nrna poet. (esp. Pr) — abs. 'd Pr io"+8 t.; cstr. nnnoPno 15 14 28 ;— 1. a. terror, Is54 I4 (|| p?V), Jei7 ,7 ;=obj.ofterror,48 39 (||pn'B'). b. dismay, Pr 2i ls (opp. nntpfe>). 2. ruin, of strongholds f 89" ; ft"J 'D DN^ DDX3 Pr 14 s8 «rc«A<m< ;*o/jZe «s jimm to a prince (opp. iJ^TP) ,* &Yl "& DB"7 io 15 the ruin of the poor (is) their poverty ; as consequence of evil-doing |JX ?$W 'O Pr I o 29 (opp. too); of fools i^"'0 yp3 * i8 ? , cf. 13 s (opp. W6J T?V); niip '» ^ *■ 10" the mouth of a fool is imminent ruin. fin, VtH v. supr. p. 366.
U, T^i ninth letter ; = numeral 9 in postB Heb.;l"B= 15(9 + 6), T"D= 16(9 + ?),to avoid n*» and l" v. Ges *•*■ *■ E s Nes ZAW »"• "•. t [tfptf L3] vb. PUpel, only Pf 1 s. sf. tg^n KQttODa WKpKg] Is 14 23 and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, of '»'b laying Babylon waste. (Form of -v/dub.; l"j? Ol 5253 ; y"y Sta !464 ; undecided K8"** ,q. v.), cf.Ew» iab .) TN2N2D n.[m.] broom, besom, only Is 1 4 s3 , v. foregoing. T7N223 n.pr.m. (Aram. ; = God is good, v. 3iO ; ace. to "Wkl (v. infr.) God is wise, cf. Aram. >aJ , Eth. mflfl: be wise; At. Z^> act as physi- cian, i^J» expert) — Persian officer in Samaria Ezr 4 7 , © To/3«ijX. T/N31S n.pr.m. (appar. pointed to mean good-for-nothing (;>K as neg.) v. De Di Du Sta OMchi.500 j t,}ot3; 01* 81d Kb"' 537 al. think ?X- simply pausal form) — Aramean, whose son Pekah and Resin proposed to make king of Jerus. in place of Ahaz ; only ?J?2^~f? I s V 6 ( Wk puu«. urn.™,*. iaa 7. iJentif.with Resin, com- paring |b"l3D father of Benhadad). t[nJU] vb. slaughter, butcher, slay (NH id. (rare) and deriv.; Ph. n3D pt.; As. tabdhu Asrb A " Ml,, "' i6 ; Aram. *Jl£, naB (rare) and deriv. ; Ar. ll> cook meat, also bake bread ; Eth. m-flrf): slay) — Qal Pf. 3 ms. sf. in3B1 consec. Ex 21 37 ; 3 fs. nri3B p r g 2 ; 2 ms. nn?B La «"{ 1 s. Wnac 1 S 25" J' Imv. 03B1 Gn 43 16 ; Inf. cstr. IpO Ez2i 15 ; niStpb V37"+3 *• (so Baer; van d.'H rfab, exc. #30? Jesi 40 ); Pi. pass. nttC Dt28 31 ; — 1. slaughter, butcher animals for food Ex 2 1 37 (E), Pr 9 s (fig. of Wis- dom's furnishing her table); so c. ace. cogn. rna 'b Gn 43 16 (J), nrao 'b i s 25 11 ; cf. also Dt 28 31 , where punishment lies in fact that the owner does not eat of the slain ox ; T?*? ^jSO? ni2Dp ?3V Je 11 19 like a mild lamb that is led to slaughter, sim. of the prophet exposed to his enemies, 51 40 sim. of (Hebrew characters)'s vengeance upon Babylon (v. also n3B, nrOB), 25 s4 of kings and rulers, under fig. of shepherds & choice sheep. 2. poet. & fig., slay, kill ruthlessly, c. ace. pers. ^37"; abs. La2 21 (|| Xl} ; opp. ^n); c. ace. cogn. I13B 'B Ez 2 1 1S of a sword sharpened for the slaughter of Isr. in judgment. ti. nilO n.m. l8S4,e slaughtering, slaugh- ter— abs. 'B-Gn 43 16 + 6 1.; H3B Ez 2 1 20 + 3 t. ; sf. rirQtp Pr 9 2 ; — 1. slaughtering, slaugliter, of animals for food ; as ace. cogn. after n3B (q. v.) Gn 43 16 (J), Pr 9 ! ; iw 1& flfr? Is 53 7 , sim. of suffering servant of (Hebrew characters); also Pr 7 s2 sim. of fatu- ousness of one following a strange woman, thoughtless of consequences ; 'Bp V1T Je 50 27 metaph. of Babylonian leaders, under fig. of bullocks ; so prob. 48 15 , and perk VTVm 'Bp Is 65 12 . 2. in poet. fig. slaughter, to which the nations are given over by (Hebrew characters) Is 34 s , specif, of Edom v 6 (|| n3T; v. 'T 6, p. 258"); of Isr. Ez
20 , as ace. cogn. after I"I3B v 15 ; of Ammon v 33 .
< fli. nil3 n.pr.m. son of Nahor by his con- cubine Gn 2 2 24 , © Ta,3c<t(x). TnrQE n.f. thing slaughtered, slaugh- T ; ' tered meat, slaughter — 1. sf. ,r in3Q as ace. cogn. after n3B 1 8 25" of meat killed for food. 2. slaughter for food (=1. n?B 1); '12 |MT3