to rise).— rrwrt Dnin rm Ez 28" is obscure : thou wast one sealing proportion, i.e. perfection, — wast complete perfection, Ges Sm. ; wast a sealer of symmetry v. Da ; wast a seal (ring) — i.e. Drtn cstr. — of proportion Codd. ©S3 Hi cf. Ew; txt. perh. corrupt, v. suggestions in Co.— Dn 9 M *rd.QrDnn|)(v. Don). Jb 3 3 16 37 7 v. sub X. Niph. Pf 3 ms. [or Pt.1] 3FI3? D^njl Est 3 12 (it was) written and sealed nj?3B3 ^SH ; Inf. abs. Dinnjl Est 8 8 (continuingpt. 3J-OJ) also + 'tan nj»B3 ; both pass, of Qal 1 . Pi. Pf 3 pi. tataonn DDV Jb 24 16 lit. by day tJiey seal up for themselves, i.e. ace. to most, they shut themselves up, do not shew themselves (H"? °V,N 'VT); © C has rjntpas i<r<f>payio-av eavroh (B al. tavrovs), whence Siegf conj. plausibly '? 11 D'OJ they seal up the days unto themselves, i. e. day- time is for them sealed up and unused. Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. nitt? Vic's D'nnrriK Lv 15 3 or hath his flesh (genital organ) shewn stoppage by reason of his flux. fi.Onh, DfVin n.m. Jb41 ' 7 seal, signet- ring (Aram. Jj&fcJ. ; Eth. fflW:— v. Lag bs »6)_abs. Dnh Ex 28"+ 2 1. ; nnin j e 2 2 24 +
t.; sf. 10nn Gn 38 18 , ienh i K 21 8 ;— on sup-
posed cstr. Dnin v. foregoing; — seal, signet-ring, hung by a cord (^D?) about the neck Gn 38 18 (J ; = nonh v 25 ), or (later V) worn on (finger of) right hand Je 2 2 M , (Benz Arch,0ll<16 ); the two customsappar.combinedCtS^airSy/^nr^); used to attest a royal missive I K 21 8 (instr. of vb. Dnn) ; a precious article Hg 2 23 (sim. of Zerubbabel); 'n ""nVlB engravings of a seal, as model for cutting names and inscr. on precious stones and gold plate Ex28"- 2iai 39 614 - 30 (all P; v. Benz 258 *); H noh Jb38 ,4 =cZay of (under) a signet; "IV 'n 41 7 a close signet, i.e. one that is closely pressed down, sim. of closely joined ("WO) scales of crocodile. fn. Drfin 1. man of Asher I Ch 7 32 © Xa6av(n) (=tkn v 35 ; A EXaji, ®L Iao-ouX). . father of two of David's heroes i Ch 1 i 44 , © Ka>0av, © L Xa>6av. HQJin n.f. signet-ring— only HO Gn 38 25 (J ; for I. Dnh v 18 ) the signet-ring (ace. to Bo NAIZi fem. coll. the sealing-ajyparatus). J - lJ"in (v'of foil. ; prob. circumcise; cf. Ar. (Tvii circumcise, ^^j- circumcision, cir- cumcision- feast) . n,nn t]Ph n.verb. 1. m. wife's father (Ar. ^li. a circumciser, hence father-in-law, with ref. to circumcision performed on young men just before marriage ; ^li. relation on wife's side; v We Pro1 ' >SS6, 8SS Aum ' ' ; sklzMn '"• 164 Sta ZAW I886, 143 A ° m ' Nb ZMG1886 ' 187 ; otherwise Dl Pr61 Lag 8 " 116 )— cstr. inhEx^' + ot., 13nh Exi8 6 ,i3nhEx3 1 + 9t.; — usu. of Moses' wife's father Ex 3 1 4 18 i8 1 *** .8.W.H.14.U.17.S4.J7 ( aU J^ Nu IQ » (J^ J u ^6 fy of a Levite Ju 19 4 ' 79 . 2. f. wife's mother, only sf. Smnh Dt2 7 a . Tjnn n.m. daughter's husband, bride- groom (as one who undergoes circumcision, v, supr. ; NH id.; Aram. Wnri ) and JJfcJL (also sister's husband, etc.); u]g.Ar.^JS. daughter's husband, then more gen. wife's and husband's relations; Sab.(Lihyan) |nn daughter's husband DHM El " er ■ I>onk,,, • 87 ; As. hatanu, daughter's hus- band COT Gll>M )— abs. 'fl I S 1 8 18 + 1 o t. + Gn 1 9 12 (where rd. TWO © 01 Di); cstr. W. Ex 4 s5 + 4 t.; sf. tonn'ju 19 6 ; Wnn Gn i 9 MM ;— 1. in relation to a father, daughter's husband, or bridegroom Gn 19 1214 (Wl? "nj£ TV), v » (all J), Juif/ 1 9 s 1818 18 22 14 Ne6 18 13 28 ; v. also 3Knx n*3 |nn 2 K 8 s7 son-in-law of the house of Ahab, said of Ahaziah, whose mother Athaliah was the daughter of Ahab. 2. in relation to the bride, bridegroom *{> ?WK D>m H EX4 25 a bloody bridegroom art thou to me, cf. v** (J; on this v.We™ 1886 ' 385 ); || !$3 Je 7 s4 16 9 25 10 33" Jo 2 16 ; in sim. of '^'s work for and delight in his people Is 6 1 10 62 s ; of sun ^19". f 11. [inn] vb. denom. only Hithp. make oneself a daughter's husband (NH Hithp. id., Aram. Ithpa. id.) — Pf. 2 mpl. DTOnnnm consec. Jos2 3 12 ; Impf jnnm 1 K 3 ' 2Ch'i8 1 ; 2 m. jnnnn Dt7 3 1S18 2 '; Imv. fnnnn iSi8 B , ynrinn Gn 34'; Inf. jnnnn 1 s iZP+z t.;— . make oneself daughter's husband (son-in-law) to, c. 3 JBI8 21 - 22 - 23 - 2657 ; c.nK 1X3', Gn 3 4»(P); c. ? 2 Ch 1 8', of marriage of Jehoshaphat's son and Ahab's daughter (cf. 2 K 8 18 = 2 Ch 2i«). . in gen. form marriage-alliance with, c. 3 Dt7 3 Jos 23" (D), Ezr 9 14 . t[rt3nn] n.f. marriage, wedding (NH fWnt&y Aram. XJWn id.; Ar. iSAi>. marriage- alliance, marriage) — only Tiarin DV3 Ct 3" on the day of his marriage. t [^l/in] vb. seize, snatch away (cf. Aram.