so that it yields good benefits in every way. Thinking so, He ordered in the Year of the Dog, Year Six, 1236 Lesser Era,[1] the enactment of an Act to merely prevent people born in His reign from becoming slaves. Afterwards, He has established certain Acts to lessen slavery gradually until the present time, when He finds that it is the right moment to enact another Act to abate the slavery tradition to an even greater degree. Therefore, He orders with His gracious pleasure that the following Act be enacted henceforth:
Section1.This Act shall be called the Slavery Act, 124 Rattanakosin Era.
Section2.From the 1st day of April 124 Rattanakosin Era,[2] this Act shall come into force throughout the Kingdom, except in Phayap Circle[3] and Burapha Circle[4] for which specific acts on slavery have already been enacted, and Sai Buri Circle,[5] Kalantan Town,[6] and Trangkanu Town[7] in which their religious laws are to be applied.
Section3.All slaves’ offspring shall be considered free and shall no longer be subject to such retirement plan as stated in the Slaves’ Offspring and Freemen’s Offspring Act, 1236 Lesser Era.
Section4.All the persons who are free and the slaves who have already been discharged from prices can no longer be enslaved.
- ↑ 2417 Buddhist Era, 1874 Common Era. (Wikisource contributor note)
- ↑ 2448 Buddhist Era, 1905 Common Era. (Wikisource contributor note)
- ↑ An administrative division of Siam based in present-day Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Wikisource contributor note)
- ↑ An administrative division of Siam based in present-day Serei Saophoan, Cambodia. (Wikisource contributor note)
- ↑ An administrative division of Siam based in present-day Kedah, Malaysia. (Wikisource contributor note)
- ↑ An administrative division of Siam based in present-day Kelantan, Malaysia. (Wikisource contributor note)
- ↑ An administrative division of Siam based in present-day Terengganu, Malaysia. (Wikisource contributor note)