Index:Sir Thomas Browne's works, volume 3 (1835).djvu
PAGE PSEUDODOXIA EPIDEMICA, books 4 to 7... 1 to 374 The Fourth Book; the particular part continued. Of many popular and received tenets concerning man. Chap. 1. That only man hath an erect figure . 1 to 4 Chap. 2. That the heart is on the left side . 5 to 7 Chap. 3. That pleurisies arc only on the left side 7 to 8 Chap. 4. Of the ring finger 8 to 13 Chap. 5. Of the right and left hand . . . 13 to 23 Chap. 6. On swimming and floating . . . 24 to 27 Chap. 7. That men weigh heavier dead than alive, and before meat than after . . . 28 to 31 Chap. 8. That there are several passages for meat and drink 31 to 32 Chap. 9. On saluting upon sneezing . . . 33 to 36 Chap. 10. That Jews stink 36 to 43 Chap. 11. Of pygmies 43 to 47 Chap. 12. Of the great climacterical year, that is, sixty-three 47 to 68 Chap. 13. Of the canicular or dog-days . . 69 to 85 The Fifth Book; the particular part continued. Of many things questionable as they are commonly described in pictures; of many popular customs, &c. Chap. 1. Of the picture of the pelican . . 87 to 90 Chap. 2. Of the picture of dolphins . . . 90 to 92 Chap. 3. Of the picture of a grasshopper . 92 to 95 Chap. 4. Of the picture of the serpent tempting Eve … 95 to 99 Chap. 5. Of the picture of Adam and Eve with navels 99 to 102 Chap. 6. Of the pictures of the Jews and Eastern Nations, at their feasts, especially our Saviour at the Passover .... 102 to 110 Chap. 7. Of the picture of our Saviour with long hair 111 to 112 Chap. 8. Of the picture of Abraham sacrificing Isaac 113 to 114 Chap. 9. Of the picture of Moses with horns 114 to 116 Chap. 10. Of the scutcheons of the twelve tribes of Israel 117 to 122 Chap. 11. Of the pictures of the sybils . 122 to 123 Chap. 12. Of the picture describing the death of Cleopatra 124 to 126 Chap. 13. Of the pictures of the nine worthies 127 to 131 Chap. 14. Of the picture of Jephthah sacrificing his daughter 131 to 134 Chap. 15. Of the picture of John the Baptist in a camel's skin 134 to 136 Chap. 16. Of the picture of St. Christopher 136 to 138 Chap. 17. Of the picture of St. George . 138 to 140 Chap. 18. Of the picture of St. Jerome . 141 to 143 Chap. 19. Of the pictures of mermaids, unicorns, and some others 143 to 148 Chap. 20. Of the hieroglyphical pictures of the Egyptians 148 to 152 Chap. 21. Of the picture of Haman hanged 153 to 155 Chap. 22. Of the picture of God the Father; of the sun, moon, and winds, with others 156 to 161 Chap. 23. Compendiously of many popular customs, opinions, &c 162 to 173 Chap. 24. Of popular customs, opinions, &c. 174 to 184 The Sixth Book; the particular part continued. Of popular and received tenets, cosmographical, geographical, and historical. Chap. 1. Concerning the beginning of the world, that the time thereof is not precisely known, as commonly it is presumed . . 185 to 200 Chap. 2. Of men's enquiries in what season or point of the Zodiack it began, that, as they are generally made, they are in vain, and as particularly, uncertain … 201 to 203 Chap. 3. Of the divisions of the seasons and four quarters of the year, &c. . . . 204 to 209 Chap. 4. Of some computation of days and de- ductions of one part of the year unto another … 210 to 213 Chap. 5. A digression of the wisdom of God in the site and motion of the sun . . 213 to 219 Chap. 6. Concerning the vulgar opinion that the earth was slenderly peopled before the flood 219 to 235 Chap. 7. Of east and west .... 236 to 246 Chap. 8. Of the river Nilus .... 246 to 259 Chap. 9. Of the red sea ..... 259 to 262 Chap. 10. Of the blackness of Negroes . 263 to 275 Chap. 11. Of the same 275 to 280 Chap. 12. A digression concerning blackness 281 to 287 Chap. 13. Of gypsies 287 to 290 Chap. 14. Of some others 290 to 293 The Seventh Book ; the particular part concluded. Of popular and received tenets, chiefly his- torical, and some deduced from the Holy Scriptures. Chap. 1 . That the forbidden fruit was an apple 295 to 299 Chap. 2. That a man hath one rib less than a woman 299 to 301 Chap. 3. Of Methuselah 301 to 304 Chap. 4. That there was no rainbow before the flood 304 to 308 Chap. 5. Of Shem, Ham, and Japheth . 308 to 310 Chap. 6. That the tower of Babel was erected against a second deluge 310 to 312 Chap. 7. Of the mandrakes of Leah . . 312 to 317 Chap. 8. Of the three kings of Collein . 317 to 319 Chap. 9. Of the food of John Baptist, locust and wild honey ....... 319 to 321 Chap. 10. That John the Evangelist should not die 321 to 326 Chap. 11. Of some others more briefly . . 326 to 329 Chap. 12. Of the cessation of oracles . . 329 to 332 Chap. 13. Of the death of Aristotle . . 332 to 338 Chap. 14. Of the wish of Philoxenus to have the neck of a crane 338 to 341 Chap. 15. Of the lake Asphaltites . . 341 to 345 Chap. 16. Of divers other relations: viz. of the woman that conceived in a bath; of Crassus that never laughed but once, &c. 345 to 353 Chap. 17. Of some others: viz.- of the poverty of Belisarius: of fluctus decumanus, or the tenth wave; of Parisatis that poisoned Satira by one side of a knife; of the woman fed with poison that should have poisoned Alexander; of the wandering Jew; of Friar Bacon's brazen head that spoke; of Epicurus … 353 to 362 Chap. 18. More briefly of some others: viz. that the army of Xerxes drank whole rivers dry; that Hannibal cut through the Alps with vinegar; of Archimedes his burning the ships of Marcellus; of the Fabii that were all slain; of the death of Æschylus; of the cities of Tarsus and Anthiale built in one day; of the great ship Syracusia or Alexandria; of the Spartan boys .... 362 to 369 Chap. 19. Of some relations whose truth we fear 370 to 374
Editor's preface to the Garden of Cyrus, Hydriotaphia, and Brampton Urns . . . 377 to 380