Chap. 2. Of men's enquiries in what season or point of the Zodiack it began, that, as they are generally made, they are in vain, and as particularly, uncertain … 201 to 203
Chap. 3. Of the divisions of the seasons and four quarters of the year, &c. . . . 204 to 209
Chap. 4. Of some computation of days and de- ductions of one part of the year unto another … 210 to 213
Chap. 5. A digression of the wisdom of God in the site and motion of the sun . . 213 to 219
Chap. 6. Concerning the vulgar opinion that the earth was slenderly peopled before the flood 219 to 235
Chap. 7. Of east and west .... 236 to 246
Chap. 8. Of the river Nilus .... 246 to 259
Chap. 9. Of the red sea ..... 259 to 262
Chap. 10. Of the blackness of Negroes . 263 to 275
Chap. 11. Of the same 275 to 280
Chap. 12. A digression concerning blackness 281 to 287
Chap. 13. Of gypsies 287 to 290
Chap. 14. Of some others 290 to 293
The Seventh Book ; the particular part concluded. Of popular and received tenets, chiefly his- torical, and some deduced from the Holy Scriptures.
Chap. 1 . That the forbidden fruit was an apple 295 to 299
Chap. 2. That a man hath one rib less than a woman 299 to 301
Chap. 3. Of Methuselah 301 to 304
Chap. 4. That there was no rainbow before the flood 304 to 308
Chap. 5. Of Shem, Ham, and Japheth . 308 to 310
Chap. 6. That the tower of Babel was erected against a second deluge 310 to 312
Chap. 7. Of the mandrakes of Leah . . 312 to 317
Chap. 8. Of the three kings of Collein . 317 to 319
Chap. 9. Of the food of John Baptist, locust and wild honey ....... 319 to 321
Chap. 10. That John the Evangelist should not die 321 to 326