Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/C/700
C700—C899. Miscellaneous tabus.
C700. Miscellaneous tabus.
C710. Tabus connected with other-world journeys. Babylonian: Gilgamesch-Epos XII p. 64ff. — Icelandic: Boberg; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 371, 440, Rasmussen III 170; Marquesas: Beckwith Myth 149.
C211. Tabu: eating in other world. C405. Silence preserved in fairyland. C413. Tabu: expressing surprise in lower world of dead. C423.3. Tabu: revealing experiences in other world. C542. Tabu: touching treasures of otherworld. C482.1. Tabu: weeping in land of gods. C542.1. Tabu: contact with things on Journey to hell. C644. The one forbidden thing: returning to home country after marrying fairy. F378. Tabus connected with trip to fairyland.
C711. Tabu: going into bath on return from serpent kingdom. (Cf. C721.) — Chauvin V 257 No. 152.
B225.1. Kingdom of serpents. F127. Journey to underground animal kingdom.
C712. Tabu: staying too long in other world.
C211. Tabu: eating in other world. C262. Tabu: drinking in other world. C735.2.1. Tabu: sleeping in other world. C761. Tabu: doing thing too long.
C712.1. Tabu: staying too long in fairyland. (Cf. C713.3.) — *R. M. Meyer Zs. f. Vksk. XXI 1ff.
C211.1. Tabu: eating in fairyland. C242. Tabu: eating food of witch (demon). F210. Fairyland. F370. Visit to fairyland. F377. Supernatural lapse of time in fairyland. F378.1. Tabu: touching ground on return from fairyland.
C713. Forsaken merman. Tabu: association of fairy's (merman's, etc.) human wife (husband) with human relatives.
B82.1. Merman marries maiden. T294. Wife of supernatural being longs for old home and visits relatives.
C713.1. Tabu: merman's wife not to stay till church benediction. English: Child I 366.
D2006.2. Sight of old home reawakens memory and brings about return from other world. F382. Exorcising fairies. Fairies disappear when some name of ceremony of the Christian Church is used. G304.2.4.1. Trolls cannot endure churchbells. V50. Prayer.
C713.2. Tabu: wife of supernatural husband seeing old home. Usually a part of the "Star-Husband" tale of the North American Indians: Thompson Tales 332 n. 197.
C713.3. Tabu: wife of merman staying too long at home (on visit). (Cf. C712.1.) — Norwegian: Child I 364.
C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home.
C713.3.1. Tabu: beast-husband staying too long at home: becomes sick. India: Thompson-Balys.
C713.4. Golden apple thrown to remind merman's wife not to forget to return to him. Child I 364f.
F813.1.1. Golden apple.
C714. Tabus concerning requests made in otherworld.
C714.1. Only one present to be asked for at home of spirit son-in-law. India: Thompson-Balys.
T111.1. Marriage of a mortal and a god.
C715. Tabu: speaking in otherworld. (Cf. C400.)
F370. Visit to fairyland.
C715.1. Tabu: speaking in fairyland. India: Thompson-Balys.
C715.2. Tabu: making noise on way to other world. Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 154.
C716. Tabu: removing hats tohile in otherworld. India: Thompson-Balys.
C720. Tabu: attending toilet needs.
M120. Vows concerning personal appearance.
C721. Tabu: bathing. (Cf. C711.) — Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
C721.1. Tabu: bathing during certain time. *Types 361, 475; BP II 423, 427 (Gr. Nos. 100, 101). — Irish myth: Cross.
C755. Tabu: doing thing during certain time.
C721.2. Tabu: bathing in certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C721.2.1. Tabu: bathing in clear stream. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 281.
C721.3. Tabu: bathing without straining stream afterwards. Irish myth: Cross.
C722. Tabu: cutting hair. Jewish: *Neuman.
P632.5. Long hair prized by Irish heroes. P672.2. Cutting of a man's hair as an insult.
C722.0.1. Tabu: shaving. Jewish: Neuman.
C722.1. Tabu: cutting hair during certain time. *Fb "hår" I 771b.
C755. Tabu: doing thing during certain time.
C723. Tabu: combing hair.
C723.1. Tabu: combing hair during certain time. *Types 361, 475; BP II 423, 427 (Gr. Nos. 100, 101).
C725. Tabu: attending call of nature at certain time. Africa (Benga): Nassau 132 No. 14.
C725.1. Tabu: use of water after attending call of nature. India: Thompson-Balys.
C726. Tabu: trimming fingernails. Jewish: Neuman; German: Grimm Nos. 100, 101.
C726.1. Tabu: throwing away nail trimmings. Jewish: Neuman; Tahiti: Henry 143.
G303.25.5. Devil's chair in hell made from thrown-away nail parings.
C730. Tabu: resting. India: Thompson-Balys.
C731. Tabu: resting on journey. India: Thompson-Balys; Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 51.
C735. Tabu: sleeping. Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 100.
C735.1. Tabu: sleeping during certain time. *Type 400; BP II 318 ff.; Irish myth: Cross. — N. A. Indian (Zuñi): Parsons JAFL XXDC 393; (Ojibwa): Jones-Michelson PAES VII (2) 231 No. 20, (Bella Coola): Boas JE I 58. — Africa (Congo): Weeks 217 No. 12.
C755. Tabu: doing thing during certain time. F564.1. Person of diabolical origin never sleeps.
C735.1.0.1. Tabu: sleeping in certain position during certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C735.1.1. Tabu: bearded man sleeping at sunrise. Irish myth: Cross.
C565. Tabus for bearded men.
C735.1.2. Tabu: sleeping before task is finished. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G 3/1174).
H1247. Sleep forbidden until quest is accomplished.
C735.2. Tabu: sleeping in certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C735.2.1. Tabu: sleeping in other world. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 281, (Congo): Weeks 217 No. 22.
C712. Tabu: staying too long in other wor1d.
C735.2.1.1. Tabu: sleeping before lapse of seven days in cloudland. Africa (Congo): Weeks 217.
C735.2.2. Tabu: sleeping in empty hut. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 86.
C735.2.3. Tabu: king (hero) sleeping after sunrise at capital. Irish myth: Cross.
C735.2.4. Tabu: sleeping in house lighted after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1. Tabu: doing thing after sunset.
C735.2.5. Tabu: sleeping in cemetery. Lithuanian: Balys Ghosts.
C735.2.6. Tabu: sleeping on the path of ghosts. Lithuanian: Balys Ghosts.
C735.2.7. Tabu: sleeping on feather bed. Canadian: Gautier.
C735.2.8. Tabu: sleeping two nights in the same place until certain result is attained. Irish myth: Cross.
C735.2.9. Tabu: to rest sitting or lying until answer to certain question is learned. Irish myth: Cross.
C757. Tabu: doing a thing too soon.
C735.2.10. Tabu: sleeping at one's own home. Jewish: Neuman.
C740. Tabu: doing deed of mercy or courtesy.
C741. Tabu: relieving souls in hell. Boy who tends kettles in hell not allowed to raise covers to relieve poor souls. — Köhler-Bolte I 138, *320.
E755.2.1. Souls of drowned in heated kettles in hell. Q561.2. Kettle heating in hell for certain person.
C742. Tabu: striking monster twice. Though monster begs that hero strike him again, hero refuses. Monster would otherwise revive. — *Chauvin VII 69 No. 348 n. 2; *Wesselski Theorie 143 and n.; *Köhler-Bolte I 469ff.; *Krappe Revue d'Ethnographie et des Traditions Populaires (1925) 432ff.; **Wesselski Erlesenes 18ff.; *BP IV 395.
C762. Tabu: doing thing too often. E11.1. Second blow resuscitates. First kills.
C742.1. Man must be killed with first blow: others will not harm him. Irish myth: Cross.
Z310. Unique vulnerability.
C743. Tabu: putting house in order for one man. Irish myth: Cross.
P320. Hospitality.
C744. Tabu: accepting an invitation. Irish myth: Cross.
C282. Tabu: refusing a feast.
C745. Tabu: entertaining strangers. Jewish: Neuman.
C745.1. Tabu: heeding pleas of old woman for food and warmth. (Old woman is transformed demon.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
C746. Tabu: watching a game without helping the losing player. Irish myth: Cross.
C747. Tabu: not to allow any other creature on raft. India: Thompson-Balys.
C750. Time tabus. India: Thompson-Balys.
C630. Tabu: the one forbidden time. C684. Compulsion to perform task yearly. C687. Injunction to perform certain act daily.
C751. Tabu: doing thing at certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C615.1. Lake forbidden at certain time. C641.1. Tabu: making war against certain tribe on Tuesday. C725. Tabu: attending call of nature at certain time. C856.1. Tabu: leaving track of army at certain place, time. N128. Unlucky days.
C751.1. Tabu: lighting fire at certain time. *Chauvin VII 116 No. 385; Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
C751.1.1. Tabu: lighting fire before king lights one. (Cf. C756.) — Irish myth: Cross.
C751.2. Tabu: sleeping with certain wife on Midsummer's Eve. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.3. Tabu: convening certain hunt at certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.4. Tabu: going on water Monday after May Day. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.5. Tabu: making treaty at certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.6. Tabu: leaving capital every ninth night. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.7. Tabu: doing thing at sunrise. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.7.1. Tabu: being in certain place at sunrise. Irish myth: Cross.
C751.8. Tabu: carrying food at night. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 144.
C752. Tabu: doing thing after certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1. Tabu: doing thing after sunset (nightfall). Irish myth: Cross.
C237. Tabu: feasting by night at beginning of harvest. C263. Tabu: drinking from certain river between two darknesses. C735.2.4. Tabu: sleeping in house lighted after sunset. C885.1. Tabu: listening to fluttering of birds after sunset.
C752.1.1. Tabu: bringing arms to capital after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1.2. Tabu: crossing certain plain after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1.3. Tabu: single person entering one's house after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1.4. Tabu: allowing person to come to feast after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1.5. Tabu: casting in graveyard after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C93. Tabu: trespassing sacred precinct.
C752.1.6. Tabu: using magic power after nightfall. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G 13/116).
C752.2. Tabu: doing certain thing after sunrise.
C752.2.1. Tabu: supernatural creatures being abroad after sunrise. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 333.
E452. Ghost laid at cock-crow. E501.11.1.2. Wild hunt abroad until cock-crow. F383.4. Fairy must leave at cock-crow. F451.3.2. Dwarfs turn to stone at sunrise. G273.3. Witch powerless at cock-crow. G636. Ogres powerless after cock-crow.
C752.2.2. Conjurer must leave before sunrise. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 173.
C755. Tabu: doing thing during certain time. Irish myth: Cross.
C237. Tabu: feasting by night at beginning of harvest. C263. Tabu: drinking from certain river between two darknesses. C273. Tabu: drinking water at certain time. C401. Tabu: speaking during certain time. C631. Tabu: breaking sabbath. C721.1. Tabu: bathing during certain time. C722.1. Tabu: cutting hair during certain time. C723.1. Tabu: combing hair during certain time. C735.1. Tabu: sleeping during certain time.
C755.1. Tabu: leaving house within certain time. N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 463 No. 99; Samoa: Henry 346.
C755.2. Telling tales except at certain time of year (or day). DeVries Het Sprookje 49. — Dakota: Wallis JAFL XXXVI 56f.
C755.3. Tabu: coming to Ireland in time of peace. Irish myth: Cross.
C755.4. Tabu: going to certain place in March. Irish myth: Cross.
C610. The one forbidden place.
C755.5. Tabu: sitting on certain sepulchral mounds in autumn. Irish myth: Cross.
C755.6. Tabu: hunting in certain season. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 97, III 187.
C755.6.1. Tabu: hunting in hottest season. India: Thompson-Balys.
C755.7. Tabu: landing on certain island during forbidden period. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 508, 511.
C755.8. Tabu: going out at night by oneself. Jewish: Neuman.
C756. Tabu: doing thing before certain time.
C300. Looking tabu. C402. Tabu: speaking before certain time. C842. Tabu: exposure to sunlight. C951. Girl carried off because of broken tabu. T381. Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation).
C756.0.1. Tabu: ringing bell before certain time. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 242 No. 188.
C756.1. Tabu: going home before dog precedes. Fb "hund" I 678b.
C756.2. Tabu: letting sun shine on girl before she is thirty years old. Fb "sol" III 458a.
C842. Tabu: exposure to sunlight. C951. Girl carried off because of broken tabu. T381. Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation). T521. Conception from sunlight.
C756.3. Tabu: going home before adventure is completed. South African: Bourhill and Drake Fairy Tales from South Africa 237ff. No. 20.
C756.4. Tabu: entering chariot less than three weeks after having eaten horseflesh. Irish myth: Cross.
Q499.6. Penance for three years and a half for eating horseflesh.
C757. Tabu: doing thing too soon. India: Thompson-Balys.
C735.2.8. Tabu: sleeping two nights in the same place until certain result is attained. C735.2.9. Tabu: to rest sitting or lying until answer to certain question is learned. C761.4.1. Tabu: staying two nights in one place until certain event is brought to pass. D806.1. Magic object effective when struck on ground once only. Second blow renders useless.
C757.1. Tabu: destroying animal skin of enchanted person too soon. *Type 425; Tegethoff Amor und Psyche 32ff. — Missouri French: Carrière; India: *Thompson-Balys.
C32. Tabu: offending supernatural husband. C32.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural husband. C321.2. Tabu: opening box prematurely. C421. Tabu: revealing secret of supernatural husband. C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home. D721.3. Disenchantment by destroying skin.
C757.2. Tabu: telling adventure in otherworld too soon. India: *Thompson-Balys; Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 99.
C423.3. Tabu: revealing experiences in other world.
C758. Tabu: doing thing too hastily.
C758.1. Monster born because of hasty (inconsiderate) wish of parents. **Tegethoff 24; *Types 425, 430, 433B, 441; BP II 235ff, *483, III 534; Wesselski Mönchslatein 15 No. 11; India: Thompson-Balys.
S223. Childless couple promise child to the devil if they may only have one. T548.1. Child born in answer to prayer. T553. Thumbling born as result of hasty wish of parents. They wish for a child, no matter how small he may be.
C761. Tabu: doing thing too long.
C761.1. Tabu: remaining on journey too long. English: Wells 66 (Ywain and Gawain). — Chinese: Graham.
C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home. *Type 425; Tegethoff Amor und Psyche 34ff.
C32. Tabu: offending supernatural husband. C712. Tabu: staying too long in other world. C713.3. Tabu: wife of merman staying too long at home (on visit).
C761.3. Tabu: staying too long at ball. Must leave before certain hour. — *Type 510AB; *Cox Cinderella passim; Missouri French: Carrière.
R221. Heroine's three-fold flight from ball.
C761.4. Tabu: staying too long in certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C712. Tabu: staying too long in otherworld.
C761.4.1. Tabu: staying two nights in one place until certain event is brought to pass. Irish myth: Cross.
C735.2.9. Tabu: to rest sitting or lying until answer to certain question is learned. M151.5. Vow not to eat or sleep until certain event is brought to pass.
C761.4.2. Tabu: staying too long in meadow of otherworld. India: Thompson-Balys.
F162. Landscape of otherworld.
C761.4.3. Tabu: angel to remain on earth more than one week. Jewish: Neuman.
C762. Tabu: doing thing too often.
C742. Tabu: striking monster twice.
C762.1. Tabu: using magic power too often. N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 299 n. 93; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 461.
D877. Magic object loses power by overuse. D1700—D2199. Magic powers. J2071. Three foolish wishes. Three wishes will be granted: used up foolishly. J2423. The eye-juggler. J2424. The sharpened leg.
C762.2. Tabu: too much weeping for dead. Persian: Carnoy 345. Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 73, 80, Rasmussen III 166, 180.
A2234.4. Hare weeps for mother when forbidden: punished. D516. Transformation through excessive grief. E324. Dead child's friendly return to parents, frequently to stop weeping. E361. Return from the dead to stop weeping.
C762.3. Tabu: whipping magic horse more than once on journey. India: Thompson-Balys.
B181. Magic horse.
C762.4. Tabu: taking more than one fruit from certain tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
D877. Magic object loses power to overuse.
C762.5. "Take, but only twice." Man to take money from cursed chest only twice. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 36, 130.
C766. Eating after one is satisfied. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 182.
C766.1. Tabu: killing more cattle than one can eat. Icelandic: Boberg.
C770. Tabu: overweening pride. Jewish: *Neuman.
C54. Tabu: rivaling the gods. C450. Boasting. L400. Pride brought low. L420. Overweening ambition punished. Q331. Pride punished. W116. Vanity.
C770.1. Overweening pride in good fortune forbidden. Man proud that he and his clan have never known unhappiness or want swallowed up by earth. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
C771. Tabu: building too large a structure.
C771.1. Tabu: building too high a tower. (Tower of Babel.) Hebrew: Genesis II 3ff.; Frazer Testament I 362ff.; Jewish: *Neuman; Hartland Science 221. — Esthonian: Loorits Grundzüge I 453 f.; India: Thompson-Balys; Indo-Chinese: Scott Indo-Chinese 266f. — Maya: Alexander Lat. Am. 132; Aztec: ibid. 96. — African (Kaffir): Kidd 237 No. 6; (Ashanti): Werner African Myth 124.
A1333. Confusion of tongues. C931. Building falls because of breaking of tabu. C966. Change of language for breaking tabu. F50. Access to upper world. F772.1. Tower of Babel: remarkably tall tower designed to reach sky.
C771.1.1. Wicked man constructs tower neither too large nor too high. (Santa Barbara.) Der Heiligen Leben u. Leiden (Leipzig, 1921) lOlff.
C771.2. Tabu: piling up mountains to reach heaven. Greek: Fox 144; *Frazer Ovid II 136.
C773. Tabu: aspiring to too much power. *Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 259 No. 54.
C773.1. Tabu: making unreasonable requests. Given power of fulfilling all wishes, person oversteps moderation and is punished. *Type 555; *BP I 138; Grimm No. 19; *DeCock Volkssage 22ff.; *Wesselski Märchen 235; Irish myth: Cross; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *555B; India: Thompson-Balys.
C871. Tabu: refusing a request. J1512. Impossible demand rebuked. J2071. Three foolish wishes. J2500. Foolish extreme. L210. Modest choice best. Q338. Immoderate request punished.
C773.1.1. Tabu: asking for too great magic multiplication of coins. *Starck Der Alraun; Taylor JAFL XXXI 561f. — India: Thompson-Balys.
D2100.2. Coin multiplies itself.
C776. Tabu: counting possessions. *Fb "tælle" III 923a. — Irish: Beal XXI 337; Jewish: Neuman.
C897. Tabus concerning counting.
C780. Tabu: buying, selling, etc.
C781. Tabu: buying. *Hdwb. d. Abergl. IX Nachträge 810.
C781.1. Tabu: buying gallows flesh or living flesh. — *BP I 514.
C782. Tabu: selling. *Hdwb. d. Abergl. IX Nachträge 810.
C782.1. Tabu: selling used clothing. — Fb "klæder" II 200a.
C782.2. Tabu: selling to witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 843.
G200. Witches.
C783. Tabu: giving away.
C783.1. Tabu: giving certain money away. — Breton: Sébillot Incidents s. v. "argent".
C783.2. Tabu: giving away rings. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
C784. Tabu: lending. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 27.
C784.1. Tabu: lending to witch. North Carolina: Brown Collection I 644, 652.
G200. Witches.
C785. Tabu: trying to save provision for another day. India: Thompson-Balys.
C810. Tabu: heeding persuasive person or thing.
C742. Tabu: striking monster twice. Though monster begs that hero strike him again, hero refuses. Monster would otherwise revive. C745. Tabu: heeding pleas of old woman for food and warmth.
C811. Tabu: heeding persuasive voices. Tsimshian: Boas RBAE XXXI 188.
C811.1. Tabu: heeding persuasive voice of magic drum. Not to pick up drum that says "take me". — Roberts Type 480, p. 204; Benga: Nassau No. 11.
L215. Unpromising magic object chosen. Hero refuses to take one that cries out "Take me!"
C811.2. Tabu: heeding magic yam that says not to take it up. Gold Coast: Barker and Sinclair 90 No. 16.
C811.3. Tabu: answering call when asleep. Lithuanian: Balys Ghosts.
C812. Tabu: pursuing certain animal. Zulu: Callaway 117.
C815. Tabu: listening to mother's counsel. Fb "moder" II 600b.
C815.1. Tabu: listening to princess's counsel. Canadian: Gautier.
C820. Tabu: finding certain secret.
C420. Tabu: uttering secrets.
C821. Tabu: finding age of monster. Type 500; *BP I 497.
C822. Tabu: solving sphinx's riddle: sphinx perishes. Greek: Fox 49 (Oedipus).
B51. Sphinx. Has face of woman, body and tail of lion, wings of bird. G681. Ogre gives riddle on pain of death. H541.1. Sphinx propounds riddle on pain of death. H761. Riddle of the Sphinx.
C824. Tabu: finding name of ghost. BP I 496; Grimm No. 55.
E400. Ghosts and revenants.
C825. Tabu: studying occult books. Jewish: Neuman.
C830.[1] Unclassified tabus.
C832. Tabu: spinning. Saintyves Contes de Perrault 79ff. — Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3695, Legends No. 378f.
C631.2. Tabu: spinning on holy days.
C833. Tabus for journeys.
D2121.6. Magic Journey during which one must not think of good or evil.
C833.1. Tabu: crossing river except at source. Africa (Angola): Chatelain 69 No. 3.
C833.2. Tabu: turning aside for anyone. Irish myth: Cross.
H1400. Fear test. H1561. Tests of valor.
C833.3. Tabu: turning back after beginning a journey. *Fb "gå" I 525a, "vende" IV 1035b; African: Werner African 172.
C833.4. Tabu: driving horses over ashen yoke. Irish myth: Cross.
C833.5. Tabu: going with dry feet over certain river. Irish myth: Cross.
C833.6. Tabu: traveling beyond spot where feat of skill was performed before duplicating it. Irish myth: Cross.
C856.3. Tabu: army to advance until certain conditions are fulfilled.
C833.7. Tabu: proceeding after mishap to chariot. Irish myth: Cross.
C833.8. Tabu: going to certain place in speckled garment on speckled steed. Irish myth: Cross.
C833.9. Men sent on mission prohibited from fishing and quarreling. Africa (Bushongo): Torday Notes 247.
C835. Tabus concerning fighting.
C835.1. Tabu: refusing combat to anyone. Irish myth: Cross.
C835.1.1. Tabu: bearded man refusing combat. Irish myth: Cross.
C565. Tabus for bearded men.
C835.2. Tabus concerning weapons. Irish myth: Cross.
C181.3. Tabu: woman not to touch man's weapons. D1080. Magic weapons.
C835.2.1. Tabu: failing to make gift to magic lance. The lance kills offender. Irish myth: Cross.
C921. Immediate death for breaking tabu. D1086. Magic lance. D1402.8.3. Magic spear kills man. D1645.8.3. Magic flaming lance.
C835.2.2. Tabu: allowing spear-head to touch stone. Irish myth: Cross.
C500. Tabu: touching.
C835.2.3. Tabu: putting spear-head between teeth. Irish myth: Cross.
C835.2.4. Tabu: slaying woman with spear. Irish myth: Cross.
C835.2.5. Tabu: reddening weapons without satiety. Irish myth: Cross.
C835.2.6. Tabu: giving arms in pledge. Irish myth: Cross.
C835.3. Tabu: going to (leaving) certain place without combat. Irish myth: Cross.
C835.4. Tabu: fighting certain person. Irish myth: Cross.
C600. Unique prohibition.
C835.4.1. Tabu: fighting with a hag. Irish myth: Cross.
F234.2.1. Fairy in form of hag.
C836. Tabu: disobedience. All lodgers must obey host implicitly. — English Wells 60 (Syre Gowene and the Carle of Carlyle).
C837. Tabu: loosing bridle in selling man transformed to horse. Disenchantment follows. — Type 325; BP II 60ff, *67 (Gr. No. 68). — India: *Thompson-Balys.
D535. Transformation to horse (ass, etc.) by putting on bridle. D612. Protean sale. D722. Disenchantment by taking off bridle. D1209.1. Magic bridle.
C841. Tabu: killing certain animals. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
C841.0.1. Clerics' voyage unsuccessful because they sailed in boats of skin. Irish myth: Cross.
F111.2.1. Island of Tir Tairngire (Land of Promise) cannot be reached in boat made of "dead soft skins of animals."
C841.0.2. Tabu: wounding animal; must be killed outright. Irish myth: Cross.
C841.0.3. Tabu: killing animal which takes refuge with one. India: Thompson-Balys.
C841.1. Tabu: killing stork. Bird was once maiden. (Cf. A1715, A1966.) — Dh III 286. — Fb "stork" III 592.
C92.5. Tabu: killing stork as sacred being. N250.1. Bad luck follows man who shoots stork.
C841.2. Tabu: hunting birds. Supernatural lover (king of birds) tells woman that son must not do so. — Irish myth: Cross.
C841.3. Tabu: burning caterpillars. India: Thompson-Balys.
C32.3. Tabu: burning animal husband.
C841.4. Tabu: hunting a pig. Irish myth: Cross.
C619.2. Tabu: going into wild boar's haunt. M397. Prophecy: hunters will encounter certain wild boar.
C841.5. Tabu: killing a swan. Irish myth: Cross.
D161. Transformation: man to swan.
C841.6. Tabu: killing golden duck. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
C841.7. Tabu: killing totem animal. Irish myth: Cross.
C841.8. Tabu: killing deer. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C841.8.1. Tabu: killing antelope. Africa (Fang): Tessman 190f.
C841.9. Tabu: killing certain fish. India: Thompson-Balys.
C841.10. Tabu: killing albatross.
C841.10.1. Killing albatross causes misfortune to follow killer. England: Baughman.
C841.11. Tabu: killing a cat. India: Thompson-Balys.
C842. Tabu: exposure to sunlight. Köhler-Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. VI 72 (to Gonzenbach No. 34); Grimm No. 88; Gaster Oldest Stories 169. — African (Basuto): Jacottet 184, 186 No. 27, (Kaffir): Theal 56, (Ibo, Nigeria): Basden 276, (Pangwe): Tessman 367.
C756.2. Tabu: letting sun shine on girl before she is thirty years old. T521. Conception from sunlight.
C842.1. Tabu: working iron under direct rays of sun. India: Thompson-Balys.
C843. Tabu: pointing. Fb "pege" II 800.
C843.1. Tabu: pointing at rainbow. *Fb "regnbue" III 31b.
C844. Tabu: playing flute. *Fb "flöjte" I 326.
C845. Tabus concerning war. Irish myth: Cross.
C641. Tabu: making war against certain tribe. C642. Tabu: making peace with a certain tribe. C878.2.1. Tabu: going to battle without being clothed in silk. P550. Military affairs.
C845.1. Tabu: bringing head of slain enemy within village walls. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C846. Tabu: removing landmarks. Alphabet Nos 46, 47. — Norwegian: *Solheim Register 17; Danish: Kristensen Da. Sagn V nos. 1409ff.
C847. Tabu: giving away gifts received from animal.
C847.1. Tabu: giving away gifts received from fish. India: Thompson-Balys.
C848. Tabu: sleeping on bed made of totem-tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
C221.2. Eating totem animal (or animal namesake). C510. Tabu: touching tree (plant).
C851. Tabu: wastefulness.
C851.1. Tabu: using food for unworthy purpose.
F931.2. Punishment for washing child with fish.
C851.1.1. Tabu: wiping children with bread. *Smyser Harvard Studies and Notes in Phil, and Lit. XV (1933) 62 n. 5.
C535. Tabu: stepping on bread. F944. City sinks into sea.
C851.1.2. Tabu: using grain to clean child. German: Grimm No. 194.
C851.2. Tabu: throwing "living fire" into river. India: Thompson-Balys.
C853. Tabus concerning entry into assembly. Irish myth: Cross.
P632. Customs concerning recognition of rank.
C853.1. Tabu: holding meeting at certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C610. The one forbidden place.
C853.2. Tabu: going to assembly of women at certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C854. Tabu: doing thing in certain manner. (Cf. C643, D1791.) Irish myth: Cross, Köhler-Bolte II 651ff.
C854.1. Tabu: going to certain place in speckled garment on speckled steed. Irish myth: Cross.
C854.2. Tabu: making withershins circuit. (Cf. D1791.2.) Irish myth: *Cross.
C857. Tabu: inciting horse at certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
C858. Tabu: swimming with certain birds. Irish myth: Cross.
C721. Tabu: bathing.
C863. Tabu: following three red men to certain place. Irish myth: Cross.
F233.3. Red fairy. F527. Person of unusual color.
C865. Tabu: running a race. Irish myth: Cross.
C865.1. Tabu: racing pigeons. Jewish: Neuman.
C867. Tabu: unusual cruelty.
C867.1. Tabu: abusing women or children. Irish myth: Cross.
C180. Tabu confined to one sex. S400. Cruel persecutions. T600. Care of children. W11.5.12. Hero in battle refuses to slay women.
C867.1.0.1. Tabu: bearded men abusing women and children. Irish myth: Cross.
C565. Tabus of bearded men.
C868. Tabu: leaving land entirely unoccupied. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (t-G 3/711).
C871. Tabu: refusing a request. Irish myth: Cross.
C152.2. Tabu: refusing unreasonable demand of pregnant woman. M158. Vow never to refuse food to any man. M202.0.1. Bargain: a promise to be fulfilled at all hazards. M223. Blind promise. P319.7. "Friendship without refusal." W11.15. Generous person refuses no man anything.
C871.0.1. Tabu: bearded man refusing request. Irish myth: Cross.
C565. Tabus for bearded men.
C872. Tabu: turning away from (refusing requests of) poets. Irish myth: Cross.
P427.7. Poet (fill, ollamh, scelalge, anchaid).
C874. Tabu: breaking up revelry before its end. Irish myth: Cross.
C282.1. Tabu: leaving a feast before it is ended.
C875. Tabu: carrying child on one's back into house. Irish myth: Cross.
C876. Tabu: leaping a camping place. Irish myth: Cross.
C878. Tabu concerning clothing. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
C878.1. Tabu: wearing satin. Irish myth: Cross.
C878.2. Tabu: wearing silk. Irish myth: Cross.
C878.2.1. Tabu: going to battle without being clothed in silk. Irish myth: Cross.
C856. Tabus concerning war. P550. Military affairs.
C881. Tabu: grumbling.
Q312. Fault-finding punished.
C881.1. Tabu: grumbling at narrowness of certain boat. Irish myth: Cross.
C882. Tabu: watching game without aiding loser. Irish myth: Cross.
C300. Looking tabu.
C883. Tabu: crossing graveyard without alighting. Irish myth: Cross.
C884. Tabu: concerning riding horses.
C884.1. Tabu: halting or unloading horse. Irish myth: Cross.
C884.2. Tabu: allowing horse to lose his bridle, stray or stale. Irish myth: Cross.
A920.1.6. Lake from urine of horse.
C885. Tabu: hearing or listening.
C681. Compulsion to answer cry.
C885.1. Tabu: listening to fluttering of birds after sunset. Irish myth: Cross.
C752.1. Tabu: doing thing after sunset.
C885.2. Tabu: listening to groans of women being violated. Irish myth: Cross.
C118. Tabu: violating woman.
C885.3. Tabu: listening to certain lute. Irish myth: Cross.
C886. Tabu: plowing with ass and ox together. Jewish: Neuman.
C887. Tabu: being in same house with fire, weapon, dog. Irish myth: Cross.
C888. Tabu: using leaven for cooking. Jewish: *Neuman.
C891. Tabu: uncleanliness. Irish myth: Cross.
C720. Tabu: attending toilet needs.
C891.1. Tabu: riding dirty on black-heeled horse across certain plain. Irish myth: Cross.
C610. The one forbidden place.
C891.2. Tabu: bearded man going dirty to bed. Irish myth: Cross.
C565. Tabus for bearded men.
C891.3. Tabu: urinating on fire. India: Thompson-Balys.
C892. Tabu: stranger to play with someone without asking permission. Irish myth: Cross.
C893. Tabu: making use of blood. Jewish: *Neuman.
C895. Tabu: using stone fish-hooks. Easter Island: Métraux Ethnology 363.
C897. Tabus concerning counting. *Fb "tælle" IV 923b.
C897.1. Tabu: counting the stars. England: Baughman; Fb "stjærne" III 577b.
C897.2. Tabu: taking census. Jewish: *Neuman.
C897.3. Tabu: calculating time of Messiah's advent. Jewish: Neuman.
C898. Tabus concerned with mourning. Jewish: *Neuman.
C899. Additional unclassified tabus.
C899.1. Tabu: hiding iron. India: Thompson-Balys.
- ↑ The section C830—C899 has been revised. The following changes have been made:
First editionOld number New number C831 C563 C833 C833.1 C834 C833.2 C835 C835.1 C845 C833.3 Cross, Motif-Index of Early Irish Literature
Old number New number C853 C853.1 C855 C835.2 C856 C845 C861 C833.4 C862 C833.5 C866 C835.3 C867 C867.1 C867.0.1 C867.1.1 C877 C867.2 C888 C833.6 C893 C833.7