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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 21
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

Section73.In the case that the recipient is not known, or the recipient is known but his domicile is not known, or the recipients and their domiciles are known but the recipients are more than one hundred in number, notification may be in writing by publishing it in newspapers circulated in the locality. In this case, the notification shall be deemed received upon expiry of the period of fifteen days from the day the said means of notification is employed.

Section74.In the case of urgent need, an administrative order may be notified by means of sending through a facsimile machine, but there must be evidence of such sending from the agency which provided the telecommunications service through which the facsimile was sent and the actual administrative order must be sent by any of the methods under this Chapter to the recipient as soon as possible. In this case, the recipient shall be deemed to have received the written notification of the administrative order on the day and at the time shown in the said evidence of the telecommunications service providing agency, save where it is successfully proved that the order has never been received or was received therebefore or thereafter.

Section75.Appointment of a member who is a qualified person shall be done by identifying the person.

Section76.Apart from retirement by rotation, a member retires from his position upon—



(3)being a bankrupt;

(4)being an incompetent or quasi-incompetent person;

(5)being punished with imprisonment by a final judgment of imprisonment, save where it is for a petty offence or offence committed through negligence;

(6)occurrence of a cause for which he should retire from his position before the fulfilment of his term, according to the law concerned.

Section77.In the event that a member retires from his position before the fulfilment of his term, the person having the power of appointment may appoint a different person to replace him as a member and the person appointed to the position as a replacing member shall be in the position for the remaining term of the replaced person.

In the case that an additional member is appointed whilst the term of the previously appointed members is still running, the additionally appointed member shall be in the position for the remaining term of the previously appointed members.