ptfn saddle (an ass))— Qal Pf 'n Dt f + 4 t.; l^fNl Gn 34 s ; l?pe> n Is 38" (but v. infr.); jjlptfn Dt 21"; — be attached to, only fig. = Zow, a woman sq. (Hebrew characters) Gn 348 (P)Dt 2111; elsewh. of (Hebrew characters)'s love for Israel Dt 7" 10", and of love to " ^91"; sq. ace. cogn. + *? and inf. Tt *«ta nc>V PfD"^ 3 (Hebrew characters) 1K919 =2Ch86;(Hebrew characters) IS 3817 lit. iAow 7ias< loved my soul out of the pit, i.e. lovingly delivered it ; but rd. A?^ 1 ? thou hast held back, kept, from © Q3 Lo Ew Che Di, or ^'cn hold back (Imv.), so Du. t ptiiJl n.nx. desire = thing desired — cstr. nbte pE»n I K 9 19 =2Ch8 6 , 1K9 1 ; sf. Yf<? *#l Is 2 1 4 the twilight of my pleasure. tfp^n] n.[m.] fillet or ring clasping (binding) a pillar of the tabernacle, only pi. sf. Dn'jr.rn Ex27 10 +5t,; DiTjHB'n EX38 1217 ; those of the pillars at door of tabernacle (•'nxn) were overlaid with gold Ex 36 s '; those of the pillars of the court with silver 27 1011 3 8 1011121719 (all P), v. Di on Ex 27 10 ; >Thes and most who under- stand of connecting-rods, joining tops of pillars, from which curtains were hung. fn. [~tLTI] vb. deuom. only Pi. furnish with fillets or rings, and Pu. pass. ; Pi. Pf. 3 ms. pB>n Ex 38 s8 (P), subj. Bezaleel. Pu. Pt. «]D3 D^BTID Ex 27" 38" furnished with silver fillets, in agreement with DHIByn (both P). I [p^n] n.[m.l spoke of a wheel (as bind- ing felloe to nave)— pi. sf. DSVjJB'n 1 K 7 s3 . ")t£TT (-/of foil.; cf. As. asdru, collect, gather Zim BP39 . In Ar., collect is JLli, but not usu. = ty).
Tittfn v. tshn. • T rn, nririv. nnn. Tnn appar. represented as ances- tor of the Hittites (etym. and mng. unknown ; pronounced as fr. V jr"y in Heb. & As., but not Egypt. ; ▼.*J?n inf r .) — 'begotten' by Canaan Gn io 15 ( J) = i Ch i 13 ; elsewh. only in combin. with
- l*, n«3 ; a. nn->3? aC c. to P lived at Mamre
(Hebron), and one of them sold Abraham the cave of Machpelah for a sepulchre Gn 2 3 3 - 61010 - l618a> 25 10 4 9 32 . b. nn(-)ni:a only of wives of Esau Gn27 46 - 46 (P; © om, v"; || fffl rriX3 = )W3 Di33 28 1 ). t , rinadj. et Hittite(s) (Egypt. Il-td, Held, WMaxMull A "™ uEur< " m - ! " 9ff -; As. Haiti, Schr KG192,r - COT on Gn io 19 Dl p *' a,9ff -; Tel- el- Amarna Haiti, Hatta Bez ™ " Am » r - Brlt - *» lso ) — m. alw. c. art. ^m Gn 23 10 Ex 3 8 + ; t Mjn Ezi6 345 ; mpl. Dwin Josi 4 +3t.; fpl. n'nn
K 11 1 ; — 1. adj., of seller of Machpelah to
Abr., '•nnn PR Gn 23 10 49 2930 so 13 ; -inir|a psy Tin 25 9 (all P); of fathers of Esau's wives ""!N3 Tin G1126 34 ; 'nn ffr% v 34 3 6 2 (all P); also of w f [m?n] n.f. collection, mass, only (si vera 1.) Cra-rp^n 2 S 22 12 (D3E*n in || ^ 18 12 ). r["fiE?n] n. [m.] nave, hub of a wheel (which gathers in the spokes) — pi. sf. DnptS'n iKf. L/uJl (/of foil.; cf. Ar. <1*L hasten, hurry (trans.), c*a. particles of stravj, sand, dust, as flying quickly about ; v. Lag BN40 ). tttttJn v..m. um2i chaff;— abs. «}HJ T VVJFl "12 Is 33 11 ye conceive chaff, ye bring forth stubble (fig. of vain attempt of Assyr.); cstr. nanji Tl n ?T ^ s 5 1 " (II ^-) as flaming chaff sinkelh down (sim. of perishing of heedless Judahites). warriors of David, Tin 'HpD , nS 1 S 26 s , and esp. 'nn nniK 2 s n 8 - 6 - 17 - 21 - 24 12 910 2 3 39 1 K 15 5 1 Ch
41 ; fs. = subst., only of (religious) ancestry of
Jerus. Ez 16 3 thy father was the Amorite, and thy mother was a Hittite woman H'WPI, similarly v 45 ; fpl. = subst. of Sol.'s foreign wives, Jl'JJin 1K11 1 Hittite women (+ niOKID, ni'Jirsy, rto'-itjt, n'jnx). 2. n. usu. a. coll. *BHn the Hittites : in lists of Canaanitish peoples Gn 1 5 20 (JE), Ex 3 817 (both J), 13 5 23 2328 33 2 34 11 Nu 13 29 Jos3 10 (allJE),Dt7 1 20 17 J0S9 1 12 8 24 11 (allD); rd. also for *WTJ Ju 3 3 (so We Mey Bu Crs3S0 ); in Jos 11 3 (D) del. 'nnn We Mey Bu'% and rd. then 'Finn for ">nr v b (so ®, not ®L); further 1 K 9 20 = 2 Ch 8 7 , Ezr 9' Ne 9 8 . b. pi. WWjn : D"nnn flft b'3 Josi 4 (D)nearly=landof Canaan- ites ; 'nn J*"IN specif, of northern home of Hittites Ju i 26 ; so also 2 S 24 s where rd. f#$ D'F.nn jnK (for MT t*"}0 DTinn, v. ^nn, vy) ■ Dwin »jj>g 1 K io 29 =2'ch i 17 (both + B% ♦$?), 2 K'7 6 ( + nnso 15^0, both feared by tTVgt), Hence it appears that (O^nnn had their proper seat in the north — where also they were encountered by Assyrians from time of TP I (v. Schr Dl lc -), and by Egyptians from time of Tutmes III (v. AVMaxMull. 10 ')— (cf. also Ju 3 3 Jos n 3 supr.), but that individual Hittites were known in Isr.