Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/jio
- màiⁿ kío-jío tîeh nâng;
- do not discommode people.
- i cong-kú lâi tó̤ kío-jío;
- he is always bothering us.
- cía sĭ tó̤ jío-hāi tī-hn̄g;
- this is rendering the country unsafe.
- thi-ⁿě jío-lw̆n;
- a state of disturbance everywhere.
- i cò̤-nî àiⁿ lâi tîⁿ-jío lṳ́?
- Why should he come and harass you?
- cía lâi jío-hŭn lṳ́;
- I am putting you to trouble.
- ŭ jío ŭ jío;
- a deal of bother.
- sù cē, cía khah kùe jío;
- I beg pardon, I am putting, you to too much trouble.
- sim cē jío tîeh ke-bŭ cū m̄ cěⁿ;
- as soon as one's mind is disturbed by domestic matters, he is not tranquil.
- hóⁿ jío;
- tigers' claws.
- sìu ngó jío lâng;
- embroider a five clawed dragon.
- cí īeⁿ hue sĭ eng-jío kâi;
- this flower is the “hawk's claw.”
- i kâi jío tó̤ jìo thô;
- he is scratching up the ground with his claws.
- khṳt i kâi jío jìo tîeh;
- was scratched by its claws.
- ēng i cò̤ jìo-gê;
- use him as a cat's paw.
- ûi-jío;
- to environ.
- tîⁿ-jío,
- to compass about; to cord up.
- jìo-se;
- crape.
- ú jìo;
- camlet.
- i pâk cêk nía âng jìo-se kûn;
- she had on a red crape skirt.
- chēng cêk kĭaⁿ lâm jìo koih hîuⁿ;
- wore a blue crape sleeveless jacket, unwadded.
- sò jìo;
- plain crape.
- kńg jìo;
- Cantonese crape.
- ciang jìo;
- Amoy crape.
- sùaⁿ jìo;
- rep-crape.
- kêk jìo;
- rough crape.
- lṳ́ kâi lâm jìo àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih hue-cháu kâi?
- What sort of flowers do you want in your blue crape?
- jìo kàu i kâi mīn ku-ā lêh;
- scratched him so that his face has several deep scratches on it.
- jìo kàu hueh lâu hueh tih;
- scratched him so that the blood ran.
- cē jìo phùa phûe hueh cū lâu;
- if you scratch through the skin, the blood will start out.
- sĭ ngio jìo tîeh a sĭ káu jìo tîeh?
- Were you scratched by the cat or by the dog?
- khṳt i kâi jío jìo tîeh;
- was scratched by his claws.
- jìo kàu ku-ā kâi cńg- kah hûn;
- scratched so as to leave several marks of the finger nails.
- khṳt i tĕⁿ kàu jîo-jîo;
- he has squeezed it till it is all crumpled up.
- màiⁿ chîp jîo;
- do not press it into creases.
- cŏ̤ lío jîo-jîo;
- rumpled it by sitting on it.
- nóaⁿ kàu jîo-jîo háiⁿ-háiⁿ;
- rumpled it all up by lying down in it.
- mīn phûe jîo-jîo;
- her skin is shrivelled.
- i sûi sĭ ngǒ-lâk-câp hùe mīn-phûe cn̂g kâi bŏi jîo;
- although she is fifty or sixty years old her face is not at all wrinkled.
- cí cang hue khṳt jît phâk jîo khṳ̀, tîeh cai ak cúi;
- this plant has wilted in the sunshine, and must be watered.
- cṳ-cheh mài chîp jîo;
- do not crease your book.
- io-jîo;
- to charm; to ogle.
- io-io jîo-jîo;
- to play tricks with; to try to appear fascinating.
- pù-jîo;
- richly supplied.
- hṳ́ kâi tī-hng pù-jîo;
- that land is one in which food abounds.
- cí kúi nî hṳ́-kò̤ jîo căi;
- these few past years there has been enough and to spare there.
- sĭm sĭ jîo-sêk kâi tī-hng;
- it is a land of great plenty.
- hong-jîo;
- affluence.
- jîo-jŭ;
- superabundance.
- lṳ́ méⁿ-méⁿ khṳ̀ jīo i tńg-lâi;
- go quickly after him and bring him back.
- tîeh kîaⁿ méⁿ cē cìaⁿ jīo tit tîeh;
- walk faster then you will overtake him.
- jīo kàu jît-tàu, ā-sǐ jīo m̄ tîeh, lṳ́ cū hó̤ tńg lâi, màiⁿ cài jīo khṳ̀;
- pursue him till noon, and if you do not overtake him, then return, and follow him no farther.
- ŭ huang cū jīo tit tîeh;
- if there is wind we shall overtake him.
- jīo i chut khṳ̀;
- drive them out.
- jīo îeⁿ;
- to tend sheep.
- jīo gû;
- to drive cattle.
- àiⁿ jīo cêk khûn ah khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
- Whither are you driving that flock of ducks?
- tṳ sĭ tó̤ kǐo tīo mûeh a m̄ sĭ, lṳ́ khṳ̀ jīo i khui;
- the pig is rooting up something is he not, you go and drive him off.
- lṳ́ tîeh cai jīo ngio, màiⁿ khṳt i thau cîah mûeh;
- you must remember to drive out the cat, and not let her eat up the things.
- cá mêⁿ-àm līn-lōng-kìe sĭ ngio tó̤ jīo níoⁿ-chṳ́ a m̄ sĭ?
- The clatter last night was caused by the cat chasing rats was it not?
- châk khîeh lío cò̤ i khṳ̀, bô̤ nâng káⁿ khṳ̀ jīo i;
- the thief took it and went off, no one daring to give chase to him.