Latin for beginners (1911)/Special vocabularies
The words in heavy type are used in Cæsar's "Gallic War."
- dea, goddess (deity)
- Diā´na, Diana
- fera, a wild beast (fierce)
- Lātō´na, Latona
- sagit´ta, arrow
- est, he (she, it) is;
- sunt, they are
- necat, he (she, it) kills, is killing, does kill
- et, and
- quis, interrog. pronoun, nom. sing., who?
- cuius (pronounced co͝oi´yo͝os, two syllables), interrog. pronoun, gen. sing., whose?
- corō´na, wreath, garland, crown
- fā´bula, story (fable)
- pecū´nia, money (pecuniary)
- pugna, battle (pugnacious)
- victō´ria, victory
- dat, he (she, it) gives
- nārrat, he (she, it) tells (narrate)
- quia or quod, because
- cui (pronounced co͝oi, one syllable), interrog. pronoun, dat. sing., to whom? for whom?
- bona, good
- grāta, pleasing
- magna, large, great
- mala, bad, wicked
- parva, small, little
- pulchra, beautiful, pretty
- sōla, alone
- ancil'la, maidservant
- Iūlia, Julia
- cūr, why
- nōn, not
- mea, my
- tua, thy, your (possessives)
- quid, interrog. pronoun, nom. and acc. sing., what?
-ne, the question sign, an enclitic (§ 16) added to the first word, which, in a question, is usually the verb, as amat, he loves, but amat'ne? does he love? est, he is; estne? is he? Of course -ne is not used when the sentence contains quis, cūr, or some other interrogative word.
- casa, -ae, f., cottage
- cēna, -ae, f., dinner
- gallī'na, -ae, f., hen, chicken
- īn'sula, -ae, f., island (pen-insula)
- dein'de, then, in the next place
- ubi, where
- ad, to, with acc. to express motion toward
- ha'bitat, he (she, it) lives, is living, does live (inhabit)
- laudat, he (she, it) praises, is praising, does praise (laud)
- parat, he (she, it) prepares, is preparing, does prepare
- vocat, he (she, it) calls, is calling, does call; invites, is inviting, does invite (vocation)
- quem, interrog. pronoun, acc. sing., whom?
- Italia, -ae, f., Italy
- Sicilia, -ae, f., Sicily
- tuba, -ae, f., trumpet (tube)
- via, -ae, f., way, road, street (viaduct)
- alta, high, deep (altitude)
- clāra, clear, bright; famous
- lāta, wide (latitude)
- longa, long (longitude)
- nova, new (novelty)
- bellum, -ī, n., war (re-bel)
- cōnstantia, -ae, f., firmness, constancy, steadiness
- dominus, -ī, m., master, lord (dominate)
- equus, -ī, m., horse (equine)
- frūmentum, -ī, n., grain
- lēgātus, -ī, m., lieutenant, ambassador (legate)
- Mārcus, -ī, m., Marcus, Mark
- mūrus, -ī, m., wall (mural)
- oppidānus, -ī, m., townsman
- oppidum, -ī, n., town
- pīlum, -ī, n., spear (pile driver)
- servus, -ī, m., slave, servant
- Sextus, -ī, m., Sextus
- cūrat, he (she, it) cares for, with acc.
- properat, he (she, it) hastens
- amīcus, -ī, m., friend (amicable)
- Germānia, -ae, f., Germany
- patria, -ae, f., fatherland
- populus, -ī, m., people
- Rhēnus, -ī, m., the Rhine
- vīcus, -ī, m., village
- arma, armōrum, n., plur., arms, especially defensive weapons
- fāma, -ae, f., rumor; reputation, fame
- galea, -ae, f., helmet
- praeda, -ae, f., booty, spoils (predatory)
- tēlum, -ī, n., weapon of offense, spear
- dūrus, -a, -um, hard, rough; unfeeling, cruel; severe, toilsome (durable)
- Rōmānus, -a, -um, Roman. As a noun, Rōmānus, -ī, m., a Roman
- fīlius, fīlī, m., son (filial)
- fluvius, fluvī, m., river (fluent)
- gladius, gladī, m., sword (gladiator)
- praesidium, praesi'dī, n., garrison, guard, protection
- proelium, proelī, n., battle
- fīnitimus, -a, -um, bordering upon, neighboring, near to. As a noun, fīnitimī, -ōrum, m., plur., neighbors
- Germānus, -a, -um, German. As a noun, Germānus, -ī, m., a German
- multus, -a, -um, much; plur., many
- saepe, often
- ager, agrī, m., field (acre)
- cōpia, -ae, f., plenty, abundance (copious); plur., troops, forces
- Cornēlius, Cornē'lī, m., Cornelius
- lōrī'ca, -ae, f., coat of mail, corselet
- praemium, praemī, n., reward, prize (premium)
- puer, puerī, m., boy (puerile)
- Rōma, -ae, f., Rome
- scūtum, -ī, n., shield (escutcheon)
- vir, virī, m., man, hero (virile)
- legiōnārius, -a, -um,[3] legionary, belonging to the legion. As a noun, legiōnāriī, -ōrum, m., plur., legionary soldiers
- līber, lībera, līberum, free (liberty). As a noun, līberī, -ōrum, m., plur., children (lit. the freeborn)
- pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum, pretty, beautiful
- apud, among, with acc.
- sed, but
- auxilium, auxi'lī, n., help, aid (auxiliary)
- castrum, -ī, n., fort (castle); plur., camp (lit. forts)
- cibus, -ī, m., food
- cōnsilium, cōnsi'lī, n., plan (counsel)
- dīligentia, -ae, f., diligence, industry
- magister, magistrī, m., master, teacher[4]
- aeger, aegra, aegrum, sick
- crēber, crēbra, crēbrum, frequent
- miser, misera, miserum, wretched, unfortunate (miser)
- carrus, -ī, m., cart, wagon
- inopia, -ae, f., want, lack; the opposite of cōpia
- studium, studī, n., zeal, eagerness (study)
- armātus, -a, -um, armed
- īnfīrmus, -a, -um, weak, feeble (infirm)
- validus, -a, -um, strong, sturdy
- mātūrat, he (she, it) hastens. Cf. properat
- iam, already, now
- -que, conjunction, and; an enclitic (cf. §16) and always added to the second of two words to be connected, as arma tēla'que, arms and weapons.
- agrī cultūra, -ae, f., agriculture
- domicilium, domici'lī, n., abode, dwelling place (domicile)
- fēmina, -ae, f., woman (female)
- Gallia, -ae, f., Gaul
- Gallus, -ī, m., a Gaul
- lacrima, -ae, f., tear
- numerus, -ī, m., number (numeral)
- mātūrus, -a, -um, ripe, mature
- arat, he (she, it) plows (arable)
- dēsīderat, he (she, it) misses, longs for (desire), with acc.
- quō, whither
- an, or, introducing the second half of a double question, as Is he a Roman or a Gaul, Estne Rōmānus an Gallus?
- lūdus, -ī, m., school
- socius, socī, m., companion, ally (social)
- īrātus, -a, -um, angry, furious (irate)
- laetus, -a, -um, happy, glad
- hodiē, to-day
- ibi, there, in that place
- mox, presently, soon, of the immediate future
- nunc, now, the present moment
- nūper, lately, recently, of the immediate past
- fōrma, -ae, f., form, beauty
- poena, -ae, f., punishment, penalty
- potentia, -ae, f., power (potent)
- rēgīna, -ae, f., queen (regal)
- superbia, -ae, f., pride, haughtiness
- trīstitia, -ae, f., sadness, sorrow
- septem, indeclinable, seven
- superbus, -a, -um, proud, haughty (superb)
- nōn sōlum . . . sed etiam, not only . . . but also
- sacrum, -ī, n., sacrifice, offering, rite
- verbum, -ī, n., word (verb)
- sedeō, -ēre, sit (sediment)
- volō, -āre, fly (volatile)
- interfectus, -a, -um, slain
- molestus, -a, -um, troublesome, annoying (molest)
- perpetuus, -a, -um, perpetual, continuous
- ego, personal pronoun, I (egotism). Always emphatic in the nominative.
- disciplīna, -ae, f., training, culture, discipline
- ōrnāmentum, -ī, n., ornament, jewel
- Gāius, Gāī, m., Caius, a Roman first name
- Tiberius, Tibe'rī, m., Tiberius, a Roman first name
- doceō, -ēre, teach (doctrine)
- maximē, most of all, especially
- antīquus, -qua, -quum, old, ancient (antique)
- āla, -ae, f., wing
- deus, -ī, m., god (deity)[5]
- mōnstrum, -ī, n., omen, prodigy; monster
- ōrāculum, -ī, n., oracle
- vāstō, -āre, lay waste, devastate
- commōtus, -a, -um, moved, excited
- maximus, -a, -um, greatest (maximum)
- saevus, -a, -um, fierce, savage
- ita, thus, in this way, as follows
- tum, then, at that time
- respondeō, -ēre, respond, reply
- servō, -āre, save, preserve
- cārus, -a, -um, dear (cherish)
- autem, but, moreover, now. Usually stands second, never first
- vīta, -ae, f., life (vital)
- superō, -āre, conquer, overcome (insuperable)
- cūra, -ae, f., care, trouble
- locus, -ī, m., place, spot (location). Locus is neuter in the plural and is declined loca, -ōrum, etc.
- perīculum, -ī, n., danger, peril
- semper, always
- tamen, yet, nevertheless
- dē, with abl., down from; concerning
- per, with acc., through
- sī, if
- absum, abesse, irreg., be away, be absent, be distant, with separative abl.
- adpropinquō, -āre, draw near, approach (propinquity), with dative[6]
- contineō, -ēre, hold together, hem in, keep (contain)
- discēdō, -ere, depart, go away, leave, with separative abl.
- egeō, -ēre, lack, need, be without, with separative abl.
- interficiō, -ere, kill
- prohibeō, -ēre, restrain, keep from (prohibit)
- vulnerō, -āre, wound (vulnerable)
- prōvincia, -ae, f., province
- vīnum, -ī, n., wine
- dēfessus, -a, -um, weary, worn out
- longē, far, by far, far away
- aurum, -ī, n., gold (oriole)
- mora, -ae, f., delay
- nāvigium, nāvi'gī, n., boat, ship
- ventus, -ī, m., wind (ventilate)
- nāvigō, -āre, sail (navigate)
- attentus, -a, -um, attentive, careful
- dubius, -a, -um, doubtful (dubious)
- perfidus, -a, -um, faithless, treacherous (perfidy)
- anteā, before, previously
- sine, with abl., without
- animus, -ī, m., mind, heart; spirit, feeling (animate)
- bracchium, bracchī, n., forearm, arm
- porta, -ae, f., gate (portal)
- prō, with abl., before; in behalf of; instead of
- adversus, -a, -um, opposite; adverse, contrary
- plēnus, -a, -um, full (plenty)
- diū, for a long time, long
- celeriter, quickly (celerity)
- dēnique, finally
- graviter, heavily, severely (gravity)
- subitō, suddenly
- reportō, -āre, -āvī, bring back, restore; win, gain (report)
[edit]- dexter, dextra, dextrum, right (dextrous)
- sinister, sinistra, sinistrum, left
- frūstrā, adv., in vain (frustrate)
- gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus, bear, carry on; wear; bellum gerere, to wage war
- occupō, occupāre, occupāvī, occupātus, seize, take possession of (occupy)
- postulō, postulāre, postulāvī, postulātus, demand (ex-postulate)
- recūsō, recūsāre, recūsāvī, recūsātus, refuse
- stō, stāre, stetī, status, stand
- temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus, try, tempt, test; attempt
- teneō, tenēre, tenuī, ———, keep, hold (tenacious)
The word ubi, which we have used so much in the sense of where in asking a question, has two other uses equally important:
1. ubi = when, as a relative conjunction denoting time; as, Ubi mōnstrum audīvērunt, fūgērunt, when they heard the monster, they fled
2. ubi = where, as a relative conjunction denoting place; as, Videō oppidum ubi Galba habitat, I see the town where Galba lives
Ubi is called a relative conjunction because it is equivalent to a relative pronoun. When in the first sentence is equivalent to at the time at which; and in the second, where is equivalent to the place in which.
[edit]- neque or nec, conj., neither, nor, and … not; neque … neque, neither … nor
- castellum, -ī, n., redoubt, fort (castle)
- cotīdiē, adv., daily
- cessō, cessāre, cessāvī, cessātus, cease, with the infin.
- incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptus, begin (incipient), with the infin.
- oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus, storm, assail
- petō, petere, petīvī or petiī, petītus, aim at, assail, storm, attack; seek, ask (petition)
- pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus, place, put (position); castra pōnere, to pitch camp
- possum, posse, potuī, ———, be able, can (potent), with the infin.
- vetō, vetāre, vetuī, vetitus, forbid (veto), with the infin.; opposite of iubeō, command
- vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus, conquer (in-vincible)
- vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, ———, live, be alive (re-vive)
[edit]- barbarus, -a, -um, strange, foreign, barbarous. As a noun, barbarī, -ōrum, m., plur., savages, barbarians
- dux, ducis, m., leader (duke). Cf. the verb dūcō
- eques, equitis, m., horseman, cavalryman (equestrian)
- iūdex, iūdicis, m., judge
- lapis, lapidis, m., stone (lapidary)
- mīles, mīlitis, m., soldier (militia)
- pedes, peditis, m., foot soldier (pedestrian)
- pēs, pedis,[7] m., foot (pedal)
- prīnceps, prīncipis, m., chief (principal)
- rēx, rēgis, m., king (regal)
- summus, -a, -um, highest, greatest (summit)
- virtūs, virtūtis, f., manliness, courage (virtue)
[edit]- Caesar, -aris, m., Cæsar
- captīvus, -ī, m., captive, prisoner
- cōnsul, -is, m., consul
- frāter, frātris, m., brother (fraternity)
- homō, hominis, m., man, human being
- impedīmentum, -ī, n., hindrance (impediment); plur. impedīmenta, -ōrum, baggage
- imperātor, imperātōris, m., commander in chief, general (emperor)
- legiō, legiōnis, f., legion
- māter, mātris, f., mother (maternal)
- ōrdō, ōrdinis, m., row, rank (order)
- pater, patris, m., father (paternal)
- salūs, salūtis, f., safety (salutary)
- soror, sorōris, f., sister (sorority)
[edit]- calamitās, calamitātis, f., loss, disaster, defeat (calamity)
- caput, capitis, n., head (capital)
- flūmen, flūminis, n., river (flume)
- labor, labōris, m., labor, toil
- opus, operis, n., work, task
- ōrātor, ōrātōris, m., orator
- rīpa, -ae, f., bank (of a stream)
- tempus, temporis, n., time (temporal)
- terror, terrōris, m., terror, fear
- victor, victōris, m., victor
- accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus, receive, accept
- cōnfīrmō, cōnfīrmāre, cōnfīrmāvī, cōnfīrmātus, strengthen, establish, encourage (confirm)
[edit]- animal, animālis (-ium[8]), n., animal
- avis, avis (-ium), f., bird (aviation)
- caedēs, caedis (-ium), f., slaughter
- calcar, calcāris (-ium), n., spur
- cīvis, cīvis (-ium), m. and f., citizen (civic)
- cliēns, clientis (-ium), m., retainer, dependent (client)
- fīnis, fīnis (-ium), m., end, limit (final); plur., country, territory
- hostis, hostis (-ium), m. and f., enemy in war (hostile). Distinguish from inimīcus, which means a personal enemy
- ignis, ignis (-ium), m., fire (ignite)
- īnsigne, īnsignis (-ium), n., decoration, badge (ensign)
- mare, maris (-ium[9]), n., sea (marine)
- nāvis, nāvis (-ium), f., ship (naval); nāvis longa, man-of-war
- turris, turris (-ium), f., tower (turret)
- urbs, urbis (-ium), f., city (suburb). An urbs is larger than an oppidum
[edit]- arbor, arboris, f., tree (arbor)
- collis, collis (-ium), m., hill
- dēns, dentis (-ium), m., tooth (dentist)
- fōns, fontis (-ium), m., fountain, spring; source
- iter, itineris, n., march, journey, route (itinerary)
- mēnsis, mēnsis (-ium), m., month
- moenia, -ium, n., plur., walls, fortifications. Cf. mūrus
- mōns, montis (-ium), m., mountain; summus mōns, top of the mountain
- numquam, adv., never
- pōns, pontis, m., bridge (pontoon)
- sanguis, sanguinis, m., blood (sanguinary)
- summus, -a, -um, highest, greatest (summit)
- trāns, prep. with acc., across (transatlantic)
- vīs (vīs), gen. plur. vīrium, f., strength, force, violence (vim)
[edit]- ācer, ācris, ācre, sharp, keen, eager (acrid)
- brevis, breve, short, brief
- difficilis, difficile, difficult
- facilis, facile, facile, easy
- fortis, forte, brave (fortitude)
- gravis, grave, heavy, severe, serious (grave)
- omnis, omne, every, all (omnibus)
- pār, gen. paris, equal (par)
- paucī, -ae, -a, few, only a few (paucity)
- secundus, -a, -um, second; favorable, opposite of adversus
- signum, -ī, n., signal, sign, standard
- vēlōx, gen. vēlōcis, swift (velocity)
- conlocō, conlocāre, conlocāvī, conlocātus, arrange, station, place (collocation)
- dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, dēmōnstrāvī, dēmōnstrātus, point out, explain (demonstrate)
- mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus, commit, intrust (mandate)
[edit]- adventus, -ūs, m., approach, arrival (advent)
- ante, prep. with acc., before (antedate)
- cornū, -ūs, n., horn, wing of an army (cornucopia); ā dextrō cornū, on the right wing; ā sinistrō cornū, on the left wing
- equitātus, -ūs, m., cavalry
- exercitus, -ūs, m., army
- impetus, -ūs, m., attack (impetus); impetum facere in, with acc., to make an attack on
- lacus, -ūs, dat. and abl. plur. lacubus, m., lake
- manus, -ūs, f., hand; band, force (manual)
- portus, -ūs, m., harbor (port)
- post, prep. with acc., behind, after (post-mortem)
- cremō, cremāre, cremāvī, cremātus, burn (cremate)
- exerceō, exercēre, exercuī, exercitus, practice, drill, train (exercise)
[edit]- Athēnae, -ārum, f., plur., Athens
- Corinthus, -ī, f., Corinth
- domus, -ūs, locative domī, f., house, home (dome). Cf. domicilium
- Genāva, -ae, f., Geneva
- Pompēiī, -ōrum, m., plur., Pompeii, a city in Campania. See map
- propter, prep. with acc., on account of, because of
- rūs, rūris, in the plur. only nom. and acc. rūra, n., country (rustic)
- tergum, tergī, n., back; ā tergō, behind, in the rear
- vulnus, vulneris, n., wound (vulnerable)
- committō, committere, commīsī, commissus, intrust, commit; proelium committere, join battle
- convocō, convocāre, convocāvī, convocātus, call together, summon (convoke)
- timeō, timēre, timuī, , fear; be afraid (timid)
- vertō, vertere, vertī, versus, turn, change (convert); terga vertere, to turn the backs, hence to retreat
[edit]- aciēs, -ēī, f., line of battle
- aestās, aestātis, f., summer
- annus, -ī, m., year (annual)
- diēs, diēī, m., day (diary)
- fidēs, fideī, no plur., f., faith, trust; promise, word; protection; in fidem venīre, to come under the protection
- fluctus, -ūs, m., wave, billow (fluctuate)
- hiems, hiemis, f., winter
- hōra, -ae, f., hour
- lūx, lūcis, f., light (lucid); prīma lūx, daybreak
- merīdiēs, acc. -em, abl. -ē, no plur., m., midday (meridian)
- nox, noctis (-ium), f., night (nocturnal)
- prīmus, -a, -um, first (prime)
- rēs, reī, f., thing, matter (real); rēs gestae, deeds, exploits (lit. things performed); rēs adversae, adversity; rēs secundae, prosperity
- spēs, speī, f., hope
[edit]- amīcitia, -ae, f., friendship (amicable)
- itaque, conj., and so, therefore, accordingly
- littera, -ae,f., a letter of the alphabet; plur., a letter, an epistle
- metus, metūs, m.,fear
- nihil, indeclinable, n., nothing (nihilist)
- nūntius, nūntī, m., messenger. Cf. nūntiō
- pāx, pācis, f., peace (pacify)
- rēgnum, -ī, n., reign, sovereignty, kingdom
- supplicium, suppli´cī, n., punishment; supplicium sūmere dē, with abl., inflict punishment on; supplicium dare, suffer punishment. Cf. poena
- placeō, placēre, placuī, placitus, be pleasing to, please, with dative. Cf. §154
- sūmō, sūmere, sūmpsī, sūmptus, take up, assume
- sustineō, sustinēre, sustinuī, sustentus, sustain
LESSON L, §288
[edit]- corpus, corporis, n., body (corporal)
- dēnsus, -a, -um, dense
- īdem, e'adem, idem, demonstrative pronoun, the same (identity)
- ipse, ipsa, ipsum, intensive pronoun, self; even, very
- mīrus, -a, -um, wonderful, marvelous (miracle)
- ōlim, adv., formerly, once upon a time
- pars, partis (-ium), f., part, region, direction
- quoque, adv., also. Stands after the word which it emphasizes
- sōl, sōlis, m., sun (solar)
- vērus, -a, -um, true, real (verity)
- dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitus, owe, ought (debt)
- ēripiō, ēripere, ēripuī, ēreptus, snatch from
[edit]- hic, haec, hoc, demonstrative pronoun, this (of mine); he, she, it
- ille, illa, illud, demonstrative pronoun, that (yonder); he, she, it
- invīsus, -a, -um, hateful, detested, with dative Cf. §143
- iste, ista, istud, demonstrative pronoun, that (of yours); he, she, it
- lībertās, -ātis, f., liberty
- modus, -ī, m., measure; manner, way, mode
- nōmen, nōminis, n., name (nominate)
- oculus, -ī, m., eye (oculist)
- prīstinus, -a, -um, former, old-time (pristine)
- pūblicus, -a, -um, public, belonging to the state; rēs pūblica, reī pūblicae, f., the commonwealth, the state, the republic
- vestīgium, vestī'gī, n., footprint, track; trace, vestige
- vōx, vōcis, f., voice
[edit]- incolumis, -e, unharmed
- nē … quidem, adv., not even. The emphatic word stands between nē and quidem
- nisi, conj., unless, if … not
- paene, adv., almost (pen-insula)
- satis, adv., enough, sufficiently (satisfaction)
- tantus, -a, -um, so great
- vērō, adv., truly, indeed, in fact. As a conj. but, however, usually stands second, never first.
- dēcidō, dēcidere, dēcidī, , fall down (deciduous)
- dēsiliō, dēsilīre, dēsiluī, dēsultus, leap down, dismount
- maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsūrus, remain
- trādūcō, trādūcere, trādūxī, trāductus, lead across
[edit]- aquila, -ae, f., eagle (aquiline)
- audāx, gen. audācis, adj., bold, audacious
- celer, celeris, celere, swift, quick (celerity). Cf. vēlōx
- explōrātor, -ōris, m., scout, spy (explorer)
- ingēns, gen. ingentis, adj., huge, vast
- medius, -a, -um, middle, middle part of (medium)
- mēns, mentis (-ium), f., mind (mental). Cf. animus
- opportūnus, -a, -um, opportune
- quam, adv., than. With the superlative quam gives the force of as possible, as quam audācissimī virī, men as bold as possible
- recēns, gen. recentis, adj., recent
- tam, adv., so. Always with an adjective or adverb, while ita is generally used with a verb
- quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, quaesītus, ask, inquire, seek (question). Cf. petō
[edit]- alacer, alacris, alacre, eager, spirited, excited (alacrity)
- celeritās, -ātis, f., speed (celerity)
- clāmor, clāmōris, m., shout, clamor
- lēnis, lēne, mild, gentle (lenient)
- mulier, muli'eris, f., woman
- multitūdō, multitūdinis, f., multitude
- nēmō, dat. nēminī, acc. nēminem (gen. nūllīus, abl. nūllō, from nūllus), no plur., m. and f., no one
- nōbilis, nōbile, well known, noble
- noctū, adv. (an old abl.), by night (nocturnal)
- statim, adv., immediately, at once
- subitō, adv., suddenly
- tardus, -a, -um, slow (tardy)
- cupiō, cupere, cupīvī, cupītus, desire, wish (cupidity)
[edit]- aedificium, aedifi'cī, n., building, dwelling (edifice)
- imperium, impe'rī, n., command, chief power; empire
- mors, mortis (-ium), f., death (mortal)
- reliquus, -a, -um, remaining, rest of. As a noun, m. and n. plur., the rest (relic)
- scelus, sceleris, n., crime
- servitūs, -ūtis, f., slavery (servitude)
- vallēs, vallis (-ium), f., valley
- abdō, abdere, abdidī, abditus, hide
- contendō, contendere, contendī, contentus, strain, struggle; hasten (contend)
- occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus, cut down, kill. Cf. necō, interficiō
- perterreō, perterrēre, perterruī, perterritus, terrify, frighten
- recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptus, receive, recover; sē recipere, betake one's self, withdraw, retreat
- trādō, trādere, trādidī, trāditus, give over, surrender, deliver (traitor)
[edit]- aditus, -ūs, m., approach, access; entrance
- cīvitās, cīvitātis, f., citizenship; body of citizens, state (city)
- inter, prep. with acc., between; among (interstate commerce)
- nam, conj., for
- obses, obsidis, m. and f., hostage
- paulō, adv. (abl. n. of paulus), by a little, somewhat
- incolō, incolere, incoluī, , transitive, inhabit; intransitive, dwell. Cf. habitō, vīvō
- relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus, leave, abandon (relinquish)
- statuō, statuere, statuī, statūtus, fix, decide (statute), usually with infin.
[edit]- aequus, -a, -um, even, level; equal
- cohors, cohortis (-ium), f., cohort, a tenth part of a legion, about 360 men
- currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus, run (course)
- difficultās, -ātis, f., difficulty
- fossa, -ae, f., ditch (fosse)
- gēns, gentis (-ium), f., race, tribe, nation (Gentile)
- negōtium, negōtī, n., business, affair, matter (negotiate)
- regiō, -ōnis, f., region, district
- rūmor, rūmōris, m., rumor, report. Cf. fāma
- simul atque, conj., as soon as
- suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptus, undertake
- trahō, trahere, trāxī, trāctus, drag, draw (ex-tract)
- valeō, valēre, valuī, valitūrus, be strong; plūrimum valēre, to be most powerful, have great influence (value). Cf. validus
[edit]- commeātus, -ūs, m., provisions
- lātitūdō, -inis, f., width (latitude)
- longitūdō, -inis, f., length (longitude)
- magnitūdō, -inis, f., size, magnitude
- mercātor, mercātōris, m., trader, merchant
- mūnītiō, -ōnis, f., fortification (munition)
- spatium, spatī, n., room, space, distance; time
- cognōscō, cognōscere, cognōvī, cognitus, learn; in the perfect tenses, know (re-cognize)
- cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctus, collect; compel (cogent)
- dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfēnsus, defend
- incendō, incendere, incendī, incēnsus, set fire to, burn (incendiary). Cf. cremō
- obtineō, obtinēre, obtinuī, obtentus, possess, occupy, hold (obtain)
- perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī, perventus, come through, arrive
[edit]- agmen, agminis, n., line of march, column; prīmum agmen, the van; novissimum agmen, the rear
- atque, ac, conj., and; atque is used before vowels and consonants, ac before consonants only. Cf. et and -que
- concilium, conci'lī, n., council, assembly
- Helvētiī, -ōrum, m., the Helvetii, a Gallic tribe
- passus, passūs, m., a pace, five Roman feet; mīlle passuum, a thousand (of) paces, a Roman mile
- quā dē causā, for this reason, for what reason
- vāllum, -ī, n., earthworks, rampart
- cadō, cadere, cecidī, cāsūrus, fall (decadence)
- dēdō, dēdere, dēdidī, dēditus, surrender, give up; with a reflexive pronoun, surrender one's self, submit, with the dative of the indirect object
- premō, premere, pressī, pressus, press hard, harass
- vexō, vexāre, vexāvī, vexātus, annoy, ravage (vex)
[edit]- aut, conj., or; aut … aut, either … or
- causā, abl. of causa, for the sake of, because of. Always stands after the gen. which modifies it
- ferē, adv., nearly, almost
- opīniō, -ōnis, f., opinion, supposition, expectation
- rēs frūmentāria, reī frūmentāriae, f. (lit. the grain affair), grain supply
- timor, -ōris, m., fear. Cf. timeō
- undique, adv., from all sides
- cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum, attempt, try
- ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum, move out, disembark; prōgredior, move forward, advance (egress, progress)
- moror, morārī, morātus sum, delay
- orior, orīrī, ortus sum, arise, spring; begin; be born (from) (origin)
- proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum, set out
- revertor, revertī, reversus sum, return (revert). The forms of this verb are usually active, and not deponent, in the perfect system. Perf. act., revertī
- sequor, sequī, secūtus sum, follow (sequence). Note the following compounds of sequor and the force of the different prefixes: cōnsequor (follow with), overtake; īnsequor (follow against), pursue; subsequor (follow under), follow close after
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 A conjunction is a word which connects words, parts of sentences, or sentences.
- ↑ An adverb is a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; as, She sings sweetly; she is very talented; she began to sing very early.
- ↑ The genitive singular masculine of adjectives in -ius ends in -iī and the vocative in -ie; not in -ī, as in nouns.
- ↑ Observe that dominus, as distinguished from magister, means master in the sense of owner.
- ↑ For the declension of deus, see §468
- ↑ This verb governs the dative because the idea of nearness to is stronger than that of motion to. If the latter idea were the stronger, the word would be used with ad and the accusative.
- ↑ Observe that e is long in the nom. sing. and short in the other cases.
- ↑ The genitive plural ending -ium is written to mark the i-stems.
- ↑ The genitive plural of mare is not in use.