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nnn (cf., besides I S 2 6 2S11' etc., 1K9" supr.); that the Hittites were regarded (by JED) as one of the peoples of Canaan, and that the name even came to be used in more gen. sense for Canaanites. Only in P do they appear as having a definite settlement in the south, and are designated by nrv^ja (v. nn) ; as well as by the adj. *Qm. T LnJirTJ vb. snatch up, usu. fire, coals (NH id.; £ Nnn, id. (rare); As. hatti is destroy (i.e. snatch away]) v. SASimtb." A,rbi -° ) — Qal Impf nnrr Pr6 w ; sf. inrp ^ 52 7 ; Inf. cstr. ninn^I S 3o 14 ;7 5 <.nnhPr25 :B ;— snatch up,c.&cc.

  • 11pJO t?X Is 30 14 to snatch up fire from a hearth

(|| K3M? mo ■?&$); VD? &$ Pr 6 27 shall a man snatch up fire in his bosom and his garments not be burned ? (in sim. of adulterer) ; pregn. seize (and put) upon teWritf 71 nm D^na p r 25 s2 ; btjiXQ ^nmi sjnri: + 52 ? God . . . sliall snatch thee away, and pluck thee up tent-less. t nrP n.pr.m. (perh. forTOn?, nnn: Ae(God) will matchup) — 1. grandson of Judah 1 Cli4 2 ' 2 , © U6, ©L laud. 2. Levites : a. 1 Ch 6 528 , © l«tf, ©L laa6. b. 1 Ch 23 lon , © U6, ©L Uirjk. C. I Ch 24 s2 , © luaO, ©L aa6. d. 2 Ch 34 12 , © U{6), ©L lcuO. Tj"VnO n.pr.m. (perh. from nnno thing seized)— Lewitea : a. 1 Ch 6 20 , © Med, A Maad, ©L Afuutf. b. 2 Ch 29 12 3 1 13 , © Maa6, Ma(6, ®L Maad, Aa0. TnnrTO n.f. fire-holder, censer, snuff- dish;— abs. 'o Lv 16 12 Nu 1 7 11 ; sf. innno Lv io 1 + 4 1.; pi. abs. ninnp Nu i6 6 + 4 1.; nhnp Nu i6 17 + 3 1.; cstr. Dirinp Nu 17 34 ; sf. vnhnp Ex 2V 3 ; n, ™r l P Ex 25 38 +2t.; — 1. muff-holder, snuff-dish (Now ArcMo '- "• «• « 5 ) of gold Ex 2 s 38 3 f> Nu 4' (all P). 2. bronze utensils, fire-pans, belonging to altar of burnt -offerings Ex 27 s 3 8 3 , cf. Nu 4 14 (all P); fire-pans of gold 1 K 7 60 = 2Cb.4 22 , 2 K 25 15 =Je52 19 . 3. censer, Lv io 1 16 12 Nu 16 61717171718 if™ (of bronze), v" (all P). nnn, nnnn v. sub nnn. t • - : — t["ijrin]vb. divide, determine (NH id., cut, cut off, decide, so Aram, "pin Pa. Ethpa.l — only Miph. Pf. Wfbv Tfttft CPSCE* D»J3# Dn 9 24 seventy weeks are determined upon thy people.


iL^OvJ v ' > ' perh. entwine, enwrap (poss. denom., so MVal.; yet cf.NH prtn woven date-basket) — Pn. Pf. 2 fs. JjyRn and Hoph. Inf. abs. •'■nnn be swathed, swaddled; — n?Dril ni»nn iib W.i rin^on t6 Ez 16 4 and not at all wa»t thou rubbed with salt, and not at all wast thou swaddled, of Jerusalem under fig. of infant. T[rr?Pr , J n.f. swaddling-band (v. Ba nb i46)_ on i y in^nri i>B"j$n tefc£ f:y np*»| Jb 38 s when I made cloud its garment, and thick darkness its swaddling-band, fig. of dark clouds enveloping the sea. t~"inn n.[m.] bandage— 'n Ez 30 21 , for broken arm (in fig. of Pharaoh's broken arm). T17.nn n.pr.loc, on the extreme northern boundary of Isr. territory (in Ezek.'s con- ception), only 'n(-)^ Ez47 15 48'; moi.IIeitela nearly two hours from sea-coast, ace. to Furrer t QJ^n vb. seal, affix seal, seal up (NH id.; Aram. BKJ, y>&~ ; Eth. Irtao; Ar. 2£ (whence tjli.)is loan-word acc.toFrii 252 ) — Qal Impf. 3 ms. nnn: Jb 9 7 33 6 , trtwje Jb 37 7 , ahn>_ Est8 10 , etc.; Imv. Qhn Dni2 4 , Dinq Is 8' 6 , lonn Est 8 8 ; Inf. abs. Dinn J e 32"; cstr. nnnb Dn 9 24 , + v 24 Kt (QrDnni?) ; p t . act. Dnin Ez 28 12 ; 2>ass. Dinn Dt 32 34 +2 t., etc.; — 1. seal, affix one's seal, in attestation ; seal with king's seal (ienna) 1 k 2 1 8 , l^on nyapa Est 8 810 ; of covenant with '*, attested by seal (paES.) Ne 1 o 12 ; fig., of '* putting his seal upon (a) discipline, i.e. ratifying it, Jb 33 16 ; perh. also upon hand of man (that man may know (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'a ways) 377 v. De; Di sub 2. seal up hand of man, so that he cannot work with it (in winter). 2. seal up, fasten up by sealing, a deed cf sale Je32 l0U (opp. ,! 05? that which was left open), v 14 ' 44 , a book of prophecy Dn 1 2 4 (|| WnaVf DTID), cf. v 9 (||icZ.), 9' ab ; so in aim. of unintelligible prophecy Is 29" 11 ; ^3 rr J* Dh H Is8 16 seal up the teaching among my disciples, i.e. keep it securely ((Symbol missingsymbol characters)} (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s remembrance of offences (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Dt 3234 ((Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), so (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb 1417 ((Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ct 412 a fountain seeded up, metaph. of chaste woman (||i«V3 (bi) ft); TC maaia nyai jb 9 7 and about the stars he putteth a seal (|| of forbidding sun