Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tng
- 當tng8571028
- What is suitable, opportune, convenient or just; adequate to; competent; to bear; to take the responsibility; to act as; to be; equal to; to match; to make; to stand in contrast; to meet or occur; at the time of, when, in which sense it is often a form of the present participle; to withstand.
- úa tam tng;
- I assume the responsibility.
- m̄ káⁿ tng;
- dare not assume it.
- kâi ke cn̂g kâi sĭ i tó̤ tng;
- she is taking the entire charge of the household.
- i tó̤ tng piaⁿ;
- he is a soldier.
- cí kâi tó̤ tng cṳ-phōiⁿ;
- this one takes charge of the dispatches.
- hṳ́ kâi tó̤ tng che;
- that one is a constable.
- tng m̄ khí;
- inadequate to.
- i tng-sî cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
- What did he say at the time?
- tng-kim kâi nâng cìeⁿ-seⁿ ío cōi;
- people now-a-days generally do thus.
- tng thiⁿ táu-cok;
- pray under the open sky.
- nî-hùe sie tng;
- of suitable age.
- bô̤ nâng tng i tît cŭ;
- no one could stand it.
- tng i m̄ cŭ;
- could not bear it.
- lâng tng;
- insupportable; irksome.
- khó-chó̤ lâng tng;
- the pain is hard to bear.
- ŭ cŭe tâng tng;
- if there be blame we will share it.
- ŭ sṳ̄ tâng tng;
- if trouble comes we will bear it together.
- tng cí kâi ceh-jĭm;
- fit for this post.
- khó tâng tng, hok tâng híang;
- bear the trouble and share the enjoyment together.
- sĭ i tng-cho̤ hàuⁿ kâi;
- it was he who first consented.
- sĭ i tng-cho̤ ìn úa kâi;
- he was the first to answer me.
- tng-cho̤ kâi nâng ío kang-khó;
- pioneers have the hardest of the work to do.
- tng thâu tùi mīn, cò̤-nî thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ?
- It was right in front of you, why did you not see it?
- sĭ i tng mīn kio úa cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ;
- he told me so to my face.
- i ŭ m̄-tîeh lṳ́ hó̤ tng-mīn tàⁿ, màiⁿ phiah ka-chng ău tàⁿ i;
- if ho does wrong, tell him so to his face, and do not talk about him behind his back.
- tng tŏ̤ hṳ́ hûe i ŭ tàⁿ a bô̤?
- Did she say anything about it at the time?
- tng khî-sî i ŭ tàⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- he said so at the time.
- tng hṳ́ cêk jît i cū lâi;
- he came that very day.
- tng jît i îa m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ, úa cū bô̤ ìn-tap i;
- if he had not done so that very day, I should not have agreed to it.
- tī-tîang lûn tîeh tng nî?
- Whose turn was it that year?
- nî tng it-jī-câp lío, bŏi sòi;
- is getting on toward twenty, and is no longer a child.
- kâi nâng tng cêk nî;
- each person acts for one year.
- i eng-tng cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
- he should do thus.
- sĭ i tng-eng-kai kâi;
- it is what he ought to do.
- tng-eng-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it is very properly so.
- tī-tîang tó̤ tng thâu?
- Who takes the lead in it?
- tng tīn phah sí;
- killed instantly, as by a blow.
- tng tîeⁿ, būe ŏi sí;
- received a fatal blow, but did not die instantly.
- i sĭ tng láu-kṳ́ kâi nâng, m̄ sĭ cìaⁿ-keng nâng;
- she is a prostitute, not a decent woman.
- i būe tńg lâi;
- he has not yet returned.
- khîeh tńg hâiⁿ i;
- give it back to him.
- hûe-tńg thâu; ut-tńg thâu;
- to turn the head.
- i hûe-tńg sin;
- he turned.
- hûe sim tńg ì;
- changed his mind.
- kîaⁿ tò̤ tńg;
- turned back.
- i tńg lâi ŭ jîeh kú?
- How long since he came back?
- tńg wn câh kak;
- winding back and forth; serpentine.
- tàⁿ tńg;
- recur to the subject.
- sĭeⁿ tńg;
- altered his mind.
- póiⁿ tńg;
- to turn over sidewise.
- hui tńg;
- turn it around sidewise.
- pàng tò̤ tńg;
- reverse it, turning the other end toward you.
- ūn tńg hó̤ lío;
- the luck has changed for the better.
- tńg khṳ̀ chù;
- go home.
- thâu tńg chù;
- the first visit paid after marriage by a bride to her mother's house.
- kui tńg i ka-kī;
- it reverts to himself.
- bŏi tit tńg lâi;
- cannot return.
- kŭa nâng cò̤-pû tńg;
- join others in returning.
- cêk tńg nŏ tńg;
- once or twice.
- khṳ̀ kuí tńg;
- went several times.
- tńg-tńg lâi lṳ́ kò̤;
- came where you were repeatedly.
- cêk tńg tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
- only once.
- tńg kàu chṳ̀ cìaⁿ cai;
- first knew it after returning home.
- cṳ-nîe hùe kè ău, thâu hûe tńg lâi pĕ bó̤ kâi chṳ̀, kìe-cò̤ thâu tńg chù;
- after a lady is married, the first time she returns to the house of her parents is called the first return home.
- ún àiⁿ tńg lâi khṳ̀;
- we are going back.
- lâu nín chíaⁿ būe tńg khṳ̀;
- withold you from going back as yet; do stay a little longer.
- 當tǹg8571028
- To pawn; to pledge; to consider as; reputed or looked upon as; to serve an and; instead of; as for; to suit with; favorable; safely; properly.
- tǹg phò̤;
- a pawn shop.
- kio nâng tǹg kò̤ châng;
- took a field in pledge.
- cí koiⁿ chù sĭ kio i tǹg kâi a kio i sùe kâi?
- Have you taken this house on mortgage, or have you hired it from him?
- tǹg khṳt i a sĭ sùe khṳt i?
- Did you pawn it to him, or rent it to him?
- tǹg-siang;
- pawnbroker.
- tǹg hui; tǹg phìe;
- pawn ticket.
- tǹg ku-ā kâi gûeh cìaⁿ khṳ̀ chíu;
- left it in pawn for some months and then went and redeemed it.
- i kâi sĭ hìang-tǹg a sĭ hō̤-tǹg?
- Is his a licensed or an unlicensed pawn-shop?
- uń-tǹg; ún-ún tǹg-tǹg;
- stable.
- tōa mûeh tǹg cò̤ sòi mûeh ēng;
- use a valuable article when a cheap one would do as well.
- cêk kâi tǹg câp kâi;
- one of these is equal to ten of those.
- cêk nâng tǹg ku-ā nâng;
- he alone is a match for all of them.
- i soiⁿ sî cêng tó̤ tǹg nâng;
- he used to kidnap people and hold them for ransom.
- liah i khṳ̀ tǹg;
- seize him and keep him for ransom.
- cò̤ tǹg-phò lāi seⁿ lṳ́;
- will let you have it at the same rate of interest as that taken by pawnbrokers.
- tǹg i jîeh kú?
- For how long a time have you pledged it to him?
- tek teǹg;
- proper; right.
- sṳ̄ cò̤ kàu tek-tǹg tek-tǹg;
- the business is all properly attended to.
- tek-tǹg sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it is properly so.
- léng kàu i tǹg cŏ̤ lô̤h khṳ̀;
- pushed him so that he fell down into a sitting posture.
- cē liu cū tǹg cŏ̤ lô̤h khṳ̀;
- slipped and fell into a sitting posture.
- cêk jît cîah saⁿ tǹg;
- eat three meals a day.
- ún cîah nŏ̤ tǹg pn̄g, tǹg mûeⁿ;
- we eat two meals of rice and one of congee.
- tǹg cá mûeⁿ, tǹg mêⁿ mûeⁿ, lóng-cóng ngŏ tǹg;
- that, with the dish of congee taken on rising and the one taken just before going to bed, makes five meals in all.
- saⁿ tǹg tōa tǹg nŏ̤ tǹg tíam-sim;
- three full meals and two luncheons.
- nŏ̤ tǹg cò̤ cêk tǹg cîah;
- eat two meals at once.
- i cêk tǹg kâi bí khṳt nâng cîah cò̤ cêk jît;
- the rice he uses for one meal would supply another person for a whole day.
- tǹg-tǹg àiⁿ cîah cíu;
- wants to drink wine at every meal.
- cīeⁿ tǹg kàu ĕ tǹg, mûeh cū sit bī;
- the food loses its flavor between one meal and the next.
- tǹg tǹg chiⁿ;
- fresh food every meal.
- saⁿ tǹg cîah hṳ́ kâi, ùi căi;
- having eaten that at three successive meals, am sick of it.
- koi-tn̂g;
- the intestines of a fowl.
- koi tn̂g hún;
- a vermicelli made from bean flour.
- chá tṳ-tn̂g;
- fried sausages.
- kẁn tn̂g;
- to stuff sausages.
- tn̂g tŏ;
- the inwards.
- tṳ-tn̂g tîeh lō̤ cheng-khih;
- the pigs' gut must be soaked and scraped clean.
- hó̤ sim-tn̂g;
- kindly disposed.
- sim-tn̂g m̄-hó̤;
- not well disposed.
- ká tn̂g sua;
- cramp in the bowels.
- thut tn̂g thâu;
- a prolapsus of the rectum.
- tek-ko̤ m̄ kàu tn̂g;
- the pole is not long enough.
- khah tn̂g;
- it is too long.
- bŏi tn̂g bŏi tó̤;
- it is neither too long nor too short.
- saⁿ chieh tn̂g;
- three feet long.
- cò̤ tn̂g cē;
- make it a little longer.
- nĕ tn̂g-tn̂g;
- very long indeed.
- cîah tn̂g mīaⁿ;
- live a long life.
- sĭeⁿ sṳ̄ kù tn̂g;
- take forethought.
- cía sī kú-tn̂g kâi kòi-cheh;
- this is a far reaching scheme.
- sĭ i tó̤ khîa tn̂g-ko̤;
- he is the architect in this work.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤ cìaⁿ ŭ kú-tn̂g;
- done thus it will endure.
- bô̤ kú-tn̂g;
- not lasting.
- i mih sṳ̄ ŏi sĭeⁿ tn̂g;
- in all sorts of matters he has remarkable foresight.
- tn̂g tn̂g khṳ̀;
- go right on.
- màiⁿ tn̂g tn̂g khṳ̀;
- do not continue to go on so.
- màiⁿ thĭⁿ khah tn̂g cam;
- do not take too long stitches.
- kùe tn̂g kùe tó̤;
- some are more and some are less than the right length.
- 唐tn̂g861307
- A famous dynasty which ruled China from A.D. 618 to 913; used for China and the Chinese.
- tn̂g-nâng;
- the Chinese.
- tn̂g-suaⁿ;
- China.
- cí kâi tn̂g-suaⁿ-nâng sĭ sin-tn̂g a lău-tn̂g?
- Is this Chinaman a recent or an old immigrant here?
- hwn-pôiⁿ cîⁿ tn̂g-suaⁿ hok;
- money earned in foreign lands will gain happiness in China.
- i tn̂g-tn̂g lâ ún cí-kò̤;
- he keeps coming here to our house.
- i kâi cṳ, tn̂g-tn̂g àiⁿ m̄ pat;
- he scarcely ever knows his lesson.
- sṳ̄ cò̤ lío, tn̂g-tn̂g àiⁿ m̄ it-tit;
- after he has done a thing he usually forgets all about it.
- thî-tn̂g; thî-tn̂g-pò̤;
- the provincial officer over the postal department.
- céng-tŭn kak chù kâi tn̂g sìn;
- reform the postal system everywhere.
- 堂tn̂g860328
- A mansion; a hall; a court; an official residence; a public establishment; the principal room in a house; a hospital; a church or chapel; large shops; the officer who presides in a court; the persons assembled in a hall; to control with authority; honorable, venerable; a classifier of trials.
- sṳ̂-tn̂g;
- an ancestral hall.
- i kâi thiaⁿ-tn̂g khuah;
- their hall is spacious.
- lâi tōa tn̂g tèng thóiⁿ kuaⁿ sím ùaⁿ;
- come to the great hall and see the magistrate try the case.
- kuaⁿ būe cêng chut lâi cŏ̤ tn̂g;
- the judge has not yet taken his seat on the bench.
- cò̤-nî cŏ̤ tōa tn̂g sím ùaⁿ, m̄ cŏ̤ jī tn̂g sím ùaⁿ?
- Why is the session held in the outer, not the inner court?
- lói pài-tn̂g;
- a church or chapel.
- hût tn̂g;
- a Buddhist temple.
- àm tn̂g;
- a temple wfth a monastery connected.
- kong tn̂g;
- a public hall.
- i apt cŏ̤ kùe khîm tn̂g kâi nâng;
- he is one who has sat on the bench, has been a district magistrate.
- tîe-ciu hú cìaⁿ-tn̂g sĭ sèⁿ sĭm mûeh?
- What is the surname of the prefect of the Tidal Department?
- hái-îeⁿ kūiⁿ cìaⁿ tn̂g sĭ sèⁿ hw̆n;
- the surname of the Hai Ie district magistrate is Hwn.
- có̤-tn̂g, ĭu-tn̂g;
- the two deputies of a district magistrate, or the aids of other officers.
- tng tn̂g;
- in open court.
- tng tn̂g kuaⁿ ŭ cò̤-nî tŵn-kak a bô̤?
- Did the magistrate give any verdict in court?
- sím kùe nŏ̤ saⁿ tn̂g hŵn-lío sím m̄ cheng-chó̤;
- has examined the case during two or three sessions, and has not yet reached a conclusion.
- pài tn̂g;
- a bride's worship in her husband's house.
- hṳ́ cêk pôiⁿ sĭ kheh tn̂g;
- on that side is the reception room.
- tong-tn̂g;
- cabinet ministers.
- cóng-tok sĭ cheng cò̤ pŏ-tn̂g;
- the governor is called Governor General.
- êk-tn̂g;
- a bath house.
- kuaⁿ chíaⁿ nâng-kheh tŏ̤ saⁿ tn̂g kò̤ cîah;
- the magistrate invites guests to partake of a repast in the inmost hall.
- kuaⁿ cē chut lâi cŏ̤ tn̂g cū io tn̂g;
- as soon as the judge comes out and seats himself on the bench the constables open the court by crying oyez, oyez.
- kuaⁿ seng tn̂g a būe?
- Has the magistrate opened the court yet?
- íⁿ-keng sím hó̤, thò̤ tn̂g lío;
- the trial is already concluded and the court dismissed.
- cí cêk jīm sĭ tī-tîang phài cò̤ têk tn̂g?
- Who is deputed to act as clerk of the court under this incumbent?
- tn̂g-lói;
- fees due or expected from the clients at the close of a court session.
- chîo tn̂g;
- an audience hall.
- tâng jît-tàu sím kàu jît-àm tn̂g sṳ̄ hŵn-lío būe pît;
- tried cases from noon until dusk, and still did not finish up the business before the court.
- cêk pôiⁿ m̄ káⁿ kàu tn̂g;
- one party dared not appear in court.
- m̄ cai sĭ ēng kùe tn̂g cìaⁿ hó̤ paǹg a sĭ míen kùe tn̂g;
- do not know whether he must go through the form of a trial before being set at liberty.
- cĕⁿ tn̂g;
- a place of Buddhistic retirement, where people practise rites, but no wear no distinctive garb.
- ce tn̂g;
- a retreat for vegetarians.
- côih tn̆g;
- to dissever.
- á tn̆g;
- to bend and snap in two.
- lìam tn̆g;
- to pinch apart.
- jw̆n kṳ̀, kṳ̀ m̄ tn̆g;
- have tried all sorts of ways, but cannot manage to saw it in two.
- kă tn̆g sô̤h;
- bit the rope in two.
- tok tn̆g lō-thâu, m̄ khṳ̀ hṳ́-kò̤;
- broke off his journey, and did not go there.
- cìeⁿ-sî tn̆g im-sìn;
- lately all communication by post has been suspended.
- hía thóiⁿ-tîeh tn̂gn tn̆g;
- that is heart-rending.
- huang-khîm tn̆g sùaⁿ;
- the kite has broken its string.
- ka tn̆g tòa;
- cut the the girdle.
- cí tîo lō m̄ tn̆g nâng;
- on this road you are not cut off from mankind, in that one you are isolated both from travellers and dwellings.
- i ku-ā jît tn̆g cúi pn̄g;
- he has ceased to eat and drink during several days.
- pàng-tn̆g, bô̤ khṳ̀;
- has discontinued going.
- tn̆g chùi;
- to wash the mouth.
- úaⁿ khṳ̀ tn̆g cheng-khih;
- take the bowls and rinse them clean.
- pâi mêⁿ īa bô̤ sói bô̤ tn̆g cū khṳ̀ ût;
- goes to bed every night without wash-ing or bathing at all.
- īu àiⁿ kio tōa kâi sòi kâi sói-sói tn̆g-tn̆g;
- and has besides to bathe the children large and small.
- câp chieh cêk tn̆g;
- ten feet make an ell.
- cêk tn̆g kûiⁿ káu chieh bô̤ ēng;
- for reaching ten feet a nine foot pole is useless.
- ta-tn̆g;
- spotless, pure, clean.
- ta-ta-tn̆g-tn̆g;
- immaculately clean.
- cêk koiⁿ ta-tn̆g ta-tn̆g;
- the whole place is exquisitely neat.
- cêk tn̄g ho̤h tn̂g;
- a very long piece.
- i īa tàⁿ chut cêk tn̄g tŏ̤-lí;
- he also set forth a doctrine.
- cí tîo khoi pun-cò̤ kúi tn̄g?
- How many reaches is this river divided into?
- cí cêk cieⁿ cṳ cò̤ saⁿ tn̄g lâi thóiⁿ;
- we will consider this chapter in three portions.
- thâu tn̄g, tìn-tang tn̄g, búe tn̄g;
- the first, the middle, and the concluding section.
- cía sĭ i cêk tn̄g hó̤ sim;
- this is like his kindness.
- chûn cêk kò̤ m̄ cîaⁿ phìen tn̄g;
- have a little remaining that is not enough to reckon as of any consequence.
- kó-tn̄g;
- ancient histories.
- cí chut hì sĭ cìe kó-tn̄g cŏ̤ kâi;
- this play is compiled from ancient histories.
- cí pang kó-tn̄g sî tī-tîang cŏ̤ kâi?
- Who composed this chronicle?
- tn̄g tîeh i;
- met him.
- tn̄g m̄ tîeh;
- did not meet him.
- khṳ̀ ku-ā hûe, bô̤ cêk tńg tn̄g tit tîeh;
- went several times, and never once found him there.
- tŏ̤ lō sie tn̄g tîeh;
- met each other in the road.
- tîu tn̄g phò;
- a silk shop.
- ŭ hue kâi tn̄g;
- flowered satin.
- poih si tn̄g;
- glossy plain satin.
- kòng tn̄g;
- the best quality of satin.
- kĕk tn̄g;
- satin brocade.
- hàng hú tn̄g;
- thick fine satin.
- i thàu-tn̄g pêh-jît cū káⁿ chut lâi;
- he ventures out in open day.