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>fi&>L» Pa. break in jrieces ,

At. death) - Qal Impf. no obj expr. WE" 1M f|fon: |n Jb 9 ' 2 Zo/ he seizeth, and who shall turn him back? tP)nn n.[m.] prey— only rixn 'PI? tflT»|8 Pr 23 s8 s/ie afoo Ztetf/i i'm wait as for prey (said of strange woman). ' '«?V vl> - di S- row ( N H &, 6ore (through), so Aram, nnn $ (rare))— Qal Pf. 'n Jb 24 16 , winn Ez 12 7 ; imp/ nnnsi Ez8 s , linn: Ez 12 12 Am 9 2 , *WP1 Jon i 13 ; Imv. "inn Ez 8 s 12 5 ; — 1. (% into houses, c. ace. DV13 Jb24 16 (of burglary); sq. 3 into or through a wall Ez 8 88 (Co del. on intern, grounds), I2 s.7.i2 ; metaph. S q. ^)n^2 Am 9 2 dig into She'ol, i.e. as a refuge. 2. row (as digging into the water) Jon I 13 . T J"P.nrTO n.m. breaking in, burglary — 3|3n XSS> ; Q3-DK Ex 2 2 1 i.e. caught in the act (JE); so D'riNXt) 'D3 tib Je 2 31 , no< M ?A« ae< of breaking in didst thou find them. (2 fs. sf. Ges !442 - E4 ), i.e. those whom thou hast slain were not detected in crime. T[JiJjm] vb. be shattered, dismayed (As. hattuj terror, D1 HWB29 °; Talm. DW1 id.; Eth.rfli*!": is scrutari, ezaminare,. Di Lel105 ) — Qal Pf. 3 ms. nn J e 50 2 ; 3 fs. nnn Je 1 4 4 + 2 1., nnni j e 48 1 ; 3 P l. vin i 8 37 " + 4 1., virn con sec. Is20 5 + 2t., Wm consec. Je5o 36 ; Imp/. (Ko'- 366 ) nn i Is 7 s 30 31 , nm Jb 30 22 , nm.18 31 4 , .inns Je if 18 , Vim r s 2 10 + 3 t.— On WJ Jb 21" v. nnj ; _ vinn j sio 25 +2t., etc.; /m vim Is 8 9 - 99 ; — 1. be shattered, broken, fig. of nations under divine judgment Is 7 s 30 31 ; so prob. also Is 8 9 - 9 - 9 (but del. in v a ), and perh. (of '<'s foes in gen.) 1 S 2 10 (song ; — others render dismayed in all exc. Is? 8 ); fig. of '<'s righteousness Is5i 6 ( = be abolished, annihilated) ; lit. of bows Je 51 56 , ace. to Gie's rdg. nnn, v . Pi. 2. be dismayed, usu. a. abs. : || KT Dt i 21 3 1 8 Jos 8 1 io 25 (all D),

S 17 11 Je 23* 30 10 46 s7 Ez 2 6 3 9 1 Ch 22 13 28 20 
Ch 20 1517 32'; 11^3 Is 20 s 37 w = 2 K 19 26 

Je8 9 17 18 ' 8 48 1 - 20 - 39 50" (others assign 48 2039 50" to 1); fig. of the ground nOTKn, dismayed for lack of rain Je 14 4 (11^3 of the husband- men); no || JeSo^Ob 9 Jb39 22 . b. be dismayed at, by reason of, sq. f» Is 3i 4 - 9 51 7 (||NT T ) Je i 17 io 22 . Niph. Pf only 3 ms. 'JtJ^ nnj VX* Jfal 2 5 and at my name he is put in nnrra awe (||KT T ). Pi. Pf. dismay, scare, 2 ms. sf. rttijjja 'jnnm (Ko' 372 ) consec. Jb 7 14 and thou scarext me with dreams (||n5J3); 3 fs. nnnn Je 5 1 50 (of bows) is intrans. [inchoat. Ew' 120 '"], Gf. al., be shattered, but txt. prob. erron. Gie ™?n (v. Qal 1). Hiph. Pf. 2 ms. nhnn Is 9 3 ; 1 s. Winni J e 4p w (Ko 1572 ); 7m'/ 3' ms. sf. •Onm Jb 31 s4 , sf. 3 fpl. f]?IT Hb 2 17 (Ko'- 574 ; but ©JESEwOlStaWeinn;); 1 8 . sf. inns Je i I7 (sq.Dmjai>). — 1. shatter c. ace. IS9 3 . 2. a. cause to be dismayed Je49 37 sq. , 3Sp. b. dismay, terrify, sq. sf. Jb 31 34 Hb 2 17 . fi. [nn] n.m. G ° 9 ' 2 terror, fear— nnjb 4 !», D3nn Gn 9 2 ;— c. sf. as obj. gen., Gn 9 2 terror of you (||D3Nli»); in description of crocodile c. ne g-> flJIP??? **?£ Jb4l 2S owe made for fear- lessness. fn. [nn] adj. shattered, dismayed — inpl. D'nn : — 1. shattered T BF& np>. 1 S 2 4 (song; on pl. D'nn v . Dr); so fig. EZ32 30 ace. to ® Codd. Co (DVin for MT Dmnn) broken in their might, of Sidoiiians in She'ol. 2. dismayed Je 46' of Egyptians defeated by Nebuchadrezzar. f 1. nn PI n. [m.] terror— only WWB t WW Jb 6 21 (>Baer WW for WW) ye see a terror, and fear (note paronomasia in Heb.; v. Di). t [nnn] h.f. terror— Dnyrr^j tprbx nnn Gn 35 5 a terror of ( = from) God was upon the cities. f 11. nnn n.pr.m. son of Othniel and grandson of Kenaz (brother of Caleb), nnn lCh 4 13 . t[nnnn] n.[m.] terror, only pl. DVjnnn TT3 3 E° 1 2 s terrors are in the way (|| XT). nViri n.f. terror, only Ezek.; abs/n EZ32 23 , but Co rds. Dmnn (with @ and v 2426 ); cstr. id.

s7 ; sf. wnn 32 32 Kt(> , ii' , nn q ; ) ; briwn 
S4 + 2 1. + 26 17 (rd. FUVnn, with © Ew Co^ see 

VB), 32 30 (rd. Q"nn, v . 11. nn); — terror, caused by powerful cities, nations, kings, etc. : usu. c. sf. as obj. genit. Ez 26 17 (of Tyre); elsewh.only Ez 3 2 : v 27 (oni3a 'n, @ Co dd n^ ' n ), v 30 (Dirrin , but rd. D'nn, v. supr.); esp. in phr. pK3 'n JflJ D^D cawse owe'* terror (terror of oneself) in the land of the living v aM - S3 (del.® Co), v 2632 .— n'nn Ez 16 345 v. Wl sub nn supr. p. 366. TnnriQ n.f. terror, destruction, ruin, Bb