rfrn 1081 t^N n.m. 1,000 (=BH II. «$t) ;— abs.'tt (n. pers. precedes) Dn 5 1 ; n. om., emph. NBpK v 1 the thousand (just mentioned); cstr.+pl.abs.H?? D'&K Dn 7 10 a thousand thousands ( < Qr P?^ t[nQN K* 6, - 2Anm ' 2 ] n.f. Dn!U cubit (=BH id.; v. p. 52; Eg. Aram, (pi.) JOX RES 246 S-C C44 );— pi. TV* (so £ Syr.) Dn 3 »-' Ezr 6 3S . tnQW n.f. nation (BH id., late); — abs. 'n Dn 3 29 ; pi. emph. NJQK 3 4 - 7 - 31 5" 6 26 7 14 Ezr 4 10 . t[|QN] vb. Haph. trust (BH);— Pf. 3 ms. anbx'a pn Dn 6 24 ; Ft. pass. iP'nO jr^y, trustworthy, of pers. 6 s , interpretation 2 4
- "1P^ vb. say, tell, command (BH
">P«);— Pe. -P/. 3 ms.'N Dn 2 12 +,"»?« f- 3 f s . nnoK 5 10 (K S38 ' Ia) ); 1 s. rnps 4 5 ; *i p i. kj-iok
4 - 9 , etc.; imgf. 3 ms.iOS'; (K H1 ) 2 7 +; 2 mpl.
pOKH J e 10", etc.; 7mi>. ms."»K 2 4 +; mpl. npK 2 9 ; /n/.IONoi' v 9 , ">Cob Ezr 5" (K» Ma ); Pi.'ips Dn 2 s + oft.', pi. pW 3 4 Ezr 5'+ ;— 1. say (oft. in phr. answer and say) : sq. orat. rect. (only), Dn 2 710 + 13 t. Dn, Ezr 5"; + 7 pers. Dn 2° 3 14 + 14 t. Dn [pi. c. indef. subj. for pass. 4 s9 ], Ezr5 15 ; + EHP pers. Dn 2 9 5 17 6 1314 ; + 1? 4 11 7 23 , 1? c. 7 pers. Ezr 5" Dn 2 24ffi 6 7 , cf. f; + NP?? c. 7 pers. Ezr5 49 ; +'"'J"|? c. 7 pers. Je 10"; sq. ace. rei + 75? pers. against whom Dn 3 M . 2. relate, tell: sq. ace. rei Dn 4 616 7', + 7 pers. 2 4.9.7 ^ i« ( acc re i om ^ + D"lp pers. 2 36 4 45 . 3. command : sq. inf. 2 12 ' 46 + 6 t. Dn ; sq. vb. fin. j.29 6 17/!S ; sq. 7 pers. -|-or. rect. 3 4 [pi. c. indef. subj., for pass., K 476 ", so 4 23 J. t "TON*? n. [m.] word ;— cstr. Dn4 14 Ezr 6 9 . ' L^ 7 ?^] **- m - lamb (As. immeru (also = child; immertu, girl; conj. as to etym. Dl Frol.28 J en 2MGxllll(1889).2C3;ZAvll.J16 S/.li wa ]]y ldlot " 4 ^ % Kjftf ; Syr. )t»r, Pun.iCN, Palm. pi. emph. meM Lzb 220 Cooke '»«'•'»•»?; Ar. JSl (loan- word? cf. Fra 107 , but also DHM V0JI 24 ));— pi. pBN, lambs, as sacrif. victims Ezr 6 917 7 17 . PJ33M v. 3S. tKJltf Dn 2 8 Ezr6' 2 7 21 in common edd.: v. rut*/ tnJ^ pr.Xs. l(=Heb.'0K,q.v.: Zenj. Cilic. Eg.' Aram. run (Cooke 192194202 ; S-C"), Nab nj"-(Lzb H1 ); S KM, Syr. til*);— I, Dn2 S0 4 627 5 16 , before a ptcp. 3 25 4 34 , after a ptcp. (K i76 ' 2b ) 2 s HJSS JJT 2'5f:-|D, v 23 4 4 ; sq. a n.pr. 4 1 n^ Ktf T M ' DO i n«S, v 1534 7" Ezr6 ,J 7 51 , as nom. pendens, Dn 4 31 7 2s ; emphasizing a sf. (K' 87 - 3 ) 7 16 Ezr 7 21 (cf. S-C B8 • J1!! • K3 ■ I, ). tp3N pr. 3 mpl. they, those (pi. of MW : % W, f. rr«, e.g. Gn 3 7 6 2 ; Syr. ^ci, ^cu?*, f. fJm, ^jf; Talm. inrx, >nr« (for linfK, PQf*); Mand. fOV% JW ;'— all from Jin, jn, with demonstr. syll. }K, ;n ' lo,' prefixed, W 0098 ' 106 No" 86 ); — they, those, Dn 2" p3K K^P </to«« Hnj^s, 6 25 as accus. i«K to"!, 7 17 Kt Vans }UK ^ (Qr f. |"3K) which are four (Dr 1810 ' 1 '* K 4873 ), Ezr5 4 . . . DnDB'p3SnD = what are the names... 1 (Dr* M1 '* ob %K lc ). Cf. KVl. tiOrUN (Ezr 4 16 njTOS) pr . 1 pi. we (Eg. Aram. RES 361 S-C p « > - TOM* ; BH yn?« ; W camt ), Dn 3 1617 Ezr 4 16 (after ptcp.), 5". tp3K they (f.) Dn /' 7 Qr: Kt p3N, q.v. t[D0^] vb. oppress (BH [late] con- strain);— Ve. Pt. rb DJK Dn 4 6 . t[P]3Sl, F)M K' 55 - 4 ] n.m. only du. (Schulth ZAwx.il (iw. HM) face ^ BH ^K^^x; Aram, of Tema'BJN SAC 23 Lzb 222 Cooke 69114 , so S-C 019 and(usu.)S*; rBN^ "" ", ^^"Syr. Chr-Pal. (Schulth L " 13 ); also 'BX Palm. Lzb 222 Cooke ■ , - 339 , Chr-Pal. c. prep. >l9i Schulth Le,H , etc.);— pi. sf. 3ms. , niS3KDn2 46 3 19 . I. 1^'JK ( 7 of foil.; cf. BH II. tMK, 11. VU$). t UJ3N n.m. man, mankind ; — abs. '« Dn
,0 +; T emph. «?*?« v 38 -)-, so Qr 4 1314 (>Kt
NBhSN K» 57/) ; so Nab. enJN oft. Lzb 222 Cooke 219 SAC 22 ): pi. D"?' i ?« 4 14 (Hebraism, M 53 * prop. KBOK); — 1. man, human being, Dn 2 10 3 10 4 13 jM-J '6 13 - 13 7 4 - 48 Ezr 6" ; so B^fP? Dn 7" a «ore 0/ man, human being (v. esp. Dr D » 102i DB8< """ MiH ). 2. coll. men, people, Ezr 4 11 Dn 4 14 *- 2! - m.s.29.30 5 :i ( cf p i_ 4 ». / X y-5| 2 43 i.e. human off- spring; NB'JX 'J? sons of men, = men, 2 :t9 5 21 . II. t^'J3^ (^of foil.; BH III. BOX, nB : K). t[r»8j3] n.f.pl. wives (so Zinj. (Cooke 628 ) cstr. "173 , % iT? , Syr. U}J, Heb. D^J , Ar. «U^ : on sing. v. BH nE>S, and add Aram, of Nineveh cstr. ne>N (CIS 116 ), and Eg. Aram. nnJK S-C p 'f- »'»+);— pi. sf. iin'E'? Dn 6 s5 .