Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect/Lesson 2
LESSON II.—General.
- Come here!
- Who has come?
- No one has come?
- Who is that?
- I don’t know.
- He’s not a good man.
- Tell him to go away.
- Open the door,
- Shut the door.
- Call the teacher.
- Come quickly.
- Where’s A-Kah?
- Has he come?
- Call him back.
- Come tomorrow.
- He needn’t come back.
- He can’t come.
- Get another man.
- He doesn’t wish to come.
- Come with me.
- How many men are there?
- More than ten.
- Altogether there are sixty men.
- Are there any children?
- This is a boy.
- Is this a boy or a girl?
- He is in my employ.
- Who is your master?
- He is a Chinaman.
- He is not one of your countrymen.
- Where does he live?
- A long way from here.
- Lâi!
- Ũ sĩ-mih nâng lâi?
- Bô nâng lâi.
- I sĩ sĩ-mih-nâng, (or) I sĩ tî-tiâng?
- M̄-tsai.
- M̄-sĩ hó-nâng.
- Hàm i khṳ̀.
- Khui-mn̂g.
- Kueⁿ-mn̂g.
- Hàm sin-seⁿ lâi.
- Mé-mé lâi.
- A-Kah tõ-tî-kò?
- Ũ-lâi a-bô?
- Hàm-i tńg--lâi.
- Mùa-khí lâi.
- I mín-ēng tńg--lâi.
- I bõi-tit-lâi.
- Hàm pa̍t-nâng lâi.
- I m̄-àiⁿ-lâi.
- Kāng uá tsò-pû lâi.
- Ũ jie̍h-tsōi nâng?
- Ũ tsa̍p-gūa nâng.
- Lóng-tsóng ũ la̍k-tsa̍p-nâng.
- Ũ nôuⁿ-kiáⁿ a-bô?
- Chí-kâi sĩ ta-pou.
- Chí-kâi sĩ ta-pou a-sĩ tsṳ-niêⁿ?
- I sĩ kāng uá tsò-kang.
- Lṳ́ kâi thâu-ke sĩ sĩ-mih-nâng?
- I sĩ Tn̂g-nâng.
- M̄-sĩ lṳ́ tsóu-ke kâi-nâng.
- I tõ-tî-kò khiã-khí?
- Lî chí-kò hñg.