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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/C/0

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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, Volume 1 (1955)
by Stith Thompson
C. Tabu: C0—C99. Tabu connected with supernatural beings
1454237Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, Volume 1 — C. Tabu: C0—C99. Tabu connected with supernatural beings1955Stith Thompson


For the whole subject of tabu both in tales and in practice see: Frazer Taboo and the Perils of the Soul, Vol. III of The Golden Bough (London, 1914). In the following treatment no attempt has been made to cover tabu in practice. Attention has been directed to it mainly as a motif in tales. See also: Penzer Ocean of Story X Index s.v. "Taboo"; Fb "tabu" IV 354a; Singer Taboo in Hebrew Scriptures (Chicago-London 1928).
A1587. Origin of tabus. M400. Curses. N120. Determination of luck or fate. Q200. Deeds punished. W126. Disobedience.

C0—C99. Tabu connected with supernatural beings.

C0. Tabu: contact with supernatural. **Frazer Golden Bough, III (Taboo and the Perils of the Soul), London 1914.
A2231. Animal characteristics: punishment for impiety. C13.1. Prince invites angel to wedding. Taken to other world. C501. Tabu: contact with things belonging to a king. F348. Tabus connected with fairy gifts.
C10. Tabu: profanely calling up spirit (devil, etc.). — *Halliday in Penzer VIII xiv; BP II 63 n. 1. — N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 338 n. 217a; India: Thompson-Balys.
C432. Tabu: uttering name of supernatural creature. E380.1. Summoning souls punished: in hour of man's death they overwhelm him. F301.1.1. Girl summons fairy lover by breaking tabu.
C10.1. Druidism forbidden. Irish myth: Cross.
E380.1. Summoning souls punished: in hour of man's death they overwhelm him. P427. Druid. V350. Conflict between religions.
C11. The Old Man and Death. Weary old man wishes for death. When Death appears at the summons he asks for help with the load. — Halm Aesop No. 90; Wienert FFC LVI 81 (ET 468, 469), 109 (ST 212, cf. ST 109, 115, 141, 342); *Jacobs Aesop 216 No. 69; *BP III 294; Italian Novella: Rotunda; U.S.: Baughman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K2065. Appearance of Death exposes hypocrisy.
C12. Devil invoked: appears unexpectedly.
D2141.0.2. Storm from calling up spirits to help find buried treasure. M219.1. Bargain with the devil for an heir.
C12.1. Devil called on for help. When the devil appears man excuses himself. — Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXIX 23; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 123 No. 47; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 41 No. 47; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 42 No. 25; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
C12.1.1. Man wishing to be conjurer fears helper he has called. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 452.
C12.2. Oath: "May the devil take me if ...." Devil does. — Type 821A; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 807. — Norwegian: Christiansen Norske Eventyr 105; Irish: Beal XXI 316; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 641.
M215. With his whole heart: devil carries off Judge.
C12.3. Oath: "May the devil whet my scythe." Devil leaves only the handle. — Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 41 No. 45**.
C12.4. Man commends wife to devil. Devil takes the charge seriously and guards woman's chastity during husband's absence. — *Type 1352; *Wesselski Märchen 193.
K1500. Deception connected with adultery. T230. Faithlessness in marriage.
C12.4.1. Mother wishes lazy daughter may marry devil. Devil appears and marries her. — Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 51 No. 340.
D1761. Magic results produced by wishing. S211. Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
C12.5. Devil's name used in curse. Appears. Alphabet No. 246. — Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 120 No. 32; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 40 No. 32.
C12.5.1. Noah's curse admits devil to ark. Devil persuades Noah's wife to stay out of ark till Noah shall call devil in. Noah at last loses patience and calls out, "The devil! Come in!" The devil comes in and turns himself into a mouse. — Dh. I 258ff.
G303.23. The devil and the ark. K485. The devil gets into the ark. K2213.4.2. Noah's secret betrayed by his wife.
C12.5.2. Man curses and devil fulfills his wish: takes the stone away. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 497ff.
C12.5.3. Girl fond of dancing uses devil's name. (See Q386.1.) Canada, England: Baughman.*
C12.5.4. Lost parson says he would rather have devil for guide than clerk who is with him. Devil appears, causes death of both. England, U.S.: Baughman.*
C12.5.5. Man calls on devil to descend chimney when angry at wife. The devil comes, makes pudding black. U.S.: Baughman.
C12.5.6. Man swears he will chastise devil for poaching. The devil appears; the man runs; the devil takes man's wife. England: Baughman.
C12.5.7. Wife curses wicked husband: "May devil take you!" Devil does. (See M432.) U.S.: Baughman.
C12.5.8. Man vows he will cross water "in spite of devil." Devil takes him. Origin of place name: En Spuyten Duyvil. U.S.: Baughman.
C13. The offended skull (statue) (Festin de Pierre). A skull (statue) is invited to dinner. Attends the dinner and takes his host off to the other world. — *Type 470; **D.E. MacKay The Double Invitation in the Legend of Don Juan; *BP III 483 n. 1; *Wesselski Märchen 241 No. 51; Armeto La Leyenda de Don Juan (Madrid, 1908); *DeCock Studien en Essays 108—152, 308ff.; *Lancaster PMLA XXXVIII 471 n. 1; G. de Bevotte La Legende de Don Juan (Paris, 1906) (bibliography pp. 517—521); Manning PMLA XXXVIII 479; *Waxman JAFL XXI 184; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) no. 561; *Fb "menneskehoved" II 579b; Hartland Science 167; Sébillot France IV 132; Klapper Erzählungen des Mittelalters 157 No. 164; Gering Islenzk Aeventyri I 97 No. 34.
C954. Person carried off to other world for breaking tabu. E238. Dinner with the dead. Dead man is invited to dinner. Takes his host off to other world. E235.5. Return from dead to punish kicking of skull.
C13.1. Prince invites angel to wedding. Taken to other world. — *Child V 290a.
C14. "Adversity" summoned: king says he has heard people speak of adversity but has never seen it; genius of adversity appears. India: Thompson-Balys.
C15. Wish for supernatural husband (wife) realized. (Cf. C26.) — English: Child I 6ff. No. 2.
F301.1.1.1. Girl summons fairy lover by wishing for him. N201. Wish for exalted husband realized.
C15.1. Wish for star-husband realized. **Thompson The Star-Husband Tale (Studia Septentrionalia IV [1953] 93ff.); N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 330 n. 193.
A762.1. Star-husband. F15. Visit to star-world. T111.2. Woman from sky-world marries mortal man.
C15.1.1. Wish for star wife realized. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 40, 43, (Sherente): Lowie BBAE CXLIII (1) 516.
T111.2. Woman from sky-world marries mortal man.
C15.2. Wish for tree as husband realized. Tree comes to life. — Yuracare: Alexander Lat. Am. 314.
C16. Tabu: offending spirits of the dead. Eskimo (Labrador): Hawks GSCan XIV 153.
C20. Tabu: calling on ogre or destructive animal.
C21. "Ah me!": ogre's name uttered. He appears. Köhler-Bolte I 557; Köhler Zs. f. Vksk. VI 68; *Cosquin Études Folkloriques 532ff.
C25. "Bear's food." To urge on his horses a man threatens them with the bear, calling them "bear's food." The bear hears and comes for them. — *Type 154; **Krohn Mann und Fuchs 11.
C25.1. Child threatened with ogre. Latter takes child off. — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 321 No. 72, 323 No. 131; Japanese: Ikeda.
J2066.5. Wolf waits in vain for the nurse to throw away the child. She has threatened to throw the child to the wolf. S211. Child sold (promised) to devil (ogre).
C26. Wish for animal husband realized. Girl says she will marry a certain animal. Latter appears and carries her off. (Cf. C15.) — *Type 552. — Norwegian: Christiansen Norske Eventyr 80.— N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 341 n. 231.
N201. Wish for exalted husband realized.
C30. Tabu: offending supernatural relative.
C31. Tabu: offending supernatural wife. Upon slight offence the wife leaves for her old home. — *Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 120 n. 4; Irish myth: Cross; English: Child I 21, 485a, II 496b, 509a, IV 440b; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 340 n. 223a; Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas VAM XV 180; Maori: Dixon 58, 72.
C435.1. Tabu: uttering name of supernatural wife. C932. Loss of wife for breaking tabu. C942. Loss of strength from broken tabu. C952. Immediate return to other world for broken tabu. F302.3.3.1. Fairy avenges herself on inconstant lover. F302.6. Fairy mistress leaves man when he breaks tabu. P210. Husband and wife. T111. Marriage of mortal and supernatural being.
C31.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife. India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
C300. Looking tabu.
C31.1.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife too soon. *BP III 114 (Gr. No. 137). — Middle English romance: Wells 145 (Parthenope of Blois).
C31.1.2. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife on certain occasion. (Melusine). The husband must not see the wife when she is transformed to an animal. — *Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXV (1933) 121; *Köhler-Bolte III 265nn. 1, 2; **Köhler Der Ursprung der Melusinensage (1895); Desaivre Le Mythe de la Mère Lusine (Extrait des Memoires de la Société de Statistique, Sciences, Lettres, et Arts de Deux-Sèvres [Saint-Maixent 1883]); Keightley Fairy Mythology 480; Baring-Gould Curious Myths 470; Hartland Science 201; Holmström Studier över Svanjungfrumotivet 100; M. Nowack Die Melusinensage (Diss. 1886); *Fränkel Zs. f. Vksk. IV 387; Jegerlehner Oberwallis 307 No. 24.
B31.2. Mermaid marries man. D361.1. Swan maiden. F302.2. Man marries fairy and takes her to his home. G245.1. Witch transforms self into snake when she bathes.
C31.1.3. Tabu: looking at supernatural wife naked. African: Werner 191.
C312.1.1. Tabu: man looking at nude goddess. C942.3. Weakness from seeing woman naked.
C31.1.4. Tabu: husband looking at supernatural wife in childbirth. (Cf. C151.) — Japanese: Anesaki 266.
C31.1.5. Tabu: opening gourd in which star-wife is kept. When curious girls do so, she flies up to sky. S. Am. Indian (Camacoco): Métraux MAFLS XL 48.
C31.2. Tabu: mentioning origin of supernatural wife. (Cf. C33.1, C35.1.) — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 296 No. 21; Fjort: Dennett 44 No. 6; Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C440. Origin tabu. C952. Immediate return to other world because of broken tabu.
C31.3. Tabu: disobeying supernatural wife. Congo: Weeks 206f. No. 3; Fjort: Dennett 41 No. 5. — India: Thompson-Balys; Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.4. Tabu: blaming supernatural wife. *Chauvin VI 182 No. 343. — Greek: Fox 122 (Thetis). — Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.4.1. Tabu: questioning supernatural wife. Hindu: Penzer VII 21 n. 3, II 252f.; India: Thompson-Balys; Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.4.2. Tabu: scolding supernatural wife. English: Child V 495 s.v. "scolding". — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 296 No. 21; England: Baughman. — Melanesian: Codrington The Melanesians 172.
C31.5. Tabu: boasting of supernatural wife. *BP II 327; Köhler-Bolte I 308ff. — Irish myth: Cross; English: Wells 132 (Sir Launfal). — Fjort: Dennett 42 No. 6.
C453. Tabu: boasting of love-conquest. M55. Judgment: pardon given if hero produces the lady about whom he has boasted.
C31.6. Tabu: calling on supernatural wife. *Type 400; BP II 318ff. (Gr. No. 92); *Fb "ønske" III 1179a. — English: Wells 132 (Sir Launfal.)
D2074.2.3.1. Mistress summoned by wish.
C31.7. Tabu: lousing supernatural wife. Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35 n.
C31.8. Tabu: striking supernatural wife. Irish myth: Cross; Wales: Baughman; Kassai (Congo): Frobenius Atlantis XII 106.
C31.9. Tabu: revealing secrets of supernatural wife. (Cf. C420). *Schofield PMLA XV 165; Irish myth: Cross.
C31.10. Tabu: giving garment back to supernatural (divine) wife. India: Thompson-Balys.
D361.1. Swan Maiden. F302.4.2. Fairy comes into man's power when he steals her wings. K1335. Seduction (or wooing) by stealing clothes of bathing girl.
C31.11. Tabu: reproaching supernatural wife about her sisters. England: Baughman.*
C31.12. Unfaithful husband loses magic wife. Chinese: Graham.
C32. Tabu: offending supernatural husband. (Cf. C36.) — *Type 425; BP II 245ff. (Gr. No. 88). — India: *Thompson-Balys; S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 91.
B640.1. Marriage to beast by day and man by night. C121. Tabu: kissing supernatural husband. C421. Tabu: revealing secret of supernatural husband. T111. Marriage of mortal and supernatural being. T200. Married life.
C32.1. Tabu: looking at supernatural husband. *Type 425a; *BP II 234, 245ff., 266ff.; *Tegethoff Studien zum Märchentypus von Amor und Psyche 32; *Lang Cupid and Psyche (1886); *Fb "lys" II 483a. — India: Thompson-Balys.
C421. Tabu: revealing secret of supernatural husband. C757.1. Tabu: destroying animal skin of enchanted person too soon. C761.2. Tabu: staying too long at home. C310. Tabu: looking at certain person or thing. C313.1.1. Tabu: goddess seeing mortal husband naked. C916.1. Trespass betrayed by dripping candle.
C32.1.1. Tabu: wife seeing transformed husband. Chinese: Graham.
D512.2. Transformation because wife shrieks when she sees supernatural husband in original serpent form.
C32.1.2. Tabu: showing surprise when supernatural husband resumes his true shape. India: Thompson-Balys.
C413. Tabu: expressing surprise in lower world of dead.
C32.2. Tabu: questioning supernatural husband. *Boekenoogen Ridder metter Swane 166ff; India: Thompson-Balys.
C32.2.1. Tabu: asking name of supernatural husband. (Cf. C430.) India: *Thompson-Balys.
C32.2.2. Tabu: asking where supernatural husband comes from. (Cf. C421.) — India: *Thompson-Balys.
C32.2.3. Tabu: asking for caste of supernatural husband. India: Thompson-Balys.
C32.3. Tabu: not to touch too soon supernatural husband on visit. India: Thompson-Balys.
C33. Offending supernatural child. India: Thompson-Balys.
C33.1. Tabu: mentioning origin of supernatural child. (Cf. C31.2, C35.1.) — India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 133 — 136; (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 77ff. No. 12, (Basuto): Jacottet 110; (Ibo of Nigeria): Thomas 76, 80.
C440. Origin tabu. T540. Miraculous birth. T646. Illegitimate child taunted by playmates.
C35. Tabu: offending animal wife. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 339 n. 223; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 145, (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 616.
B650. Marriage to animal in human form.
C35.1. Tabu: mentioning origin of animal wife. (Cf. C31.2, C33.1.) — N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 339—342 nn. 222, 223, 233, cf. 234. — Africa (Congo): Weeks 215 No. 11; (Basuto): Jacottet 108 No. 16, (Fjort): Dennett 43 No. 6, (Cameroon): Rosenhuber 44, (Duala): Lederbogen 143. — Indonesian: Dixon 219.
B651.1. Marriage to fox in human form. B655.1. Marriage to bee in human form. C440. Origin tabu.
C36. Tabu: offending animal husband. (Cf. C32). — Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 38.
C36.1. Tabu: burning animal husband. India: Thompson-Balys.
C841.3. Tabu: burning caterpillars.
C36.2. Tabu: spying on animal husband. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 145.
C37. Tabu: offending other animal relatives. Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 47, 49, (Greenland): Rink 144, (Labrador): Hawkes GSCan XIV 156.
C40. Tabu: offending spirits of water, mountain, etc.
J755.1. The forgotten wind. Man allowed to manage the weather forgets to ask help of the wind. All goes wrong and he must give up management.
C41. Tabu: offending water-spirit. Frazer Golden Bough III 94. — North Carolina: Brown Collection I 641; Africa (Kaffir): Theal 56.
C918. Mare from water world disappears when she is scolded and her halter used for common purposes. E511.1.3. Flying Dutchman sails because he defied the storm. F420. Waterspirits. G424. Bridal party will not pass over bridge for fear of water-demon. D1432.1. Water gradually envelops girl filling pitcher.
C41.1. Tabu: rescuing drowning man. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. "noyé."
C41.2. Tabu: letting ball fall into water. *Type 440; BP I 1 (Gr. No. 1.)
G423. Ball falling into water puts person into ogre's (witch's, water-spirit's) power.
C41.3. Tabu: crossing water when spirits are offended.
S264.1. Man thrown overboard to placate storm. T211.1.1. Woman drowns herself as sacrifice to water-gods to keep husband's boat from capsizing.
C41.3.1. Tabu: skating over water when spirits are offended. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 277 n. 23.
C41.4. Tabu: poisoning fish causes storm. India: Thompson-Balys.
C42. Tabu: offending mountain-spirit. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 42 No. 53**.
F460. Mountain-spirits.
C43. Tabu: offending wood-spirit. (Cf. C51.2.2, C64). — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 295 No. 12; India: Thompson-Balys.
F441. Wood-spirit.
C43.1. Tabu: offending spirit of banyan tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
C43.2. Tabu: cutting certain trees lest tree-spirits be offended. India: Thompson-Balys.
C43.3. Felled tree restored for failure to make proper offerings to tree-spirit. Tuamotu: Beckwith Myth 267.
D1602.2. Felled tree raises itself again.
C44. Tabu: offending guardian spirits. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 321; Herrmann Saxo Gr. II 586.
C45. Tabu: offending devil. A smith or priest continually insults the devil's statue or picture (cf. C13). The devil brings the offender into dangerous situation (suspicion of theft or murder), and saves him miraculously when he promises never again to abuse the devil's likeness. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3325f.; Legends Nos. 631—637, 789; Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
C46. Tabu: offending fairy.
F360. Malevolent or destructive fairies.
C46.1. Tabu: breaking promise to fairy: death on twelfth day. India: Thompson-Balys.
C50. Tabu: offending the gods. Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1346.1. Man must work as punishment for theft of fire. C311.1. Tabu: seeing supernatural creatures. Q457.1. Flaying alive as punishment for contesting with a god. V1. Objects of worship.
C50.1. Tabu: offending goddess of fortune. India: Thompson-Balys. N111. Fortuna.
C51. Tabu: touching possessions of god. India: Thompson-Balys. C916.2. Animals produced when forbidden drum is beaten.
C51.1. Tabu: profaning shrine. Irish myth: Cross, Beal XXI 336; Greek: Grote I 279; India: Thompson-Balys.
B596. Animal helps saint by setting fire to neglected church. C93. Tabu: trespassing sacred precincts. Q222. Punishment for desecration of holy places, images, etc. Q551.3. Punishment: transformation of lovers into lion and lioness for desecrating temple. Q558.18. Saints bring about miraculous death because of desecration of sanctuaries. R325. Church (altar) as refuge. V110. Religious buildings. V113. Shrines.
C51.1.1. Tabu: using altar for secular purposes. Irish: Plummer clxxxiv; Irish myth: Cross.
C51.1.2. Tabu: stealing from altar. (Cf. C51.2.) — Fable: Phaedrus IV 11; Wienert FFC LVI 80 (ET 465), 138 (ST 433).
C51.1.2.1. Tabu: stealing from sacred booty. Jewish: *Neuman.
C51.1.3. Tabu: breathing on sacred fire. British: *MacCulloch Celtic 11 (references given to parallels from Parsis, Brahmans, Japanese, and Germans). — Irish myth: Cross.
C51.1.4. Tabu: misuse of money in alms box. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 319 No. 23.
C51.1.5. Tabu: dancing in churchyard. Fb "kirkegaard" II 129.
C752.1.5. Tabu: casting in graveyard after sunset. Q552.2.3. Girl sinks into earth for dancing in church.
C51.1.6. Tabu: discontinuing use of a church. Crane Liber de Miraculis 90 No. 20.
C943. Loss of sight for breaking tabu. Q221. Personal offences against gods punished. V111. Churches.
C51.1.7. Tabu: peeping at sacred font. (Cf. C300.) — Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 19 No. 187.
C51.1.8. Tabu: allowing a drop to fall upon altar. Irish myth: Cross.
C51.1.9. Tabu: unworthy men to enter or see sanctuary. (Cf. C300.) *Loomis White Magic 97.
C51.1.10. Tabu: to enter sacred places closed to the female sex. (Cf. C51.1.2.) *Loomis White Magic 97.
C181. Tabu confined to women.
C51.1.11. Visits of goddess cease when her sacred spring is disturbed. Tahiti: Henry 85.
C51.1.12. Tabu: striking tree which belongs to deity. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 111.
C51.1.13. Tabu: treating scornfully statue and dress of goddess. Greek Myth: Grote I 84.
C51.1.14. Tabu: leaving corpse at shrine. Jewish: Neuman.
C51.1.15. Tabu: wearing shoes at shrine. Jewish: Neuman.
C51.2. Tabu: stealing from god or saint. (Cf. C51.1.2.) — Greek: Grote I 145; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (3—G 3/1386); S. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 173.
D1713. Magic power of hermit (saint). V224.3. Animal stolen from saint miraculously replaced.
C51.2.1. Tabu: wearing unauthorized sacred robe (jewel). Crane Liber de Miraculis 82 No. 1; Ward Catalogue of Romances II 603 No. 6, 604 No. 7; Irish saints' legend: Plummer xliv; Irish myth: Cross.
C51.2.2. Tabu: cutting sacred trees or groves. (Cf. C43.) — Irish saints' legend: Plummer cliii; Irish myth: Cross.
V1.1.1. Sacred tree. V114. Sacred groves.
C51.2.2.1. Tabu: taking fruit and fish dedicated to goddess. (Cf. C221, C225, C241.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
C51.2.3. Tabu: stealing wife of god. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 129.
C51.2.4. Tabu: stealing from holy statue. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 91 No. 769C.
C51.2.5. Tabu: violating refuge with saint. Irish myth: Cross.
C51.3. Tabu: revealing name of god. Jewish: Neuman; Egyptian: Müller 109; Chinese: Werner 294.
C431. Tabu: uttering name of god (or gods). C921. Immediate death for breaking tabu.
C51.3.1. Tabu: desecration of God's name. Jewish: *Neuman.
C51.4. Tabu: revealing secrets of god. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 363 n. 1, Grote I 145. — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 298 No. 6 (investigating secret source of magic wine cask).
C420. Tabu: uttering secrets.
C51.4.1. Tabu: betraying privacy of god. Emperor visited by God conceals his wife so that she may hear. God ceases his visits. — Type 775*.
C51.4.2. Tabu: spying on secret help of angels. *Toldo Studien zur vgl. Littgsch. IV 52ff.; Irish myth: Cross.
C51.4.3. Tabu: spying on secret help of fairies. Irish myth: Cross.
C311.1.2. Tabu: looking at fairies. F361.3.1. Fairies leave work unfinished when overseen.
C51.5. Tabu: imitating god. Greek: Fox 106 (Salmoneus imitates Zeus's thunder), Grote I 103f.*, 128; German: Grimm No. 147; India: Thompson-Balys.
C51.6. Tabu: falsely claiming the powers of a god. Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 80 n. 3; Jewish: Neuman.
C51.7. Tabu: touching stone image of deity with unwashed hands. India: Thompson-Balys.
C51.8. Tabu: giving away idol. India: Thompson-Balys.
C51.9. Tabu: pointing boat toward island of the gods. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 67.
C52. Tabu: being in presence of god. Greek: Fox 46 (Semele in presence of Zeus.)
C312.1.1. Tabu: man looking at nude goddess. C921. Immediate death for breaking tabu.
C52.1. Direct communication with god fatal to all except special devotees. India: Thompson-Balys.
C52.2. Tabu: coming suddenly on supernatural creatures. Tupper and Ogle Walter Map 95.
C53. Tabu: refusing credit to god. Type 830. — Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 177.
C53.1. People taught by God to work: claim they learned by own efforts. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3057. (Cf. A1403.)
C53.2. Tabu: arrogance toward deity. Jewish: Neuman.
Q330. Overweening punished.
C54. Tabu: rivaling the gods. Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 20 n. 1 (Thamyris), I 31 (Side), Fox 220 (Marsyas), Grote I 103f., 146, 238, Gaster Thespis 261f., 289; India: Thompson-Balys.
C770. Tabu: overweening pride.
C55. Tabu: losing consecrated wafer. Types 613, 671; BP I 322 n. 1.
C940.1. Princess's secret sickness from breaking tabu. D2064.1. Magic sickness because girl has thrown away her consecrated wafer. H1292.4.1. Question (propounded on quest): How can the princess be cured? — Answer: She must recover consecrated wafer which rat has stolen from her first communion. V34.2. Princess sick because toad has swallowed her consecrated wafer.
C55.1. Tabu: stepping on sacred bread. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 19 No. 188.
C55.2. Tabu: shooting at consecrated wafer. Man's ghost wanders. Type 756C. — Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3320; Legends Nos. 615—623; Livonian: Loorits in FFC LCVI 59 No. 138.
C55.3. Bee-master puts consecrated host into beehive. Has success with his bees. (Cf. B259.4.) — When he dies, his spirit haunts the place. Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 624—627.
D1031.1.1. Consecrated bread as magic object. Q222.1. Punishment for desecration of holy things (wafers). V35. The stolen sacrament.
C56. Tabu: unseemly acts while carrying divine image.
C56.1. Tabu: defecating while carrying image of a god. India: Thompson-Balys.
C56.2. Tabu: stopping enroute while carrying image of a god. India: Thompson-Balys.
C57. Tabu: neglect of service to deity.
C57.1. Tabu: neglect of sacrifice to deity. Greek: Grote I 104, 108.
Q223.3. Neglect to sacrifice punished.
C57.1.1. Tabu: fraudulent sacrifice. India: *Thompson-Balys; Jewish: Neuman.
D1766.2. Magic results produced by sacrifices. K171.3.1. Deceptive sacrifice of nuts and dates.
C57.1.2. No man with a wound to be sacrificed to goddess. India: Thompson-Balys.
C57.1.3. Tabu: eating from offerings made to gods. India: Thompson-Balys.
C57.2. Punishment for having refused to take part in Bacchic rites. Greek myth: Grote I 84.
C58. Tabu: profaning sacred day. Irish myth: Cross; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 18 Nos. 163, 166; Hebrew: Exodus 20: 8—11, Neuman; Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 390. — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 308 Nos. 37, 38; 324 No. 147; 328 No. 11; India: Thompson-Balys.
A2231.3. Animal characteristics: punishment for working on holy day. C631. Tabu: breaking the sabbath. C886. Tabu: falling to observe certain festival. E501.3.6. Wild huntsman wanders for hunting on Sunday. V71. Sabbath.
C58.1. Tabu: diminishing number of sacred days. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 19 No. 180.
C61. Tabu: disbelief in religious teachings.
C61.1. Tabu: disbelief in God. Jewish: Neuman.
C61.2. Tabu: disbelief in immortality. Jewish: Neuman.
C61.3. Tabu: disbelief in scriptures. Jewish: Neuman.
C61.4. Tabu: disbelief in particular supernatural power. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 471.
C62. Tabu: idolatry. Jewish: Neuman.
V120. Images.
C63. Tabu: attacking deity (sacred person). Greek: Fox 9; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 115; Fiji: Beckwith Myth 138; S. Am. Indian (Witoto): Métraux MAFLS XL 36.
C64. Tabu: failing to heed message of god. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Fjort): Dennett 105 No. 29.
C65. Tabu: changing ritual. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C66. Tabu: murmuring against deity. Jewish: Neuman.
C67. Tabu: neglect of sacred fires. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 111.
C68. Tabu: neglecting to fulfill vow made to god. Greek: Grote I 202.
M100. Vows and oaths.
C70. Tabu: offending other sacred beings.
C71. Tabu: disobeying the king. Man dies as result of failure to obey. — Alphabet No. 241.
C75. Tabu: offending heavenly bodies.
C75.1. Tabu: offending the moon. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 442, Rasmussen II 25, (Smith Sound): Kroeber JAFL XII 180.
C90. Other tabus in connection with sacred beings.
C91. Tabu: stealing from spirits. (Cf. C51.2.) — Irish saints' legend: Plummer cliii (cf. C43, C51.2). — Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 42 No. 53** (cf. C42).
C51.2. Tabu: stealing from god or saint. Q212. Theft punished.
C91.1. Tabu: stealing garment from a rock. The rock pursues. (The offended rolling stone.) — N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 300 n. 96.
D1431. Rock pursues person. J1873.2. Cloak given to a stone to keep it warm. R261. Pursuit by rolling object.
C91.2. Tabu: stealing fruits from sacred tree. (Cf. C262.3.) — India: *Thompson-Balys.
C92. Tabu: killing sacred beings. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 320. No. 41.
B811. Sacred animals.
C92.1. Tabu: killing sacred animals. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 442, Rasmussen II 25, (Smith Sound): Kroeber JAFL XII 180.
C92.1.0.1. Tabu: killing animals for sacrifice. (Cf. C57.1.) — Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 461, II 577.
V10. Religious sacrifices.
C92.1.1. Tabu: killing raven (Odin's bird). Fb "ravn" III 22a. — Krappe "Arturus cosmocrator" Speculum (1945) 405ff.
A165.0.1. Ravens as attendants of god. B122.2. Birds as reporters of sights and sounds. Sit on Odin's shoulder.
C92.1.2. Tabu: killing sacred calf. India: Thompson-Balys.
N361.1. Brahmin unwittingly kills calf.
C92.1.3. Tabu: killing shrew-mouse, sacred to the gods. India: Thompson-Balys.
C92.1.4. Tabu: killing stork. Fb "stork" III 592 ab.
C841.1. Tabu: killing stork. N250.1. Bad luck follows man who shoots stork.
C92.1.5. Tabu: killing scald-crow (goddess of war). Irish myth: Cross.
A132.6.2. Goddess in form of bird. A485.1. Goddess of war. B147.1.1.1. Crow as bird of ill omen.
C92.1.6. Tabu: killing other sacred bird. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 160; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (t-G 2/44).
C92.2. Tabu: killing sacred dragon. (Cf. B11.) — Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 334 n. 1.
C93. Tabu: trespassing sacred precinct. Alphabet No. 52. — Irish: Plummer clxxxiv; Irish myth: Cross. — Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 295, No. 12. — Eskimo (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 600; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 59 (ghost town).
C51.1. Tabu: profaning shrine. C116. Tabu: sexual intercourse in sacred precinct. C752.1.5. Tabu: casting in graveyard after sunset. H1292.4. Question (propounded on quest): How can the prince be cured? — Answer: He must remove stone which he has spit out in the church. Q222. Punishment for desecration of holy places. V100. Religious edifices. V110. Religious buildings. V114. Sacred forests. V134. Sacred wells.
C93.1. Tabu: sleeping in saint's bed. Irish: Plummer clxxxiv; Irish myth: Cross.
C93.2. Tabu: profaning hallowed clothes and vessels. Alphabet No. 696.
C93.3. Tabu: digging in churchyard. Irish myth: Cross.
C523. Tabu: digging.
C93.4. Tabu: crossing bridge sacred to the gods. India: Thompson-Balys.
C93.5. Tabu: slaughtering buffalo in temple. India: Thompson-Balys.
C93.5.1. Tabu: use of palanquin within temple. India: Thompson-Balys.
C93.6. Tabu: cutting down tree wherein resides deity. India: Thompson-Balys.
C93.7. Tabu: erecting fort on holy ground. India: Thompson-Balys.
C93.8. Tabu: landing on floating island of the gods without invitation. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 68.
C94. Tabu: rudeness to sacred person or thing.
Q220. Impiety punished.
C94.1. Tabu: uncivil answer to holy (or supernatural) being. Gaster Exempla 229 No. 239; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 125 No. 54; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 43. — India: Thompson-Balys.
A2231.1. Animal characteristics: punishment for discourteous answer to God (saint). A2721.3. Plant punished for ungracious answer to holy person. C31.4.2. Scolding supernatural wife. F481.1. Cobold avenges uncivil answer (or treatment).
C94.1.1. The cursed dancers. Dancers rude to holy man (Jesus) cursed and must keep dancing till Judgment Day. — *Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. XIX 309 n. 1; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 388; Ward Catalogue II 660 No. 30; *Herbert ibid. III 283, 312; Alphabet No. 215; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 296f. Nos. 3, 28; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 18 No. 168.
D2061.1.2. Persons magically caused to dance selves to death. D2174. Magic dancing. E493. Dance of the dead. M400. Curses. Q220. Impiety punished. Q500. Tedious punishments.
C94.1.2. Tabu: failure to give alms to Brahmans. India: Thompson-Balys.
C94.1.3. Tabu: discourtesy toward priest (rabbi, etc.). Jewish: Neuman.
C94.2. Tabu: false and profane swearing of oath. *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 448. — Jewish: Neuman.
M101.3. Death as punishment for broken oath.
C94.3. Tabu: mocking animal. India: Thompson-Balys.
C94.3.1. Tabu: rudeness to sacred animal. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C94.3.1.1. Tabu: offending sacred cow. India: Thompson-Balys.
C94.4. Tabu: calling profanely on God. Daughter of Emperor says to Rabbi: "Your God is a builder; so let him build a tent here." She becomes leprous and must be placed in a tent. (Cf. C51.3.1.) — Gaster Exempla 187 No. 10; Jewish: Neuman.
C94.4.1. Tabu: calling profanely on the members of God. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
C94.5. Tabu: masking as ghost in graveyard. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 39 No. 15**; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3441, Legends Nos. 854—858.
C94.6. Tabu: throwing away holy image. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 19 No. 184.
C94.7. Tabu: ringing of church bell by nun. Irish myth: Cross.
C180. Tabu confined to one sex.
C94.8. Tabu: refusing homage to saint's bell. Irish myth: Cross.
C94.9. Tabu: disturbing austerities of an ascetic. India: Thompson-Balys.
C95. Tabu: giving security for one excommunicated. Irish myth: Cross.
V84. Excommunication.
C96. Tabu: using miracle for trifling purpose. India: Thompson-Balys.
C96.1. Tabu: resurrecting cat for trifling purpose. India: Thompson-Balys.
C99. Other tabus in connection with sacred beings — miscellaneous.
C99.1. Tabu: facing the sun (sun-god) while urinating. (Cf. T521.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
C99.1.1. Tabu: urinating on fire (fire-god). — India: Thompson-Balys.
C99.2. Tabu: weaving leather shoes on pilgrimage. China: Eberhard 188 No. 129.