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"vcm i K 2i' 2 K i 3 ; Ifc "f** 'fc^ 'O i K 2i 18 , cf. 'B»3 'fc«-i>y ij^id 2 2 52 +9t.; thence name of territory, 'V TTp Ob", 't? ^.V i K 13 32 (point of view of later editor), 2 K 17"-* 2 3 ' 9 ; 'V nn Am 3 9 Je 31 s — cf. "B^n Am 4 1 6 l 1 K 16 24 ; perh. V alone Je 2 3 13 1 K 1 8 2 2 K 7 24!S 2 Ch 2 5 13 ; 'B* ^0 Ne 3 3 '. — © USU. 2a/«ip«a, but 1 K 16 24 2tfi(pa, Saffifpw, Sapopav; = mod. Sebastieh ; vid. GASm 0346 * Buhl 020 "' Cowley «"'•»"'• '■ v - Wilson H " ,DB>V . t [^ jh^C?] adj . gent. Samaritan, only as n.pl. D'rHSB'n 2K17 51 the Samaritans. "I" 1. plftU? n.pr.loc. Canaanite city, with king : Jos 1 1 ', in Zebulun 1 9 10 , "Zvpo&v, Sopfpuv, etc., =pK"lD't? 12 20 . f 11. TVICtt) n.pr.m. sonofIssachar,Gn46 13 Nu 24" I Ch 7 1 ; Zapflpap., 7.ap^pa, Ztpxpuv, etc. 'HITOfJ adj. gent, of foregoing; c. art. as n.coll. '#n Nu 26 24 . trrYlttttJN, rnSttJN n.f. watch (division of time);— abs. rMa n-UOB* ,j, 9 o 4 ; Wh njfrnn rrjbtwn Ju?"; cstr.^pan rvjbf^J EX14 24 (j 1 S 1 1 " ; 'pl.abs. nilDf K La ^'"W 1 1 9 148 . t "'TQCT n.pr.m. in Benj., 1 Ch 8 13 , Sapaptt; A letrapapi, @L iQtrfrrjpapi. TIQtWp n. [m.] place of confinement, gaol, prison ; late, guard, watch, observ- ance ; — abs. 'o Gn 42 ,7 + ; cstr. "lEBI? 40'+ ; sf. VlDBT? Ne 7 3 , etc.; pi. sf. VJ- 13 14 ;— 1. gaol, prison, WXawn IB- TV3 'D Gn40 3 , cf. v 4 (abs.), v 7 41' ; 42 ,7 (abs.), +v 30 (@), D3-10BT? n»| v 19 (all E); jrMar<i-/«>it8eincampLv24 12 (H),Nui5 54 (P). 2. ^wanf, Je 5i 12 Ne 4 316 , 13n ^JK v 17 ; ^warrf- yorf 7 3 ; fig. of' setting a guard/O 7$ D'bTi »| Jb 7 12 ; 6a?id 0/ (Levit.) guards or function- aries iCh26'« Nei2 24 (cf. nnDBiD); act of guarding, '0"?20 Pr 4 s3 a&we a# guarding watch thy heart.— 'oj> Ez 38 7 is doubtful, Hi Co Toy al. reserve; Krae ?&€». 3. pi. observances, services, of temple Ne 13". rn*3C)?p _ n.f. guard, watch, also charge, funotion ; — 'o abs. 2 S 20 3 + , cstr. 2 K 1 1 5 + ; &bs.TYygfo Exi6 M ; sf.VPDtfO Gn 26* + , etc.; pi. nhOBH? 1 Ch 9 a + ; cstr. rrilDBTS Ne 7 s ; sf. Dim. 2 Ch 7«+ , BrPQ. 2 Ch 3i 17 ;— tl. ^wan/, watch: 13 JV3 2 S 20 3 =house of detention, con- finement; ,- re? ™?$ 'O 1 S 22 23 i.e. protected, secure ; c. "lOB/ &e«p <^« wa<cA 2 K 1 i 5 " 1 Ch 1 2 30 (van d. H. v 29 ); =post of watch (fig.) Is 2 1 8 (|| next?), Hb 2 1 (|| -riXD); pi. = {/wards Ne 7 3

Ch 9 s3 . 1 2 . keeping, preserving, 'Dp D3? iTnl 

Ex 1 2 6 i.e. ye shall keep it ; '»j> M^ Wan 1 6 23 , cf. v 32 - 33 - 34 Nu 19 9 (all P). t3. charge, in- junction of c. ISC', in gen. Dt 1 1 1 ( + ni|3n, D'OS^D, nto), cf. Gn 2 6 3 1 K 2 3 , and ('" TWfO 'D) Jos 2 2 3 (all B D ), Mai 3 14 ; of specif, injunctions Lv 18 30 Nu 9 1923 . t4. a. ceremonial office or function (AVRV usu. charge) of priest or Levite (P [esp. Nu], Ez 40, 44, 48, Chr Zc), mostly c.lOB' : nnjCT |3ETp '0 Nu i 33 , "» J3B>D 13 3I 3o.c e^pon 'o Ez 44 15 Nu 3 s9 , iJ?io b^fe '» 18 4 cf. v 3 * 1 Ch 2 3 32 , Bhpn 'D Nu f- 3 " 18 3 1 Ch 23 s2 , ^"Jl? "D (of Isr. in gen.) Ez 44 s , nattsn 'D Nu 18 5 Ez 40 46 , ^ntann Nu 18 s , n*zn 'o Ez 4o 4i

u . rf !3y '° Ne 12 45 ; c. genit. (sf.) 'o '0= 

perform the service imposed by, due to, Lv 8 s5

2 9 Ez 44 916 48 11 Zc 3 7 , Dn^Hj '» Ne 12 45 (of 

Judah in gen.); ffjjn 'O Nu 3 7 *, 1^ "?3 '» 3 s - 38 , |iBnj V.f 'O 3 25 , cf. v 7 "' 31 - 36 4»«**« 18 3 1 Ch 23 s2 ; also, in secular sense, PWC* n'3 'D 1 Ch 1 2 30 ; DKtPO 'D Nu 4 31 , BN^O 'O ?3 v 32 (v 27 read c. © DiGrGray, etc. ni!3B'3 for 'on, and perhaps n-icfD after DS, cf. v 32 ); 'O DiT.bjf j CI19 27 i.e. the duty rested upon them; — 25 s 26" v. 1. HQV c, d (p. 769 supr.); DHOJ) 'D-by 2 Ch 7 s were standing according to (or in) their offices, 'O ^y TOpn appoint to iter q^ces 8 14 35 s . h. pi. of Levitical divisions for service Ne 1 2 9 . II. "lEttf'(v / offoll.; cf.NHD , -!Of=BH, also vb. denom.; % NTVD& ; meaning of v and relation (if any) to I. 'B> obscure ; cf. poss. Ar. J j " be tawny, dark, in colour, Lane 1425 M.

†ii. ["Told] n.m. i,2s - 6 only pi. lees, dregs (fig.);— abs. D^Of Is 25 s - 6 (in both. = wine matured by resting undisturbed on the lees); sf. 'H'?f"^ *W t 2 ^ Je 48" (of Moab's undis- turbed life), cf. (of careless men) "?$? D^sfsn nnnoB' Zp i 12 ; n^of ^75' ( f '<>'t cup' of judgment).

III. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ((Symbol missingsymbol characters)of foil.; mng.dub.; NH (Symbol missingHebrew characters) diamond, so Aram.(Symbol missingAramaic characters) (also flint), (Symbol missinglanguage characters); Ar. (Symbol missingArabic characters).. = mimosa gummifera, Lane 1423 b ). (Symbol missingHebrew characters) v. III. (Symbol missingHebrew characters)

† 1.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.m.Ez 3,9 thorn(s), adamant, flint;— abs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 56 + ; sf.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1017;—1. coll.