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Medicina de Quadrupedibus/Text (English)

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Medicina de Quadrupedibus
by unknown author, translated by Joseph Delcourt
Text (English)
2634014Medicina de Quadrupedibus — Text (English)Joseph Delcourtunknown author


Incipit de singlis feris medicamentum
…singlis medicamentum.

[Cockayne, p. 326]
rex King
þe egyp (e)tâ [cyning] þe Idpartus wæs hatan Octauiano þan casere hẏs frunde hælo bodede þis wordum þus cweþende: Mæneȝa bẏsnum[1] ic eom [ȝewis ꝥinra mæȝena ⁊ snytro, ⁊ hwæþere ic wene ꝥ þu næfre to ðus mẏcles mæȝnes læcedomum become swẏlcum swa ic ȝefreȝn ða][2] we fram *Æscolapio[3] ferdon.[4] Ic ꝥ þa for þinre cẏððe ⁊ þe wurde wẏste þis to ȝewitenne, ꝥ is be wẏldeora læcecræftes.[5]

[6]Sum nẏten ys ꝥ man nemned taxonem, ꝥ ẏs *broc[7] on englis. Gefoh þat deor ⁊ him of cwicun þa teþ ado þa þe he mæste *hæbbe[8], ⁊ þus cweð: On nama þæs ælmihtiȝon godes ic þe *ofslea[9] ⁊ þe þine teþ of abe (a)te, ⁊ þanne hẏ siþþan on (in) linne (lineo)non hræȝel (panno)e biwind ⁊ on golde oꝥꝥ on seolfre ō (?) malus homobewẏrc, ꝥ hẏ ue mæȝen þine lice æthrinan. Hafe hẏ mid þe, þanne ne sceþþes þe ne tungol (tonitruum)[10], ne haȝol, ne strang storm, ne ẏfel man, ne wol-berende *áwiht[11], ne þe aniȝes [Cock. p. 328]ẏfeles onhrine dered, oþþer ȝif [þe] hwæt ẏfeles bẏd [hraþe hẏt bẏð] tosliten, swa wæs *Abdias[12] ȝẏrdels þæs witigan. Nim þanne þane *swyþran[13] fot ðone furþran[14] þisssun worde ⁊ þus cwed: On nama þas leuiende godes ic þe nime l (to)acedome. Þanne on [swa] ȝehwẏlce ȝeflite oꝥꝥ ȝefeohte swa þu bẏst *siȝefæst,[15] ⁊ þu ꝥ ȝediȝest ȝif þu þane fot mid þe hafast. Mid his ȝelẏnde smure ða hors þe sinde on fefore oꝥꝥ on æniȝe adle; heo [him] fram ahyldeþ ⁊ life (s) tyd hẏm ofer bẏð, ⁊ þeah hit micel adle sẏ, raðe heo aweȝ ȝewyteþ. Meng his blod wið litel sealte horsa ⁊ mule ⁊ alcen fuþer-fæte neate þe on wole winnon oꝥꝥ on æniȝun ẏfele, do ðurh horn on muþe æfter[16] þas deores mihte ⁊ efne embe[17] ðreo niht; hẏ beod hæle. His braȝen ȝeseoð on þrẏm sestrum eles on niwen croccen *oð[18] ðat *þrẏdda[19] dæl si bewealled; fætelsa, ⁊ heald hẏt. Gif hwa si on heafod-wræce *after[20] baðe smyre mid þam on þrẏm nẏhtum, he byð ȝehæled, eac þa fet, ⁊ þeah man sẏ on hwẏlcere *unȝewendendlicre[21] adle ⁊ *unhalwendlicre,[22] seo *wise[23] hẏne hæled ⁊ læcned. Nim hẏs lifre ⁊ todæl ⁊ bedelf æt þan ẏmbhwẏrftum *þinra[24] land-ȝemare æt ðinum burh-staþela, ⁊ þe heortan æt ðinum bur-gatun behele: þanne þu ⁊ þine beoð alisede hale to ȝefarenne ⁊ *ham[25] to cumende; [Cock. p. 330]eal wol bẏd *aweȝ[26] ⁊ astẏred, ⁊ ꝥ ær ȝedon wæs naht ne sceþþes, ⁊ bẏð litel frecne fram fẏre. Cuþ [ys] eac ꝥ his hid ys De lepore
brice[27] hundun ⁊ eallum fuþer-fæte nitennum wid woles ȝewinne on to donne. Hafa *þære[28] hẏde *fellsticceo[29] an þinum *sceon,[30] ne ȝefelest þu ȝewin þine fotun. Ðu halgusta casere ic wylle ꝥ þu ȝelife ꝥ þis wyldeor wel fremeð ȝif [þu] þine clænsung-dæȝes þar þu farst ȝeond eorþan embehwẏrft his flæsc ȝesoden etest ⁊ þiȝest: hẏt bẏd god þe ⁊ þine weredun till. Gif hwam hwæt hifeles ȝedon byð ꝥ he ne maȝe his wif-lusta brucan seoðe þanne his sceallan on hyrnende wille-wætera ⁊ on huniȝe ⁊ þicȝe þanne fæstende þri dæȝes; sona he bẏd ȝebeted. Wid blodes flewsan þanne mona [31]sẏ seofontẏne nẏhta eald, æfter sunna setl-gange, ær mona uprẏne, cume þanne[32] to þan treowe *þe[33] man hætað morbeam ⁊ of þan nim æppel mid þinre wẏnstran handa mid twam fingran, ꝥ ys mid þuman ⁊ mid hring-fingrum, hwitne æppel þe panne ȝẏt ne readiȝe. Ahefe hẏne þanne upp ⁊ up aris: he byþ brẏce[34] to þan uferan dæle þæs lichaman. Eft do hine *adune[35] ⁊ onlut: he byð behefe to [Cock. p. 332]ðan nyþeran dæle þas lichaman. Ær þan þu þisne æppel nyme cweþ þane *þas[36] word: Ic nime þe ⁊ cetera.[37]

Ðane þu þas (plura) word ȝe (uerba)cweden habbe ȝenim þane æppel ⁊ hẏne ȝewind on weolc[38] readum gode-webbe ⁊ loca ꝥ þes *læcedom[39] ne hrine wæteres ne eorꝥan. Þanne nead-þearf sy ⁊ se ufera dæl þæs lichamas on æniȝun sare oþþe on ærfodum ȝeswince wriþ on þane anwlitan; gif hyt si on Ad fluxum[40]
þan nyþeran dæle wriþ on þa wambe. Wið wifes flewsan nime þane comb *þe[41] heo ane hyre heafad mid cembe ⁊ *næniȝ *man[42] ær mid cemde ne after mid ne *cembe.[43] *Æc[44] under þan treowe morbeame cembe þær hẏre fex, þat þar on þan combe ȝeþoliȝe ȝesomne, ⁊ aho[45] on up standende twi þæs morbeames ⁊ eft embe hwile clane *hit[46] toȝesomne ⁊ ȝehealde: ꝥ hẏre bẏþ læcedom þare þe hẏre heafod þare cembeð. Gif þu wẏlle ꝥ wif ȝeclansod sẏ þe næfre ne mihte clansod bẏon, wẏrc hẏre sealfe of þan fexe ⁊ hyt æthweȝa adriȝ ⁊ do on hẏre lic; þanne bẏð heo ȝeclænsod.

Medicina de cervo.

[Cock. p. 334]Wẏþ *nædran[47] slite ho (e)rtes horn hæfeð mæȝen eac[48] ælcne wætan to adriȝenne: for þan man hys bruced on eah-sẏlfe. [49]Wið heafod-sare heortes hornes axan fif peniȝe ȝewæȝe drinc mid ane sester wines ⁊ tweȝen wæteres; nim ðæs *æȝwẏlce dæȝ[50] scenc fulne ⁊ drince.[51] Þes drenc eac wambe sar ȝehaþeraþ. Wið toþa waȝunga hortes horn ȝebarned ⁊ ȝecnucad þa teþ ȝetrymeð ȝif his man wislice brucad. Wið wifes *flewsan[52] heortes horn to duste ȝebeaten ⁊ ȝedrucan on wine: sona hẏm bẏð sel. Wið wẏrmas to acwellen hortes horn ȝebernede drinc on haten watere: þa wurmas he acwellaþ ⁊ ut awyrfþ. Nædran eac to acwellanne nim þas hornes axan ⁊ stred þar hi sinde: hẏ fleoþ sona aweȝ. Wid miltan sare hortes horn ȝebærnede[53] þicȝe on swete drence: he þa miltan adriȝed ⁊ þat sar [Cock. p. 336]onweȝ afyrred. Wið teter hortes horn ȝebærned meng wið ecede, smure mid þan; hrædlice hẏm cẏmed bot. Eft wið teter of anwlitan to do, heortes horn ȝebærnedne meng wið ele ⁊ smire; þanne ꝥ bedruwod[54] si, eft[55] þu hẏt ȝenywa. Ad libidinem
excitan dam
item ad jdem
Do þis ar sunnan upgange: hradlice nẏt hæled. *Wif-ȝemanan[56] to aweccenne nim heortes sceallen, driȝ, wẏrc to duste, do his dæl on[57] wines drinc: ꝥ awecceð[58] wif-ȝemanon[59] lust. Wið ꝥ ẏlce nim heortes scẏtel ⁊ cnuca to duste, do on wines drinc: hit hæleð þat ylce.

Medicina de vulpe.

De vulpe
[Cock. p. 338]
Wið wifa earfodnẏssa þe on hure inwerdlicum stowum earfeðu[60] þrowiaþ, foxes liþu ⁊ his smeru mid ealden ele ⁊ mid tẏrwan wẏrc him to sealfe; do an wifa stowe: raðe hẏt þa earfeþu ȝehæleð. Wið heafod-ece, þan ȝelice þe hit her-before ȝecweden is, nim þat y (u)lcan ⁊ smure þat [Cock. p. 340]heafod: hẏt hæled wunderlice. Wið earane sare eft nim þa ẏlcan sealfe hlutre, drupe on þat eare: wunderlice hyt hæled. Wið miltan sare foxes lungane on hæte æsca *ȝesoden[61] ⁊ ȝecnucod ⁊ to drence ȝedon: þa miltan hit wunderlice ȝehæled; swa deþ his lifer ꝥ ẏlcan. Wið *weartan[62] nim foxes sceallen, ȝecnid swiþe oft þar-mid þa weartan: hraþe hẏt hi tobrẏcþ[63] ⁊ *on *weȝ[64] deþ. Wið nearwe sworetunga[65] foxes lungane ȝesoden ⁊ on swetan wine ȝedon ⁊ ȝeseald: *wunderlice[66] hit haled. Wið sare curnlu foxes sceallen ȝenim ⁊ ȝegnid mid ȝelome: hraðe hẏ bẏd hæle. Wið gomane sara foxes sina ȝenim ⁊ on huniȝe ȝewæt ⁊ gnid mid *þa[67] goman swiþe oft: sona hẏm bẏd sel þas broces. To wif-þingun foxes tæȝeles se ytemesta dæl on hermen ahangen: þu lifest ꝥ þis sẏ to wif-þingun[68] on besmer [Cock. p. 342]ȝedon. Wið eara sare nim foxes geallan, mencg [wið ele, drẏpe on þa earan: hẏt wel ȝehæleþ. Wið eaȝena dẏmnẏsse ȝenim foxes ȝeallan ȝemencȝed] mid dore huniȝe ⁊ on eaȝen ȝedon, hit hælþ. Wið earane sara nim foxes ȝelinde ⁊ ȝedrupe ȝemẏlted[69] on *þa[70] eare: him cymð god hæle. Wið fota wæ (r)ce ȝif se inra dæl þæs sceos bẏð fixen-hẏd ⁊ ȝif hit [sẏ] fot-adl smire[71] mid ele þa fet: hẏ habbað þæs þe leohtran gang.

Medicina de lepore.

Wið oferslæpe hara braȝen [on wine] ȝeseald to drince wunderlice hyt beteð. Wið eaȝena sare hara lungane on ȝesetted ⁊ þær-to ȝewrẏþan:[72] wunderlice þat sar bẏð ȝehæled. Wið fot-swulan ⁊ sceþþum hara *lungen[73] ufan ⁊ neoþan toȝewriþen: wunderlice þa gangas beoð ȝehælede. Þan wẏfam þe hẏm hẏra beorðor losie haran heortan adriȝe ⁊ wẏrc to duste ⁊ þriddan dæl receles dustes, sẏle drincan seofan dæȝes on scirum wine. Þam þonne *þe[74] hit oft [Cock. p. 344]oþfealleð þritiȝ dæȝe ȝe on wine ȝe on wyrtunge. Ðon[75] þam wifum þe after beorðre on sumum stowum swincon ꝥ ẏlce do to drencȝe fastende on wa (e)rme wætere: sona hit byð ȝehæled. Wið eaȝena dimnesse hara ȝeallen[76] wið huni ȝemenged ⁊ mid ȝesmired: þa eaȝene ȝebeorhtiȝed. Wið blædran sara hara sẏna ȝedriȝede [⁊ mid sealte ȝebrædde ⁊ ȝehẏrste sceaf on his drinc: wundorlice hẏt hæleþ. Wið attorcoppan bite haran sina ȝeȝẏre] ⁊ him sile ðicȝean; eac hit *is *æltæwe[77] ȝif hi man hreawe swelȝeð. Eac wið wæ (l)ten hi beoð gode ȝesodene. Wið feallendum fexe[78] hara wamba seod oþþe bræd on[79] *pannan[80] on gode ele, smere (y) ꝥ fex ⁊ ꝥ heafod: þanne nimed ꝥ fex to ⁊ seo sealfe ȝenẏdeð ꝥ hit wexeð. To þan ꝥ wẏf cenne wæpned cẏld hara hrif[81] ȝedriȝed ⁊ *ȝesceafen[82] oððer[83] ȝecniden on drinc drincen butu; ȝẏf ꝥ wif ane hit[84] drinceð, þanne cenþ heo androȝinem: [Cock. p. 346]ne byð ꝥ to nahte, naþer ne[85] wer ne wif. Eft to þan ẏlcan hara sceallan wife *æfter[86] hẏre clænsunge sile on wine drincan: þan cenþ heo wæpned cy (u)ld. Wid ꝥ cẏldum butan sare teþ wexan hara bræven ȝesodan ȝegnid *ȝelome[87] mid þa *toð *reoman:[88] hi byð clane ⁊ unsare. Wið wambe-wræce[89] *nim[90] haran helan, ber on þine hed-claðe: wunderlice[91] hit hæled. Wid eaȝene sare haran lifer ȝesoden ẏs god on wine to drincanne ⁊ mid þan broðe þa eaȝen to beþienne. Wið blod-rune ȝebærned haran lifer ⁊ ȝegniden ⁊ onȝestreded: raðe hit ȝestyllæð.

[Cock. p. 348]

Medicina de hirco ⁊ cap. Ad sanguinem de naribus.[92]

Wið blod-rẏne of nebbe firȝin-buccan[93] ꝥ ẏs wudebucca oððer gat, þæs lifer ȝebrited wið ecede ⁊ on nosþurload oculos ȝestungen: wunderlice raðe hẏt þat blod-rune ȝestilleð. To eaȝena *beorhtnẏsse[94] wude-buccan ȝealle ȝemenged wiþ feald-beona huniȝe ⁊ on ȝesme (i)red: seo *beorhtnẏs[95] hẏm tocumed. ꝥ ylca mæȝ wiþ gomena sare: ȝemengc þane ȝealle ⁊ huniȝ tosomne, hrin þa ȝoman mid, hit hæled. Wiðad oculos eaȝena dimnẏsse wudu-gate ȝeallan ⁊ litel wines meng tosomne,wiþ dropfaȝum smẏra mid þriwa: þanne beoð hi ȝehæled. Wið dropfaȝum ⁊ wlatan wudu-bucca ȝealle oððer gate ȝemenged wið wætere ⁊ on ȝesmẏred: raðe hit ȝelacnað. Wið nebcorn þa wexaþ on anwlẏtan smẏre mid gate gealle: ealle þa nebcorn he of þan anwlẏtan aclænsað ⁊ ealle[Cock. p. 350]
ad oculos[96]
þane wom he ȝeþinnap. Wið earena sar[97] ⁊ sweȝe wudu-gate ȝealle mid niwum ele oððer *æppeles *seawe[98] wlæc ȝemenged ⁊ on þa earan ȝedon: hẏt hæled. Wið toþece wudu-gate[99] geallen meng wẏd ele, smẏre mid swiðe ȝelome: þanne beoð hẏ hale. Wið herþ-buliȝes sare oððer wunde wude-gete ȝellen meng wẏð huniȝ, do to þan sare, hẏt hæled wel. To *wifes[100] willan þæs buccan ȝeallen meng wið recels[101] ⁊ wið netelan sæd, smẏre þane *teors[102] mid ætforan to þas reste-ȝemanan: ꝥ wif onfeahþ þæs willan on þan hamede. Þi læs ci[l]d[103] sẏ hreosende[104] ꝥ ẏs filleseoc oꝥꝥ scinla(c) mete fire-gate braȝen *teoh *þurh[105] gẏlde(n)e hring, sẏle ðan cilde swelȝan ær þan hit m(e)oluc bruca ⁊ *suce:[106] hẏt bẏð ȝehæled. Wið oman nim gate horn ⁊ leȝe to fẏre ꝥ he bẏrne on fyre, do þanne of þa scille on niwe[107] fæt, cnuca hẏ þane swiþe wið scearpun ecede, do on ða oman fort hy hæl sẏ. To slæpe gate horn under heafed ȝeled:[Cock. p. 352] wæccen he on slæp ȝecẏrred. Wið blod-rine of nose *adrẏȝ[108] gate blod ⁊ gnid to duste, do on ꝥ nosþrul: hit wiðstandeþ. Wið eaȝene hæte ⁊ wið stice niwe gate cuse *oferȝeseted[109] mid þa eaȝe-bræwas: hẏm bẏþ hrædlice bote. Wið heafod-ece niwe gate cuse þar-to ȝewriþen: hit hæled. Wið fot-adle niwe gate cuse onȝeled ꝥ sar ȝeliþegaþ. Wið innopes heardnysse swa hwæt swa he eta *menge[110] wiþ þane wætan, ⁊ þone ẏlcan *drince[111] wið þæs innoþes heardnẏsse ꝥ seo toȝene wambe sẏ alẏsed: swa he [ma] drinceð[Cock. p. 354] swa hit furþur clænsad. Wið þane wætan do him eac ꝥ he drince gate blod: wel ꝥ hine hæleð. Gif innoþ þinde nim gate blod mid hire smeruwe ⁊ berena grutta gemeng ⁊ on wambe utan ȝewrẏd:[112] *wundorlice[113] hit hæleð. Wið earane sare gate migga do on ꝥ eare ꝥ sar ȝeliþegad. Gif ꝥar *wẏrms inne *bið *hit[114] ꝥ ut *awyrpð.[115] Wið cẏrnlu gate tord[116] meng wið huniȝe, smura mid: sona bẏd sel. Wið *þeoh *wræce[117] gate tord cned swiþe[118] ꝥ hit sẏ swẏlce sealf[119] ⁊ smẏre mid þa þeoh: sona hi bẏd hal. Wið swẏlas gate[Cock. p 356] tord, smẏre mid þa swẏlas: hit hi todrifd ⁊ ȝehæled ⁊ ȝedeþ ꝥ hi eft ne arisaþ. Wið syna ȝetoȝe gate tord meng wið ecede ⁊ smire mid: ꝥ sar byd ȝehæled. Gate ȝealla on wine ȝedruncen wifa halan him of adeþ ⁊ hẏ ȝehælþ.

Medicina (de) ariete.

Wið wearras ⁊ wið swulas blac rammes *wul[120] on wæte ȝedifed ⁊ æfter[121] þan on ele ⁊ siððan aled on ꝥ sara stowe: ꝥ sar heo onweȝ afyrred ⁊ ȝẏf hit byð mid ȝereced þa toslitena[122] wunda heo forþricceð. Þa wearres ⁊ *þa[123] swẏlas ðe beoþ on manes handum oþþe on oþrum lime oþþer embe þana utgang smure mid þan wætan þe druppe of *healfsodenre[124] rammes lungene: raðe heo hiȝ onweȝ afirreð. Wið wund-sprinȝum on anwlitan rammes lungane smæl tocorfan ⁊ to ðan sare ȝeled: sona hit ȝehaleð. Wið scurfum rammes[125] smeru nim ⁊ meng[126] *dærto[127] sot ⁊ sealt ⁊ sand ⁊ hit *wulla[128] onweȝ ⁊ after smẏre: hit byd eft liþere.

[Cock. p. 358]

Medicina de apro. bov(e).

Wið ælc sar bares braȝen[129] ȝesoden ⁊ to drence ȝeworht on wine: ealle sar hit ȝeliþegaþ. Wið herþena sare ⁊culli ⁊ ueretri *teorses[130] bares braȝen meng wið huniȝ ⁊ wryþ on: wunderlice hit hæled. Wið innepes flewsan *niwe[131] bares lifere ⁊ swetre apuldure rinde wul tosomne on wine ȝemenged ⁊ drince: raðe se flewsa[132] fram hẏm ȝewiteð. Gif earan sin innan sara ⁊ þar *wẏrms[133] sẏ on do þa ẏlcan sealfe: heo ẏs swiðe god. To þam weres willan to ȝefremmenne nẏme bares ȝeallan ⁊ smira mid þane *teors[134] ⁊ þa herðan: þanead caducos hafað he micelne lust. Wið fẏlle-seocum men bares ȝeallen wirc to drence on wine oþþer on wætere: se drenc hine[Cock. p. 360] ȝehaled. Wid *spiwðan[135] (l)tan ⁊ nappunge nim *bares[136] ȝelinde ⁊ seoð on þrim sesterum wæteres fort *se *ðridda dæl *sy *beweallen[137] [do] þar-to bares fam ⁊ drince: he bẏd hæl, ⁊ he sẏlf wundraþ ⁊ weneþ ꝥ hit sẏ oþer læcedom ꝥ he drince. Þam þe under hẏ miȝað bares blædre ȝebræded ⁊ ȝeseald to etanne: þa unhæle heo ȝehæled. Wið oman *bares[138] scearn ⁊ swefel ȝegnide on wine ⁊ ȝelome drince: þa oman hẏt ȝebeteþ.

Medi(ci)na (de) lupo.

ad demoniacos Wið *deofulseocnẏsse[139] ⁊ wið ẏfele ȝesihþe *wulfes[140] flæsc wel ȝetawod ⁊ ȝesoden sẏle etan þam þe þearf sẏ: þa scinlac þa hẏm ær ætiwdan ne ȝeunstillaþ hẏ hine. To slæpe *wulfes[141] heafod leȝe under þane pule: se unhala[Cock. p. 362]
slæped. *Eaȝwrac[142] onweȝ to done ȝemin *wulfes[143] *swẏþre[144] eaȝe ⁊ hẏt tosting ⁊ wrẏþ to þan eaȝon: hit ȝewanaþ ꝥ sar ȝif hẏt ȝelomelice þar-mid ȝesmẏred bẏð. Se wifman þat habbæ dead bearn on innoþe, ȝif heo drinced *wylfene[145] meoluc mid wine ȝemenged ȝelice efne, sona[146] hẏt haleð.

[Cock. p. 364] Þa þe scinlac ðrowion ete leones flæsc: ne ðro (Þe de scinlac þrowion[147])wiad hẏ
[Cock. p. 366]
ofer ꝥ [æniȝ] scinlac. Wið sina ⁊ wið cneowa liþe sare nim (ad neruos ad genua[148]) leon ȝelinde ⁊ heortes *mearh[149] mẏlt ⁊ meng|tosomne, smire mid ꝥ sar þæs lichames: sona hẏt hẏð hal.

Ad serpentes fugandos.

Wið *næddrena[150] eardunge ⁊ aflẏȝennẏsse[151] fearres horn ȝebarnedne to axan stred þær *nædran[152] eardien: hẏ fleoð aweȝ.[153] Ferres ȝellan wið eaȝena þẏstru ⁊ ȝenipe meng wið feld-beona hunia, do on þa eaȝean: wunderhce hit[Cock. p. 368] ȝehaled. Wið wæteres brine oþþer fires bærn fearres gor ⁊ sced þær-on. *Wif *ȝemanan[154] to done nim driȝe ferres scellan, wẏrc to duste oððer[155] ælcor gnid on winead coitum
⁊ drince ȝelome: he bẏþ[157] þe[158] ȝearra ⁊ *þe hæ (r)dra to *wifþinȝum.[159]

Ad maculas corp(or)is tollendas.

(W)yþ ȝehwilce wommas of lichama onweȝ to nimenebur ȝenim ylpen[160]-ban mid huniȝe ȝecnucod ⁊ toȝeled: wunderlice hit þa womas ofȝenimeþ.

Wẏþ ealle sar, ȝẏf þu on forewearde sumera þiȝest (De canibus[161]) hwẏlce *hwelpan[162] þonne ȝit *unȝeseondne,[163] ne *onȝitest[164] þu æniȝ sar. Wið ꝥ teþ[165] wexon butan sare hundes tux[Cock. p. 372] ȝeberned ⁊ smale ȝegnidon ⁊ on *ȝedon[166] *toþreomena[167] swẏlas ȝedwæsceþ.

Ad dolorem capitis.

[Cock. p. 380] Wið[168] eafod-ece pollege ꝥ [is] on englis dwẏreȝe-dwosle[169] wulle on ele oððer[170] on clane butere ⁊ smẏre ꝥ heafod mid.

  1. ms. bysnum bysnum [sic]
  2. ms. ȝe wysȝra ⁊ læcedomes ⁊ become on þusse.
  3. *Æscolapio (the capital not in V) ms. æscolupio.
  4. The sentence is incomplete as in the other mss.
  5. ms. læcecræftef. Sum fuþer fete, the last three words struck off.
  6. ms. some illegible words in red in the margin.
  7. ms. broce.
  8. ms. habban.
  9. ms. of slean.
  10. ms. tungo tungol (tonitruum)
  11. ms. awyt.
  12. ms. abbias.
  13. ms. swȳrðanan.
  14. ms. for furþran.
  15. ms. sylefæst.
  16. ms. æ æfter.
  17. ms. a embe.
  18. ms. to.
  19. ms. þryddan.
  20. ms. æft (s).
  21. ms. unȝewendedlicre.
  22. ms. unhalwenlicre.
  23. ms. wysa.
  24. ms. linra.
  25. ms. hale.
  26. ms. areȝ.
  27. ms. byr brice, byr struck off.
  28. ms. hara.
  29. ms. felsacceo?
  30. ms. seon.
  31. ms. here some illegible words in red in the margin.
  32. ms. þanne anne.
  33. ms. þa.
  34. ms. by bryce.
  35. ms. ætdun.
  36. ms. ꝥus.
  37. “Ic nime þe ⁊ cetera” refers to the Greek words found in V.
  38. ms. seolc, in the margin.
  39. ms. laecedon.
  40. ms. A sort of Q before “Ad fluxum” in the margin, probably for W.
  41. ms. þa.
  42. ms. na mare.
  43. ms. cembde.
  44. (not in V,) ms. Æt.
  45. ms. aho in.
  46. (not form V,) ms. him.
  47. ms. nædran.
  48. ms. ⁊ eac.
  49. A large portion of the ms. here torn off. The ruling of this page stops a little higher that that of the others. The following words, only partly intelligible, are here written by the scribe in the lower margin:
    contra omnem ȝ ȝpentes ⁊ hu
    contra morem awtitum. Valet.
  50. ms. æȝhylce dæȝ.
  51. Thus also in V; probably an error for drinc in both cases.
  52. ms. flesan.
  53. ms. ȝe brand br. bærnede.
  54. ms. be drupod druwod.
  55. ms. esl eft.
  56. ms. Wið.
  57. ms. on on.
  58. ms. a wecceð s.
  59. ms. ȝemanen?
  60. ms. earfoðu.
  61. ms. ȝebræde.
  62. ms. wirtan.
  63. ms. to by brycþ.
  64. ms. aȝe.
  65. The words wið nearwe sworetunge written again partly in the margin and partly (on top of a page) above the words wine ȝedon.
  66. ms. wundelice.
  67. ms. þam.
  68. ms. to ti wid þingun.
  69. ms. ȝedrupe ⁊ ȝemylted.
  70. ms. þan.
  71. ms. smu smire.
  72. ms. ȝewy (r) | wryþan, the second part of the first word underlinded.
  73. ms. lungum.
  74. ms. he.
  75. ms. Da Don, with hars across the second part of the D in both cases.
  76. ȝeallen (V has ȝeallan), an error for ȝealla.
  77. ms. his ealtewa.
  78. ms. fexe feallendum, fexe between two “||”-signs, obviously meant to mark that it is to be placed after feallendum.
  79. ms. an?
  80. ms. pannum.
  81. ms. r i hrif.
  82. ms. ȝesceawen.
  83. ms. odðer.
  84. ms. hit hyt.
  85. ms. naþer to ne.
  86. ms. afte.
  87. ms. tetome.
  88. ms. teþ reaman.
  89. ms. wambe wyæce.
  90. ms. nin.
  91. The words: Medicina de hirco ⁊ capra are here written in the lower margin.
  92. sistendum is here written in the upper margin.
  93. In V, firȝin buccan; an error for firȝin bucca.
  94. ms. beorhnesse.
  95. ms. beornysse.
  96. ms. after ad oculos more words in red in the margin, illegible.
  97. possibly for sare which is the lesson of V.
  98. ms. aeppes siwe.
  99. The words oþþe fire are here written in the upper margin.
  100. ms. wifef.
  101. ms. rise recels.
  102. ms. terþ.
  103. Here and in the following lines the letters between the parentheses guessed rather than read.
  104. ms. here hreosende.
  105. ms. teoþ þurþ.
  106. Not in V; ms. ⁊ shuca.
  107. ms. on wine niwe (sic), the second word underlined and struck off.
  108. ms. adriȝd.
  109. ms. ofer ȝesedet.
  110. ms. mengc.
  111. ms. drincan.
  112. ms. ȝe wy wyrd.
  113. ms. wunderlice.
  114. ms. wurmas inne beoð hi (which makes sense).
  115. ms. awirph.
  116. ms. to tord.
  117. ms. þeoþ wrace.
  118. ms. mid swiþe.
  119. ms. seallf sealf.
  120. ms. wulon.
  121. ms. ef ⁊ æfter.
  122. ms. þato slitena.
  123. ms. swa.
  124. ms. healfe sodene.
  125. ms. p. rammes.
  126. ms. o meng.
  127. ms. to.
  128. ms. willa.
  129. ms. bla braȝen.
  130. ms. teu’rse.
  131. ms. nife.
  132. ms. flew flewsa.
  133. ms. wuym, a confusion with wyrm.
  134. ms. tears.
  135. ms. spiwan.
  136. ms. bæres.
  137. ms. ꝥ þrindan dæl beo weallen.
  138. ms. bæres.
  139. ms. deolfolseocnesse (or deolfolsœcnesse ?).
  140. ms. fulfes.
  141. ms. fulfes.
  142. ms. Eah hræc.
  143. ms. fulfes.
  144. ms. swyrþre.
  145. ms. fulfune.
  146. ms. The words: a þe scinlac ðrowyon eta leones flæs (cf. p. 221) are here repeated in the lower margin.
  147. The red text, rahter faint on the same line as the black one.
  148. The words: Ad neruos ad genua on the same line as: Wið sina.
  149. ms. merurh.
  150. ms. nardran.
  151. ms. afy aflyȝennysse.
  152. ms. neardran.
  153. The following words, from which I can make no sense, here occur in the margin: ad ocles ne oc… combinacionem ignosfan̄ (?).
  154. ms. Wið ȝemanen.
  155. ms. odðer.
  156. excitandum rather guessed than read in the margin.
  157. ms. byþ he byð.
  158. ms. þa.
  159. ms. fif þinði þingumd.
  160. ms. ylpen, the word struck off in red.
  161. ms. De canibus on the same line as sumera.
  162. ms. helpna. Cock. writes hwelpan though V. has hwelpna.
  163. ms. ȝesodena.
  164. ms. on gyft.
  165. The reader may be puzzled, in case he should here refer to Cockayne’s text, by the omission of the beginning of the sentence. It is very similar in V. to what it is in O., and Cockayne’s omission must be due to a mistake.
  166. ms. ȝedeon.
  167. ms. toðreomera.
  168. The last four lines not in V.
  169. ms. perhaps drwreȝe dwosle?
  170. ms. odðer.