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Page:A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages.djvu/328

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[BULL. 47

it; atcatạfthe abaˊtạfthe, they burnt each other. biˊhi ạthạftheˊhawe, I burn my mouth. ạtạfhiˊskạ, scorched.

atạkiˊti, a lock.

atakoˊfĕ, meal made of parched Indian corn (Biloxi, athôˊke).

atạtchaˊ, aˊtạtcha, hot, warm, steam, vapor. ani aˊtạtcha, warm water; ctoˊhi aˊni aˊtạtcha, you see warm water. amoˊnfa ạtạtcx̣aˊ, the pot is hot. atạtchaˊwa, to warm something; batạtchaˊwa, I warm something.

ạteˊwe, to throw away. — bạteˊwe, I throw away; tcạteˊwe you throw away.

aˊthati, frozen. — baˊthatni, I am frozen; tcaˊthahi, you are frozen; aˊni aˊthathi, frozen water.

atx̣ạˊnta, wildcat (perhaps atx̣ạˊn thoⁿ, "big cat"). — tạⁿtcĭˊñki, the cat (perhaps atx̣ạˊn tcĭˊñki, "little cat").

atheˊ, a dress. — atheˊ tuˊska, skirt; aˊthe okpeˊ, to put on a dress; abaˊthĕ, my dress.

ạthiˊ, ạtx̣iˊ, a house. — abatiˊtca ateˊkna, I am going home (abatitca, home).

athiˊ, father, his father. — bathiˊ, my father; tcathiˊ, thy father.

athoˊnogi, tp exchange, to trade. — baˊthnogi, I trade or exchange; itcaˊthoˊnogi, you exchange or trade.

atxoˊska, skunk.

aˊthoⁿhi, to run. — abạthoⁿhi, I run; acthoⁿhi, you run (imperative); abatxaˊabĕ, I am going to run; abatxaˊkibaˊfpeni, I can not run.

atiˊkna, to climb (cf. te). — abạtiˊkna, I climb; ạtcaatiˊkna, you climb.

atipoⁿˊtuska, to weave. — batipoⁿˊtuska, I weave.

atishoˊskathaˊlạ, atishoˊska-athaˊla, sparrow-hawk (Creole: sparrier).

atĭˊsi, meedicine (modern and ancient).

atĭˊtcoka, floor.

atkạphaˊhi, beard. — baˊtkạphaˊhi, my beard; tcaˊtkạphaˊhi, your beard.

atkaˊtĕ, a rope.

atkiˊtco,. — ĭⁿtufa atkiˊtco ạˊte, he went to town.

ạtoˊ, potato, sweet potato. — ạtoˊ aˊñglĭfĭ, Irish potato; ạtoˊ ạfhaⁿˊ, white or Irish potato; ạtoˊ atcakiˊ, wild or marsh potato.

atoˊk(i), summer, also spring, south. — atok nufhaⁿˊ, one year.

atoˊnahĭ, to fall. — batoˊnahĭ, I fall.

atoˊyĕ, to catch. — batoˊyĕ, or miⁿˊti batoˊyĕ; I catch; tcatoˊyĕ, you catch; ho atuˊyi, I catch fish; ho tcatuˊyi, you catch fish.

atoⁿˊhi, to see, to look. — atoⁿˊhi, atuⁿˊhi, I see or look; ctoⁿˊhi, ctuⁿˊhi, you see or look (see him, you see him); oⁿtoⁿˊhi, oⁿtuⁿˊhi, we see or look; tcuˊpi ctoⁿˊhi, you all see; ctoⁿˊhi teˊska, you see that bird; atoⁿˊhi miⁿˊti, let me see! yetoⁿˊhi, he sees me. ctoˊhi aˊni aˊtạtcha, you see warm water.

ạtoⁿˊhi, to sing. — bạtoⁿˊhi, I sing.

atubanitci, to wrap up, to twist. — abatubanĭˊtci, I twist it or wrap it up; miˊnti atuˊbaniˊtci, I wrap something up; tciˊnti atubaniˊtci, you wrap something up; iˊnti atubaniˊtci, he wraps something up; oⁿˊti atubaniˊtci, we wrap something up; etcaⁿsaˊ tubaniˊtci, hold on! we wrap something up; etcaⁿsaˊ abatuˊbanitci, hold on! I will wrap something up.

atuˊnahi, to turn, to go back. — abatuˊnahi, bạtuˊnahi, I turn, I go back; tcaˊtunahi, you go back; ctuˊnahi, or ctûˊnahi, you run, go back! oⁿtuˊnahi, we turn.

ạtuphôⁿˊtuska, a basket. — ạtuphôⁿˊtuska tutuˊska, a basket-handle.

atucnạˊhi, atucnahiˊ, atucnạwạ, atucnạwạˊ, hurry up! hurry! hasten! make haste! — batucnahiˊ, I hasten; atucnạwa tcaˊkiu aˊctutĕ, make haste and come and eat!

atuˊti, cooked, he has cooked; ripe, it is done. — batuˊti, I cook; tcatuˊti, you cook; oⁿtuˊti, we cook; tcatuˊtiru, you (pl.) cook; atuˊtitu, they cook. aˊtutue, to be cooking.

atutkạˊfi, to break. — itcaⁿˊ atutkạˊfi, to break a stick.

aˊye, to cry. — iˊbaye, I cry; iˊtcaye, you cry; oⁿaye, we cry.

ayoˊti, to light a lamp, a blaze, a flame. — bayoˊti, I light; tcayoˊti, you light.

aⁿfheˊpi, an ax.

aⁿkfiˊntĕ, aⁿkfiˊntaki, ugly.

aⁿˊkindĕ, manure, dung.

aˊñglif, añglĭˊf, another. — aˊñglif iⁿˊlĕ, aⁿˊglifhi iⁿlĕ, another language, the English language, you can speak English (?).