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fe N^

8 8 7 Na 2 s , Israel Ho 5 6 7 10 (prob. appellation 

of /, ) J Na2 3 , Judah Je 13 9 , Jerusalem v 9 Ez 16 66 ; W fta? p™^ 0/ Aer strength Ez 30 618 S3 28 ; B1J> |1WEa 7 24 (but © Ew Hi Co rd. Dry); D3Ty JttQ Lv 26' 9 Ez 24 21 ; the fruit of land of Judah will become mtttTlTl fWl? majestic and beautiful Is 4 2 ; UV ^3 J1XJ <Ae majesty of all the splendour (of Tyre) Is 23'; Zion is to become D^15? JIM an everlasting excellency Is 60 15 . b. of God Ex 15 7 Is 24" Mi 5 3 ; "ITTj i3W Is 2 10 - 1921 ; WW ^2 DJT Jb37 4 ; «? TH! POSj pK3 Jb 40 10 . c. JTW1 J1KJ majesty of tlie Jordan, referring to the green and shady banks, clothed with willows, tamarisks, and cane, in which the lions made their covert Je 49 19 50 44 Zc 11 3 , and therefore dangerous Je 12 5 (Ew thinks of the swelling of its agitated waters) ; fjl |iX3 majesty of thy waves Jb 38 11 . 2. pride (bad sense) Jb 3 5 12 + 59 13 Pr 8 13 i6 ,s Ez 7 20 16 49 Zp 2 10 ; of Moab Is i6 66 = Je 4s 2929 . t reH2 n.f. majesty, + 93 1 + 7 t.;— 1. lift- ing up ]&V rflW column of smoke Is 9 17 ; EJl 1 n,s ?. swelling of the sea ^ 89 10 . 2. majesty of God ^93' IS26 10 ; nb»y rtHtj he hath done majestically Is 12 6 ; nwa fncy crown of majesty Is 28 13 (Samaria, on a round hill majestically com- manding the country). 3. pride rKW3 Visn «A«y speak proudly fjf; so for niN? 74 20 Bi Che. "7N"lM n.pr.m. (majesty of El) the spy of the tribe of Gad Nu i3 15 . tftYW] adj. proud, BVt»W+i*tf{K.ieL Baer's note, yet rd. prob. O^KS; but Qr better, tPfP Wi proudest op2>ressors, v. n83). □ <, 2T' , 'S3 V« foregoing, and also HS3. mil n.f. pride (contr. for H1S3 Ew* 62 "- 7 "' cf. Aram. Dn 4 s4 & £)— 1. pride Jb 33 17 Je 13 17 . 2. Z?7i!m# wp Jb 22 s9 an exclamation, up! Ew Di De al.; but 2>ride Hi Dr' 154 " (,id - S) . rrt">*a v. *i. f I. 7K3 vb. redeem, act as kinsman (NH, Niph. he redeemed} also 5m, "?*?)— QalP/ '3, etc. Is 44 !3 + 14 1-5 /»»?/. *«£, etc. Lv25» + 1 8t.; Imv. ?*|, etc. Bu 4 6 + 3 1. ; Trc/. abs. 7N3 Lv 2 7 ,3 + 2t.; cstr3i^Eu 4 4 + 2t.; sf.^K^Bu3 13 ; Pi. ^3 Lv 25 26 + 24 t, ty* Is 59 20 ^ 103 4 ; sf. ^N3 Is 48", Ha** Is 54 8 (sf- 19 *•); P ass - P 1 - D^1K3, etc. Is 35 9 + 4t.; — 1. act as kinsman, do the part of next of kin (chiefly inDHP Bu), b* kinsman Lv 25* (H) Nu 5 8 35 12 (P) Eu 2 20

».12 4 1.3.«.8.H j K l6 ll ft _ J n taking ft k ; nsman ' s 

widow ii>N3^> pir t6 otn buy ma ipny en TIvWI if lie will do thee the kinsman's part (raise up children by the widow) well, let him do the kinsman's part ; but if he is not pleased to do thee the kinsman's part then I will do thee the kinsman's part Bu 3 13 ; b. in redeeming from bondage Lv 25 48 - 49 (H); c. in redeeming a field Lv is™*-* (H) Bu 4 4 - 6 ; d. claim as kinsman Jb 3 s ; e. BflfJ 7$?3 the avenger of 6ZooiNu35 ,9 - 21 - 24 - 25 - 27 - 27 Jos20 3 - 6 (?;notin@)v 9 (P). Dt 19 612 (D) 2 S 14 11 . 2. redeem, by payment of value assessed, of consecrated things, by the original owner Lv 2 j**»JM«(P). 3. redeem, with God as subj. implying personal relation- ship, chiefly in poetry: — a. individuals, from death f 103 4 La 3 68 Ho 13 14 , JH ^30 Gn 48 16 (E poetry), B>B3 V 69 19 72 14 , orphans Pr 23 11 Je 50 34 ,

  • bw un nan ^ 1 i 9 lbi , ^«3 Jb 19 25 , 'SjJ) T*

^ 19 15 . b. Israel, from Egyptian bondage Ex6 6 (P?) i5 13 (song) f 74" 77' 16 78 s5 , 3>1K TD ^io6 10 . c. from exile (chiefly Is 3 , the vb. not in Is 1 ) IS43 1 44 22 - 23 48 20 52 l! 63 9 Mi4 10 , TD ^ 107 2 Je3i n ; Yahweh is 5$ Is 41" 43 14 44 654 41* 48 17 49 7 - 26 54 5 ' 8 59 20 60 16 63 16 ; and the people ff^WJ Is 35 9 5 1'» 62 12 63 4 (cf. **3W| infr.), fief. Nipb. Pf. bg$ Lv 25 48 ; Impf W Lv 25 30 +5 t.; vWFl IS52 3 ; — 1. refl. redeem oneself Lv 25 49 (H). 2. pass. Je redeemed, a. field Lv25 30 (H), slave Lv 25 54 (H); b. con- secrated things Lv 2 7 20 - 27 - 28 - 33 (P); c. Jerusalem by Yahweh Is 52'. tl^Nit Is 63 4 , in '3 IW, n.abstr. re- demption, ace. to @ © 33 Ges Hi De MV Che Di BVm ; then either pi. abstr. sf. year of (my) redemption (so most) ; or abstr. form, in » — , after Syr. analogy, La g *-.u.i«t *-••»."■ »«  (© om. my); but < Pt. pass. pi. sf. my ransomed (released) ones Ew Br Brd AV BV cf. sub ?N3 supra. t JT9M n.f . kin(?), redemption— Lv 2 5" +6 t.J est* r&Kj Lv 2 s 32 ; sf. ^N? Bu 4', in^Ka Ez ii 15 , inW3 Lv25 M +4t.; — 1. Atn, in|KS '•E'aK men of thy kindred Ez 1 1 1S , BV Thes Hi al; but © © Ew Co "mhi '« thy fellow- exiles. 2. redemption, of field Lv 25" (H) Bu 4 7 . 3. right of redemption Lv 25 29 - 31 - 32 - 48 (H) Bu4 6 Je32 s =n^X3n DDB'D Je 32 7 . 4. price of redemption Lv 25 s6 "- 62 (H). t /Na' 1 n.pr.m. (7/e redeems) — 1. one of the spies Nu 1 3 7 . 2 . one of David's heroes 2 S 2 3 s6 . 3. descendant of Zerubbabel 1 Ch 3 s2 . I,