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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/C/100

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1454242Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, Volume 1 — C. Tabu: C100—C199. Sex tabu1955Stith Thompson

C100—C199. Sex tabu.

C100. Sex tabu. Hebrew: Leviticus ch. 18.
Q240. Sexual sins punished. T300. Chastity and celibacy.
C101. Sex tabu broken: child born without bones. Icelandic: Ragnarssaga Loðbrokar 128; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1152. Boneless man turned over to produce seasons. F529.7. Person with gristle instead of bones. T462. Lesbian love. T550. Monstrous births.
C110. Tabu: sexual intercourse. *Frazer Golden Bough XII 225f. s.v. "continence", 214 s.v. "chastity"; Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
C142. Tabu: sexual intercourse during menses. C566. Tabu: sex activity for warriors. E411.2. Adulterous person cannot rest in grave. F304.2. Fairy queen's beauty temporarily destroyed by intercourse with mortal. H1472. Test: sleeping by princess three nights without looking at her or disturbing her. M130. Vows concerning sex. N553.1. Tabu: incontinence while treasure is being raised. Q243. Incontinence punished — miscellaneous. Q535.3. Refraining from sexual intercourse as penance. T400. Illicit sexual relations.
C110.1. Tabu: sexual relationship with girls of nobility while having sore on body. Mono: Wheeler 30.
C111. Tabu: loss of chastity. Hero loses power with loss of chastity. — Wesselski Mönchslatein 185 No. 144; Jewish: Neuman; Gaster Thespis 327f.; Róheim Animism, Magic, and the Divine King 1ff.; Jastrow Religion of Babylonia and Assyria 475ff. — Cf. Stories of knights of the Round Table, e.g. Galahad. — *Crane Vitry 237 No. 247; Herbert Catalogue of Romances III 20; Irish myth: Cross. — N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 335 n. 209a.
D1837. Magic weakness. T300. Chastity and celibacy.
C112. Tabu: sexual intercourse with unearthly beings. (Cf. C122.) — English: Child V 500 s.v. "unearthly". — Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 321—22; Herrmann Saxo II 588, Boberg; S. Am. Indian (Lengua): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (1) 369.
F300. Marriage or liaison with fairy. T11. Marriage of mortal and supernatural being. T118. Girl married to a monster. T539.3. Conception from intercourse with demon.
C113. Tabu: sodomy. Hebrew: Leviticus 20: 15f.; Jewish: Neuman.
B600. Marriage of person to animal. T460. Sexual perversion.
C114. Tabu: incest. **Rank Inzestmotiv. — Hebrew: Leviticus 20: 11ff.; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1018. Flood as punishment for incest. T410. Incest. Q242. Incest punished.
C114.1. Tabu: son seeing mother perform sex act. India: Thompson-Balys.
C312. Tabu: man looking at woman.
C114.2. Sex tabu: man—niece. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 90 No. 50.
C115. Tabu: adultery. Hebrew: Leviticus 20: 10; Exodux 20:14.
Q241. Adultery punished.
C116. Tabu: sexual intercourse in sacred precinct. (Cf. Q551.3.) — *Krappe Balor 82ff.; Jewish: Neuman; Icelandic: Boberg.
C93. Tabu: trespassing sacred precinct.
C117. Nuptial tabu. Man and wife forbidden intercourse for definite time. — *Schoepperle Tristan and Isolt II 298; Crawley Mystic Rose (1902) 343ff.; 'DeVries Zs. f. deutsche Philologie LIII 276ff.; Penzer II 248, VIII 25 n. 1. — Irish myth: Cross; Norse: Elton Saxo Grammaticus xxxi, 319, Corpus Poeticum Boreale II 347, Ragnarssage Loðbrókar 128; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 169 n. 2; India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 335 n. 209; Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 99; Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 47, Rasmussen III 134.
C751.2. Tabu: sleeping with certain wife on Midsummer's Eve. T151. Year's respite for unwelcome marriage. T165. Girl may remain virgin for three days after marriage. T350. Chaste sleeping together.
C117.1. Tabu: intercourse with resuscitated wife for particular number of days. Marquesas: Handy 113.
C118. Tabu: violating woman. Irish myth: Cross.
C885.2. Tabu: listening to groans of woman being violated. T471. Rape.
C118.1. Tabu: violating insane woman. Irish myth: Cross.
C119. Miscellaneous tabus concerning sexual intercourse.
C119.1. Tabu: sexual intercourse at certain time. Jewish: Neuman.
C119.1.1. Tabu: sexual intercourse during illness. Irish myth: Cross.
C119.1.2. Tabu: sexual intercourse on Sabbath. Jewish: Neuman.
C631. Tabu: violating Sabbath.
C119.1.3. Tabu: intercourse at hunting season. Samoyed: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 84.
C119.1.4. Tabu: sexual intercourse during religious festival (18 days). India: Thompson-Balys.
C119.1.5. Tabu: intercourse before worship. India: Thompson-Balys.
C119.1.6. Tabu: intercourse at night. India: Thompson-Balys.
C119.2. Tabu: failure to sleep with guest unaccompanied by husband. Irish myth: Cross.
T281. Sex hospitality.
C120. Tabu: kissing. Usually causes disenchantment or magic forgetfulness. (Cf. D735, D2003.) — *Type 313C, 410. — Grimm Nos. 113, 186, 193; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
D735. Disenchantment by kiss. D1794. Magic results from kissing. D2003. Forgotten fiancée.
C121. Tabu: kissing supernatural husband. (Cf. C32.) *Type 425; BP II 234, 236 n. 1, 271; Sébillot France I 244, III 291; Dickson Valentine and Orson 55.
C122. Tabu: kissing fairies. This puts one in their power. (Cf. C112.) — English: Child I 322 and n., 325; Wimberly Folklore in Ballads 282ff.
F302.3.4.1. Fairy's kiss fatal.
C130. Tabu connected with puberty. Irish myth: Cross.
C131. Tabu: girl going forth at puberty. Kaffir: Theal 17, cf. 67. — N. A. Indian: Curtin Myths of the Modocs 68.
C132. Tabu: male presence in girl's puberty-hut. Zulu: Callaway 74, 85.
C140. Tabu connected with menses. Jewish: *Neuman; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 530f; India: Thompson-Balys.
C141. Tabu: going forth during menses. Frazer Golden Bough III 145ff., X 76ff.; Hebrew: Leviticus 15:19ff.; India: Thompson-Balys.
C141.1. Tabu: menstrous woman not to go near any cultivated field or crops will be ruined. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C141.2. Tabu: not to enter cowshed during menses. India: Thompson-Balys.
C141.3. Tabu: not to enter water during menses. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 29.
C142. Tabu: sexual intercourse during menses. Hebrew: Leviticus 20:18; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
C110. Tabu: sexual intercourse.
C143. Tabu: eating from hands of menstruating women. India: Thompson-Balys.
C240. Tabu: eating food of certain person.
C144. Ground defiled by menstrual blood. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
C145. Tabu: not to touch certain things during menses. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
C500. Tabu: touching.
C146. Women must wear certain things during menstruation.
C146.1. Menstruating women must wear amulet of leaves when approaching certain valley. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 212.
C150. Tabu connected with childbirth.
C531.1. Unbilical cord not to be cut with iron.
C151. Tabu: man not to be present at childbirth. (Cf. C31.1.4.) — English: Child I 179, 181—3, 245f., 502a; II 98, 106f., 414, 418, 422, 499; IV 250a, 464; V236; Dickson Valentine and Orson 169 n. 20; *Boje 125.
T580. Childbirth.
C152. Tabus during pregnancy. *Frazer Golden Bough I 141 n., IIl 147; *Fb "glød", "grav", "gryn", "hul", "hvid" I 700b, "hår" I 771a, "ild" II lib, "karklud", "kaste" II 103a, "kniv" II 221. — India: Thompson-Balys.
T570. Pregnancy.
C152.1. Tabu: violence to woman during pregnancy. Irish myth: Cross.
C152.2. Tabu: refusing unreasonable demand of pregnant woman. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
C871. Tabu: refusing a request. T571. Unreasonable demands of pregnant woman.
C152.3. Eating tabus for pregnant woman.
C200. Tabu: eating — general.
C152.3.1. Pregnant woman not to eat food baked overnight. India: Thompson-Balys.
C152.3.2. Certain foods tabu one (two) months before childbirth. S. Am. Indian (Brazil): Oberg 110.
C153. Tabu: contact with woman at childbirth. Frazer Golden Bough III 147ff., X 20.
C153.1. Tabu: carrying corpse of woman who died in childbirth. Jewish: *Neuman.
C154. Tabus following childbirth.
C154.1. Food tabus following childbirth. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen II 295, (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 312.
C160. Tabu connected with marriage.
C566.4. Tabu: women marrying until hero has chosen their husbands. C751.2. Tabu: sleeping with certain wife on Midsummer's Eve. T131. Marriage restrictions.
C161. Tabus for girl going to her husband. Kaffir: Theal 49.
C162. Tabu: marriage with certain person.
C567. Tabu: eloping with king's daughter.
C162.1. Tabu: marrying queen of certain race. Irish myth: Cross.
C162.1.1. Tabu: fairy girl marrying mortal. India: Thompson-Balys; Korean: Zong in-Sob 30 No. 13.
F303. Fairy weds prince.
C162.2. Tabu: marrying unmanly person. Irish myth: Cross.
C162.3. Tabu: marrying outside of group (or caste). Jewish: *Neuman.
C163. Tabu: neglecting sexual relations in marriage. Irish myth: Cross.
C164. Tabu: forcing wife. Irish myth: Cross.
C165. Tabu: marriage with person whose blood one has drunk. Irish myth: Cross.
P312. Blood brotherhood. T61.1. Betrothal by lovers drinking each other's blood. T410. Incest.
C167. Tabu: playing at marriage ceremony.
C167.1. Boy who plays marriage-game finds he has actually been married to a spirit (invisible during ceremony). India: Thompson-Balys.
C168. Tabu: disregarding dream warning against marriage.
C168.1. Woman marries in spite of warning dream. Bears blind child who soon dies. India: Thompson-Balys.
D1812.3.3. Divination through interpretation of dreams. T311.0.1. Woman's aversion to marriage motivated through a dream.
C169. Tabu connected with marriage — miscellaneous.
C169.1. Tabu: not to lay down basket carrying bride on wedding journey. India: Thompson-Balys.
C169.2. Tabu: giving younger daughter in marriage before elder. Jewish: Neuman.
C170. Tabu connected with husband's or wife's relatives.
C435.1. Tabu: uttering name of other close relations. P282.3. Stepmother in love with stepson.
C171. Mother-in-law tabu. Mother-in-law and son-in-law must not have anything to do with each other. — *Frazer Golden Bough XII 378 s.v. "mother-in-law"; *Andree Ethnographische Parallelen (1878) 159. — Jewish: Neuman; Africa (Zulu): Calaway 164, (Upoto): Einstein 129.
C172. Sister-in-law tabu: older brother must avoid younger brother's wife. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
C173. Daughter-in-law tabu. Jewish: Neuman.
C180. Tabu confined to one sex.
C550. Class tabu.
C181. Tabu confined to women. Irish myth: Cross.
C229.2. Tabu: women not to eat genitals of animals. C313.1. Tabu: woman looking at nude man. C566.3. Tabu: women leaving hero's land without his knowing it. C619.4. Tabu: women to be on certain island. D1982.1. Magic door invisible to women.
C181.1. Tabu: woman not to touch husband's drum (magic object). Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 176 No. 25, (Ekoi): Talbot 18.
C500. Tabu: touching.
C181.2. Tabu: women not to participate in hunting activities. Lappish: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 84.
C229.2. Tabu: women not to eat genitals of animals.
C181.3. Tabu: women not to touch man's weapons. (Cf. C835.2.) — *Krappe Études de Mythologie 115ff., Jewish: Neuman; Icelandic: Boberg.
C181.4. Tabu: women not to climb on roof. India: Thompson-Balys.
C181.5. Tabu: Baiga women not to tie cloth between legs. India: Thompson-Balys.
C181.6. Tabu: Bondo women not to wear clothes. India: Thompson-Balys.
C181.7. Grave (of man) upon which no women can look without foolish laugh or "sine crepitu ventris eius." Irish myth: Cross.
C181.8. Tabu: women not to eat pork. India: Thompson-Balys.
C181.9. Tabu: Saora women not to wear gold earrings. India: Thompson-Balys.
C181.10. Tabu: women riding in canoe. Marquesas: Handy 134.
C181.11. Mare not to be yoked to cart drawing corpse. McKay, Beal III 141.
C181.12. Tabu: woman sacrificing in temple. Jewish: Neuman.
C182. Tabu confined to men.
C312. Tabu: man looking at woman. C565. Tabus of bearded men. C686.1. Tabu: to refuse help to a woman. C867. Tabu: abusing women or children. J21.22. "Do not tell a secret to a woman." N134.1. Unlucky to have man in house while cloth is being dyed.
C182.1. Tabu: men fishing at certain place. India: Thompson-Balys.
C182.2. Tabu: man entering woman's quarters in her absence. Tonga: Gifford 53.
C190. Sex tabu — miscellaneous.
C31.5. Tabu: boasting of supernatural wife. C435. Tabu: uttering spouse's name. C453. Tabu: boasting love-conquest.
C191. Tabu: mortal lusting after goddess. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 28 n. 2; India: Thompson-Balys.
A180. Gods in relation to mortals.
C192. Tabu: refusing to elope with woman who desires it. Irish myth: Cross.
C567. Tabu: eloping with king's daughter. T55. Girl as wooer.
C193. Tabu: consorting with a woman. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
C111. Tabu: loss of chastity.
C193.1. Tabu: woman being in one's dwelling. Irish myth: Cross.
C194. Tabu: trysting with woman at certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C610. The one forbidden place.
C194.1. Tabu: embracing at village gate. India: Thompson-Balys.
C195. Tabu: taking the advice of a woman. Irish myth: Cross.
J21.22. "Do not tell a secret to a woman." T453. Getting advice from a woman in bed.
C196. Tabu: asking for king's daughter in marriage. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C567. Tabu: eloping with king's daughter. P40. Princesses.