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the yeare 1579. and 1603. they translate it the other way, Against▪ free wil.

rather saying, that Abel was subiect to Cain, and that Cain

by Gods ordinance, had dominion ouer his brother Abel,

then that concupiscence or lust of sinne is subiect to mans

wil, or that man hath powre of free wil, to resist (by Gods

grace) tentation of sinne. But as we heare in a new Edition

(which we haue not yet sene) they trāslate it almost as in the Against Melchisedechs sacrifice.

first in like sorte Gen. 14. v. 18. The Hebrew particle VAV,

which S. Ierom, and al Antiquitie translated ENIM (FOR)

Protestants wil by no meanes admitte it, because (besides

other argumentes) we proue therby Melchisedechs Sacrifice.

And yet themselues translate the same, as S. Ierom

doth, Gen. 20. v. 3. saying: FOR she is a mans vvife. &c. And against holie Images.

Againe Gen. 31. v. 19. the English Bibles. 1552. and 1577.

translate Theraphim, IMAGES. Which the Edition of 1603.

correcting, translateth IDOLES. And the marginal Annotation

wel proueth, that it ought to be so translated.

VVith this then we wil conclude most deare (we speake This Edition dedicated to al that vnderstand English.

to you al, that vnderstand our tongue, whether you be of

contrarie opinions in faith, or of mundane feare participate

with an other Congregation; or professe with vs the same

Catholique Religion) to you al we present this worke: dayly

beseching God Almightie, the Diuine VVisedom, Eternal

Goodnes, to create, illuminate, and replenish your spirites,

with his Grace, that you may attaine eternal Glorie.

Euerie one in his measure, in those manie Mansions, prepared

and promised by our Sauiour in his Fathers house. Not

only to those which first receiued, & folowed his Diuine

doctrine, but to al that should afterwardes beleue in him,

& kepe the same preceptes. For there is one God, one also

Mediatour of God and men: Man Christ Iesus. VVho gaue

himself a Redemption for al. VVherby appeareth his wil,

that al should be saued. VVhy then are not al saued? The

Apostle addeth: that they must first come to the knowlege Christ redeemed al, but al are not saued.

of the truth. Because without faith it is impossible to please