til. [7i<3] vb. defile, late (cf. bj?5)— Niph. Pf. 3 mpl.^b3Is5 9 s La4",onform v.Ges* 51 -', Ko 1266 ; Pt. rb»ii Zp 3 1 ;— be defiled, hands with blood D^3, Is 59 3 cf. La 4"; pt. as subst. defiled, polluted ori3 Zp 3 1 of Jerusalem (||ntO!p; appos. njfti Tjjn). pi. pf t p i. s f. •fafa Mai i 7 pollute, desecrate, obj. (desecrated in his altar). Pu. Impf. njnan-fp fytSn Ezr 2 62 =Ne y 64 cstr. pregn. and they were desecrated out of the priest- hood, i.e. deposed, as desecrated ones; P<.7N3D of bread laid on Yahweh's altar Mai I 7 ; of Yahweh's altar(table, inbe^v 12 . Hiph. Pf. 1 s.^MKIses 3 (on Aram, form v.Kb 127 Ges i53R - 6 but) rd.perh. "ri^xa Pi. t v. GFM™* 1887 ' 292 cf. also Ges u "- 01 » 25Sb Sta }lwb ' 3 ;—I have polluted, i. e. stained, all my raiment. Hithp. Impf. Pi*jri^ Dn i 8 ; ro2 iwiV yS'—drjile himself. t[7N2] n.[m.] defiling, defilement, !?S3 njnsn Ne 13 s9 .
back, etc., v. sub 333.
[23], D^v.aup. 155. I. [23] locust, v. sub i133. II. [22] pit, in. [33] beam, v. sub 313. , 212 n.pr.loc. v. sub 333. ^JUJ (cf- Ar. llJL, ^a. restrain or withhold oneself; peril. = LZjl collect (water in a cistern, also tribute), so Lane ( «Ji 1. ad fin., Fl NHWB "•j v. also NH *», H33, Aram. K33, J^ collect debts, taxes, etc.) t«22 n.m. **•* cistern, pool (cf. Ar. iljla. watering-trough) — 1. cistern N33I3 h^D Is'30 14 . 2. J900Z, mar«/i W33 Ez 47 11 (|$*»). ^^J (prob. be curved, convex, elevated, Aram. N333 Mil; be or make hollow, dig, Ar. JUjL cut off or otrf, vjli., Aram. 33, Eth. 7-fl: As. gubbu, — all = cistern; cf. e.g. As. gubbdni sa me, cisterns of water, Asrb *"»*>» coi.tiii. 10^ KB ,IK °;v. n.pr. 33 infr.) ta| n .m. ?rf - ,! " 43 - ,3 (f. ,t "- 18 ) anything convex, curved, gibbous, e.g. back, chiefly late; — abs. 3J Ez 16 24 ; cstr.33 Ez4 3 1:, (rd.n33® EwSm Co) ; gf.1l 1//I29 3 , }33 Ezi6 31M ; pl.cstr.naiLv^ 9 , '33 Jb 13 12 15 26 ; sf. BW3j 1 K 7 s3 , DH33 Ez io 13 , 1^33 Ez i 18 , Drf33 Ezi 18 ;— 1. back, of man (fig. of Isr.) if? 129 3 ; appar. of cherubim Ez io ls , but II i Sm emend v. so that '3 ref. to wheels, rim v. 6 infr. 2. mound, for illicit worship Ez
6 2431 - 39 (all || no-i) ; @ 33 lupanar, brothel, after
analogy of fornix, but this without sufficient proof, & needless. 3. boss, or convex pro- jection, of shield Jb 1 5 2li (fig.) he runneth against him . . . with the stout bosses of his shields (i.e. wicked against "'); so j^b in Ar. in similar phrase ; cf. also Ar. ZJ^L , shield; also French bouclier fr. boucle. 4. bulwarks, breastworks, fig. for arguments r 33' , 33 "Il2rn33? Jb 1 3 12 breast- works of clay are your breastworks. 5. brow, only WJJ ni| Lv 1 4' his eyebrows. 6. Wot of wheel, felloe 1 K f 33 Ez i 1818 ; so perh. io 12 v. 1 supr. — EZ43 13 ; elevation, i.e. basement of altar, Da after MT., but v. fi^b , cf. supr. tail 2 S 2 1 18 , 212 v 19 n.pr.loc. (cf. Aram. 833 ten, and Jic^, Ar. J^, Eth. 7-fl: As. g-M&Jw, weZZ, cistern, v. 333)— field of battle with Philistines 2 S 2i 18 ="l» in || 1 Ch 20 4 (so here ThEw; cf.Jos io 33 ),but=n3@(S2 S2i 18 (©L Ta&6); 2 S 2i 19 (om. || iCh 20 5 ), ® Po/n, Poj3; Klo Goth; in v 16 We Dr (q. v.) rd. 333 for 333 ; s ite of Gob (si vera 1.) unknown. t V?D V5$ appar. n.pr.m. (cf. Aram. JIA^, Talm. '33, tax-gatherer) a Benjamite Ne n 8 ; but text dub. cf. 1 Ch 9 8 & Sm L1 *' ,,7 . t) 22 n.pr.loc. (mound, height, cf. $ K333 ridge) Philistine city 1K15 2727 16 1517 ; assigned to Dan Jos 19", and to Levites 21 23 : site un- known ; cf . Lag 0nom - 246 ' 2nd ed - ■*. l"OJ (coiiec«,Ar.Ui (=tj»i, cf. K33 supr.), NH 'M, .133, Aram. N33, ]^;' ||f rm K33 q.v.) t *• L-?. J n.[m.] locust (name from swarm, collection, Eth. 7-OA.: cf. also Eth. A*}A«): Zocwsi v =Ar. kli scaturivit, manavit), only pi. Q'aS IS33 4 (in sim. of leaping). — 33 n,in, v.sub 313. T2i3 n.[m.] locusts, Na 3 17 ; cf. *aa. t->23, "Ofa n.m. *»****• coU. locusts (swarm, multitude ; Aram. 5*353 , pi. 'iOU ; on format, v. OD a6d ), "33 symbol of Yahweh's judgment on Isr. Am 7 1 ; in sim. of disappear- ance of Assyrian leaders at destruction of Nineveh '313 313 Na 3 17 (locust-) swarm of locusts (|| n3-)S) ; but del. 3^3 as dittogr. We al. tPOi) vb. be high, exalted (NH id. (Hiph.), Aram. n33 ; c f. Ar. 1^1^. forehead, ilL prominence of forehead; compare perhaps also As. gabani, heights (?) Lotz TP,S3 )— Qal Pf. 'i 2Ch 26"+ 5 1.; «n: ; 3 Ez 31 6 (x=n); Pirns Ez