Chap. 5. Of the picture of Adam and Eve with navels 99 to 102
Chap. 6. Of the pictures of the Jews and Eastern Nations, at their feasts, especially our Saviour at the Passover .... 102 to 110
Chap. 7. Of the picture of our Saviour with long hair 111 to 112
Chap. 8. Of the picture of Abraham sacrificing Isaac 113 to 114
Chap. 9. Of the picture of Moses with horns 114 to 116
Chap. 10. Of the scutcheons of the twelve tribes of Israel 117 to 122
Chap. 11. Of the pictures of the sybils . 122 to 123
Chap. 12. Of the picture describing the death of Cleopatra 124 to 126
Chap. 13. Of the pictures of the nine worthies 127 to 131
Chap. 14. Of the picture of Jephthah sacrificing his daughter 131 to 134
Chap. 15. Of the picture of John the Baptist in a camel's skin 134 to 136
Chap. 16. Of the picture of St. Christopher 136 to 138
Chap. 17. Of the picture of St. George . 138 to 140
Chap. 18. Of the picture of St. Jerome . 141 to 143
Chap. 19. Of the pictures of mermaids, unicorns, and some others 143 to 148
Chap. 20. Of the hieroglyphical pictures of the Egyptians 148 to 152
Chap. 21. Of the picture of Haman hanged 153 to 155
Chap. 22. Of the picture of God the Father; of the sun, moon, and winds, with others 156 to 161
Chap. 23. Compendiously of many popular customs, opinions, &c 162 to 173
Chap. 24. Of popular customs, opinions, &c. 174 to 184
The Sixth Book; the particular part continued. Of popular and received tenets, cosmographical, geographical, and historical.
Chap. 1. Concerning the beginning of the world, that the time thereof is not precisely known, as commonly it is presumed . . 185 to 200