Sec. V.—Early history of Hirah and Ghassan—The Mûlouk-al-Towâeif—Subjection of the northern Arabs to Rome—Introduction of Christianity amongst them—Persian wars—Euthymius—Simeon Stylites—Saba
Sec. VIII.—Hostile occupation of Hirah by Hareth—Death of Kobad—Accession of Noushirwan—War between Hirah and Ghassan—and between Persia and Rome—Arabian Poets—Lebid—Amru’l-Kais
Sec. IX.—Origin of the Monophysite heresy—Council of Constantinople—of Ephesus—of Chalcedon—its consequences—Progress of the Eutychians in the reign of Anastasius—Severus—The persecution by Justinian
Sec. X.—Progress of the Monophysite doctrines in Arabia, &c.—Jacobus Baradæus—Their progress in Abyssinia—in Mesopotamia and the north of Arabia—Turbulence of the Arabian chiefs—State of Christianity in Arabia Felix—The Phantasiasts—Divisions between the Arabs and Romans—History of Mondar, king of Ghassan—and his son
Sec. XII.—Last Abyssinian kings of Yaman—History of Seif Dzi Jezen—Invasion and conquest of Hamyar by the Persians—Death of Seif—Hamyar reduced to a province of Persia
Sec. XIII.—Birth of Muhammed—History of Muhammed to the fall of Mecca—Poets—Caab, Lebid, &c.—Views of Muhammed—his Religion—Character—Literature of Arabia—Muhammed's attempts on the Idolators—on the Christians—and on the Jews
Sec. XIV.—Wars between the Persians, Romans, and northern Arabs under Maurice and Heraclius—Progress of Muhammed against the Christians of Arabia—Message to the king of Persia—Death of Khosroës Parviz—Conversion of Badhan—Dissensions among the Christians—Copts—Christians of Nadjran—Christians of Arabia seek protection from Muhammed—Gabala, last king of Ghassan—Embassy of Heraclius—Battle of Muta—Conquest of Hirah—Death of Muhammed—State of the Christians in Arabia, &c.—Conquest of Syria—Conclusion