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Index:The Old Countess (1927).pdf

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Title The Old Countess
Author Anne Douglas Sedgwick
Year 1927
Publisher Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
Location Boston and New York City
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


I. The Old Countess 3
II. Jill 10
III. The Cemetery 18
IV. The Derelicts 27
V. Jill and Graham 39
VI. The Curé's Cat 47
VII. Childe Roland 57
VIII. Marthe Ludérac 72
IX. Family Histories 89
X. On the Island 99
XI. On the Balcony 116
XII. The Evening Party 124
XIII. The Harp 139
XIV. Eurydice 154
XV. Marthe Ludérac's Story 171
XVI. The Friends 188
XVII. The Sibyl 197
XVIII. The Torrent 207
XIX. Still Tempest 221
XX. The Courtesan 230
XXI. The Lost Eurydice 242
XXII. Cécile Léonore 253
XXIII. In Marthe Ludérac's Room 262
XXIV. The Permissionnaire 266
XXV. The Last Reading 279
XXVI. In the Garden 287
XXVII. The Storm 298
XXVIII. By the Cemetery Wall 316
XXIX. The Dream 325
XXX. The Parting 329
XXXI. The Empty House 339
XXXII. The Flood 352
Epilogue 364