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kepe the word, as we find it, or only turne it to our English Some vvordes can not be turned into English:

termination, because it would otherwise require manie

wordes in English, to signifie one word of an other tongue.

In which cases, we commonly put the explication in

the margent. Briefly our Apologie is easie against English

Protestantes; because they also reserue some wordes in Protestantes leaue some vvordes vntranslated.

the original tongues, not translated into English: as Sabbath,

Ephod, Pentecost, Proselyte, and some others. The sense

wherof is in dede as soone lerned, as if they were turned so

nere as is possible into English. And why then may we not

say Prepuce, Phase or Pasch, Azimes, Breades of Proposition, Holocaust,

and the like? rather then as Protestantes translate

them: Foreskinne, Passeouer, The feast of svvete breades, Shevv

breades, Burnt offerings: &c. By which termes, whether they

be truly translated into English or no, we wil passe ouer.

Sure it is an English man is stil to seke, what they meane, as

if they remained in Hebrew, or Greke. It more importeth,

that nothing be wittingly and falsly translated, for aduantage

of doctrine in matter of faith. VVherein as we dare

boldly auouch the sinceritie of this Translation, and that

nothing is here either vntruly, or obscurely donne of purpose,

in fauour of Catholique Romane Religion: so we

can not but complaine, and chalenge English Protestantes, Corruptions in Protestantes Translations of holie Scriptures.

for corrupting the text, cōtrarie to the Hebrew, & Greke,

which they professe to translate, for the more shew, and

mainteyning of their peculiar opinions against Catholiques.

As is proued in the Discouerie of manifold corruptiōs. For

example we shal put the reader in memorie of one or two.

Gen. 4. v. 7. whereas (God speaking to Cain) the Hebrew

wordes in Grammatical construction may be translated

either thus: Vnto thee also perteyneth the lust THEROF, & thou

shalt haue dominion ouer IT: or thus; Also vnto thee HIS desire Of purpose against Catholique doctrine

shal be subiect, & thou shalt rule ouer HIM: though the coherēce

of the text requireth the former, & in the Bibles printed

1552. and. 1577. Protestantes did so translate it: yet in