amôˊfkạlalu, amôˊfkạlala, to ring, also a bell. — bamôˊfkạlalu, I ring. amôˊñki, the breast. — atceˊk môˊñki, the ribs. amphoñska, a drum. ạmptiˊyaho, it thunders. ạmtcạˊki, it lightens. anaphạˊsi, flour. — ạñgoˊfa anaphạˊsi, flour, “white man’s flour”; atceˊk anaphạˊsi, cron-meal. aˊni, aniˊ, water. — aˊni thạⁿ, the ocean, “the big water.” anĭshoˊpi, a cup. aniˊsi, to play (as children) (cf. iⁿtonisi). — abaniˊsi, I play; tcaniˊsi, you play. anitaˊ, to wash. — banitaˊ, I wash. anoˊ, north, winter. anoˊska, orphan. ạndjaˊki keˊhi, one thousand. ạndjoˊfta, aⁿdjoˊftạ, aⁿdjoˊftaⁿ, cloth, clothes, clothing. — aⁿdjoˊfti-paˊsti, soap. anthuˊhi, vines, creepers. — anthoˊhi ftĕˊpi, muscadine. apaskoⁿˊ, apaskoˊ, aˊpasku, bread (Biloxi, pāˊska). — apaskoⁿˊ boˊwasi, I need bread; apaskoⁿˊ tocˊwasi, you need bread. aˊpạsti, apastiˊ, to wash, bathe one’s self or clothing. — baˊpạsti, I wash; ihiⁿˊsa apạˊsti, to wash one’s self; aⁿdjoˊfti-paˊsti, soap. apheˊni, to fold. — ạbaˊpheni, I fold; tcạpheˊni, you fold; aphenĭˊx̣ku, a little bundle. apheˊti, aphiˊti, fire. — ạpheˊcni, apheˊsni, the coals; apeˊshihi, smoke. peˊtota, a match. apheˊsa nagiˊ, fire-place, chimney. apeˊshihi phoˊhi, smoke-hole. iyaˊti apeˊshihi, steamboat. aˊpx̣i, leaf. — aphiˊfoˊtka, pecan. ạphoˊ, owl (Creole: grosse-tête hibou). — ạphoˊ nạgiˊ, aᵐphoˊ nạkĭ, screech owl. ạphoⁿˊhi, to smell. aphûˊska, fist. — baphûˊska, my fist; tcaphûˊska, your fist. apĭˊntcu, nose. — bapĭˊntcu, my nose. aˊpofheˊ, to steal. — abapofheˊ, I steal; atcapofheˊ, you steal; aˊpofhela, a thief. aˊpshusĕ, to belch (Creole; roter). — baˊpshusĕ, I belch. |
aˊshĕ, to sit. — baˊshĕ, I sit; tcaˊshĕ, you sit; oⁿaˊshĕ, we sit down. asheˊ, frost. — ashitoⁿ, a big frost. ạsxe, to hear. — tcĭˊạsxe, do you hear?; tcĭˊạsxe kiaˊwehe, do you hear what I say? ashehi, to laugh, he laughts. — bashehi, I laugh; tcashehi, you laugh, tcuˊpi ashehi, all laugh. baˊshehi, I laugh at or make fun of some one; tcĭⁿˊshehi, you laugh [etc.]; iⁿsheˊhi, he laughs [etc.]; oⁿsheˊhi, we laugh [etc.]; iⁿshehiˊ, someone laughs. ashohaˊ, ring-necked plover, or killdee (Creole: pluvier). ashoˊhi, ashoˊi, aˊshohi, rain, to rain, it rains. — ashoˊhi akạnạfpạˊka, rainbow, “rain bow;” aˊshohi kiuˊknao, rain is coming. ashoˊni, crawfish. ạshoˊpi, to drink. — bạshoˊpi, I drink; tcạshoˊpi, you drink. ashuˊse, aˊshusĕ, the wind, it blows. askho, askhole, to stand. — baskhole, I stand; tcaskhole, you stand; tcaskho, get up! ạspa(?)ˊ, to chop. astĭˊkĭ, boy. ạstôⁿˊki, girl. — ạstôⁿˊki-kiˊska, little girl. ạcoˊco, to cough. atceˊki, corn. — atceˊk nuˊfha, ear of corn; aˊtcạk-biˊska, hominy grits; ạtcĭk-nạpạsi unaˊfi, corn mush. ạñgoˊfa tceˊki, rice, “white man’ corn.” atceˊk nạphaˊsi, corn-meal. aˊtchạka, grasshopper (Creole: sotriyeau). ạtcheˊtka, atchĕˊtka, rabbit. atchûˊñki, dog (Biloxi, atcûˊñki). — atchûˊñgasi, atcuˊñgasi, horse. atcuˊñgas nashuˊsitaⁿ, mule. atchûⁿˊ-dñˊñki, puppy “little dog.” atcokfaˊ, to lie, tell a falsehood. — batcokfaˊ, I lie; atcokfaˊ fhạˊla, liar. ạtcuˊfi, ashees. atcuˊta, ạtcuˊta, the dove (?), wild pigeon (?) (Creole: tortue or tūt). ạtchuˊti, tcuˊti, red. — teˊska atcuˊti, deˊska ạtchuˊti, cardinal bird. aˊni tcuˊti, aboˊki tcuˊti, Red river. atạf: atạfteˊ, atạfthĕ, ạtạftheˊ, to burn. — batạfteˊhawe, I burn it; abatạfteˊ, I burn myself. aphiˊti atạfhe, it is burnt in the fire; atạftheˊhawe, you burn |
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