creatures forbidden as food : water animals
without fins or scales ll* ,u * l birds of prey,
etc., v 13 , winged creeping things T**, creeping
vermin v 4112 (all P), cf. Is 66 17 (+(Hebrew characters) V. RS 8Sem. i. 275, 2nd ed. 283; K 309 f., 2nd ed. 311. f.__
Ez 81o read prob. (
Hebrew characters), v. (
Hebrew characters).
t[yj?UJ] vb. Pi. denom. detest, make detestable ; — Pf. 3 ms. YW ty 2 2 25 ; Impf. 2 mpl. ttfffc Lv 11" + , etc.; Inf. abs. YW? Dt 7 s6 ;— 1. detest, c. ace. rei Dt 7' :6 (Impf. + Inf. abs.; || uapnn syn), Lv i i IU3 (P); || nja ,/, a »» 2. make detestable, obj. DSTlb'SJ (= reflex.) Lv II 43 (P), 20 2b (H). tpptf, yj?tp n.m. D » "- 31 detested thing;— abs. YW? Dn 1 1 31 1 2 11 , cstr. J»j??> 1 K 1 1 5 + ; pi. DTPS' 2 Ch 15 8 , D-SpB* 2 K 13 s *; cstr. W0 Ez 20 78 ; sf. DfVnpe>Je i6 ls + ,etc.;— detested thing, epith. of Isr. Ho 9 10 (si vera 1.; not elsewhere bef. Dt) ; of filth Na 3 6 ; appar. of unclean food Zc 9 7 (as Y$) ; of idols (so usu. ; oft. || rujrtn , Wf, etc.), Dt 29 16 2 K 2 3 24 Je 4 1 7 30 =32 34 * if 1618 Ez511 730 1113.20 207.8.30 3723; of idolatrous practices Dn 9 2 ~,but id. prob.as 1 1 31 (so © e), and "133 for ta (v. Dr); DOB'(tp) >V 1 1*« 1 2 " <£ e fe«<«Z </imgr causing horror is the heathen altar erected in temple by Ant. Epiph., with (prob.) a statue ofZeus01ympios=(Ph.)DOB'i'5?3Zorrfo/A«ai;en; the prophet puts PP& for bjD, and Defeat?) for BJJf ; cf. Nes ZAW " 0884) ' 248 Che OPl05 Dr 1 *. t [pP*y] vb. run, run about, rush (appar. akin to </l. pits', whence pie*);— Qal Impf. 3 mpl. 9fe* TJ>3 J02 9 , of locusts (|| |WTJ; >Grprop. 1?B? from pbo); Pt. f& Is 33 4 , c. i rei rush at, Mpon(likelocusts);ofroOT«g',ra»igrmjrbearPr28 li (unless we read ?pE', Toy); fig. of C5*D3 longing for water Is 29 s (|| ^.J? and, v*, np">), ^ 107 9 (II rujTj). Hithpalp. Impf. 3 mpl. |1pf pnf ; Na 2°, of chariots, they rush to and fro. T [pEto] n.[m.] running, rushing ; — cstr. p&D Is 33 1 , of locusts. Ipli' (v of following; deceive; Aram. "VP deceive, also n. deceit, ; n ». Pa. deceive, and deriv.; As. taskirtu [Dl -<7iV-] a fte, so NH "ipt?, Ar. _S-< and JXi (loan-word ?)).
(Hebrew characters) n.m. deception, disappointment,
falsehood ;— (
Hebrew characters) Ex 237 + 64 t.;(
Hebrew characters) Ex 59 +
42 t.; pl. (
Hebrew characters) ψ 1017 + 3 t.; sf. (
Hebrew characters) Je 2332;—1. deception, what deceives, disappoints,
and betrays one : a molten image Je 1 o 14 = 5 1 17 ;
gift Pr 25 14 ; grace of person 31 30 , etc.; 'B* ("OK
ψ 119104.128; (
Hebrew characters) v 29; (
Hebrew characters) Je 1325; (
Hebrew characters)
i6",cf.also^7 l5 33 ,r ii 9 1,s l828 li ; -$$} for dis-
appointment, in vain 1 S 25 21 Je3 23 . 2. deceit,
fraud, wrong : '&(?) HCV do or practise fraud,
wrong Ho 7 1 Je 6 13 8 s - 10 ; c. 3, 2 S 18 13 ; '# n^VS
Pr ii 18 ; 'V t$ Pr 20" food got by fraud;
'V V$ Is 57 4 ; * B» Je 8 8 ; 'e> li» * 7 15 (|| bctf);
'b> ntrp jitfb pn Je 9 2 ; 'B>3 3 10 (|| -1:3), adv. npe*
fraudulently, wrongfully |> 3 5 19 38 20 69 5 1 19' 8 ' 86 .
3. injurious falsehood, in testimony, esp. in
courts : T?f> 1$ Ex 2 o 16 (E) Dt 19 18 V^ 12 Pr 6"
I4 5 25 18 ; DnpB' nj? I2 17 i9 59 ; V WJ> Dt 19 18
testify falsehood; 'V njOB* Zc 8 17 /aZse oa«A;
'B^ JOBO swear falsely Je 5 2 + 5 t. ; 'E> by V3Eb
Lv 5 M ; t> 13T Mi6 ,2 + (v. p^J TJWJ; 'B> new
IS32 7 ; V (<)nafe> ^3i 19 i2o 2 Pno 18 17 7 ; bsu
'E> Jb 13 4 V' i 19 69 , cf. v 163 ; abs. false ! 2 K 9 12
Je 37 M - * ^- fulsityt °f false or self-deceived
prophets: 'W N33 prophesy falsely Je 14 14 23 25,26
21 ; +^ pers. 27 10 14 - 16 ; '^ '3 v 15 ; 'B*3 'j 5 s1 20 6 9 9 ; 'e> rrjia is 9 14 Hb 2 18 ; '«> rwr Zc io=;
'tfptn Jei4 ,4 ,etc.,(+I2t.); 'B* mi v . p. 925b. 5. lie, falsehood, in gen. : V nan ^ 1 o 1 7 (|| flj?"j) ; It^l^J Pn 3 5 ; of D^O Jb 3 6 4 ; 'tr f^b /aise tongue Pr 6 17 1 2 19 2 1 6 26 s8 ^ 109 2 ; of lips Pr 1 2"; 'V Vhtt if liar. t [~lpQJ] vb. denom. do or deal falsely; — Qal Impf. 2 ms. I'pB'ri Qn ai B thou wilt not do falsely to me ('?). Pi. Pf. 1 pi. V$# f 44 18 ; //«p/. 3 ms. "VST, « s I 5' 29 ; 3 mp 1 - "Wl Is 63 s , etc.;— deal falsely 1 S 15 29 Is 63 s , c. 3 pers. Lv 19" (|| BTI3); c. 3 rei V^ 18 8 9 34 . npjy, ninpjp v. nptf. ~w v. m "12N"CJ n.pr.m. v. "Wp. ... v : - * v v :- yfitt (</ of Ml., parch; NH 31^66 scorched (by sun), 3^B 'parching heat (of sun); Ecclus 43 m 3-IC pi parched grass; Aram. 31^, 3*3^, oU, >»i* 6e parched, 3"]^ A«a<, drought: cf. prob. also As. n.pr. div. Sarrabu (-pu) Zim KAT3, 4,i ; >cp. Ar. ££, mtVa^e [Rob BR1 - 42 ] Ges" 357 al.; see against this esp. Che 1 "" " 1 "- 269 ). T^TtZJ n.m. 1. burning heat ; 2. parched ground;— only abs.: POK/I 'B* D|: K^l Is 49 10 ; of ground, 'B'n Is 35? (J| pSOX). t iT'l")© n.pr.m. a Levite with Ezra (? *