô̤ⁿ;
the shaft, the point, and the feather of an arrow.
i kâi cìⁿ-nêk cṳ́ tâk îeh kâi, sīa tîeh hueh lāu cíu sí;
if a poisoned arrow draws blood death follows.
  • cìⁿ9646414
  • To crowd; to jostle; to press closely upon.
ìong cìⁿ;
push and crowd.
oi-oi cìⁿ-cìⁿ;
to jostle and push.
cìⁿ m̄ tin-tăng;
cannot make it budge.
sie cìⁿ sie kôih;
to crowd each other.
cìⁿ tŏ̤ i sin-piⁿ;
pressed close to his person.
màiⁿ cìⁿ khah bûa;
do not crowd up too close.
thèng cìⁿ;
crowd carelessly.
cheⁿ cìⁿ jîp khṳ̀;
crowded forcibly in.
cìⁿ bŏi tit jîp;
cannot crowd in.
cìⁿ bŏi tit chut lâi;
cannot press my way out.
i khṳt nâng cìⁿ sí khṳ̀ lūa;
he was killed by pressure in the crowd.
jw̆n cìⁿ, cìⁿ m̄ khui;
however much you crowd you cannot crowd through.
cìⁿ kàu cêk sin kūaⁿ;
crowded till the perspiration started out all over him.
saⁿ khṳt nâng cìⁿ lîh khṳ̀;
his jacket was torn in the crowd.
  • cìⁿ6411305
  • Healthy granulations on a sore.
hṳ́ chng-kháu piⁿ thó kò̤ nêk-cìⁿ chut lâi;
new flesh has formed at the edge of the sore.
an edible tuber, the water chestnut, called also the “horse's hoof.”
  • cîⁿ9821678
  • The tenth part of a tael; copper money; cash, the only coin which the Chinese now make.
tâng cîⁿ;
copper coins.
i ŭ cîⁿ;
he is a monied man.
cíeⁿ cîⁿ nôⁿ;
a miser.
táu cîⁿ;
to exchange coins.
câp hāi cîⁿ; chṳ̀ cîⁿ;
the current rate of exchange, ten per cent of poor cash.
tōa cîⁿ;
good cash.
cîⁿ kíaⁿ;
worn cash.
àu cîⁿ;
bad cash.
âng cîⁿ;
copper cash.
cúa cîⁿ;
paper cash.
cîⁿ cúa;
paper spirit money.
cîⁿ nîe;
revenue in cash.
thiap cîⁿ cúi;
make allowance for surplus weight in the coin.
ŭ cîⁿ sái tit kúi oi bō̤ ;
who has money may employ devils to turn his mill.
tâk jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
What is its value in money?
cîⁿ khó̤ thong sîn;
money will move the gods.
kúi cîⁿ tăng?
How many mace does it weigh?
cêk cîⁿ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How many cash are there in one mace?
cîⁿ-cè sòi-kù;
the debt is but a trifling one.
khìam cîⁿ;
to owe money.
hâiⁿ cîⁿ;
to pay money.
thó̤ cîⁿ;
to dun for money.
siu cîⁿ;
to collect money.
lāi cîⁿ;
interest on money loaned.
bó̤ cîⁿ;
thàng cîⁿ;
earns money.
thàng tōa cîⁿ kâi nâng;
one well worth his wages.
m̄ sieh síe cîⁿ;
not sparing of money.
i kâi cîⁿ-chêng jūn căi;
it is very difficult to get any money from him.
cîah nâng kâi cîⁿ cōi căi;
made away with a great amount of money belonging to other people.
seⁿ cîⁿ pàng sìo;
to shave notes.
cîah kong cîⁿ;
use up the public funds.
khieh cò̤ kong cîⁿ;
put it into the common purse.
chûn ŭ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much money is there remaining?
tôi cîⁿ;
contributes money.
cù cîⁿ;
coins money.
sai cù m̄-hó̤ cîⁿ;
makes counterfeit money.
kó cîⁿ;
ancient coins.
kim cîⁿ;
modern coins.
lô̤h cîⁿ;
put down a sum of money.
phài cîⁿ;
pay money according to assessment.
pûah cîⁿ; tó cîⁿ;
to gamble.
îaⁿ cîⁿ;
win money.
su cîⁿ;
to lose money.
pńg cîⁿ;
one's own money.
cîⁿ phìe; cîⁿ chà;
paper money or bank notes.
cîⁿ cng;
a bank.
cîⁿ phò;
a broker's office.
cîⁿ chīu khui hue;
his geese lay golden eggs.
khǹg ŭ sai-khia cîⁿ;
he has private funds.
a cash-string.
cîⁿ-kǹg-so̤h mīn;
looks greedily toward money.
hàuⁿ cîⁿ;
àiⁿ cîⁿ;
eager for gain.
lŭ cîⁿ;
a bribe.
lói cîⁿ;
sai ēng cîⁿ;
secret spendings.
ūaⁿ cò̤ cîⁿ;
exchange it for cash.