Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/553

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tll")7 only in 6 i>W3 Jos I3 M ; E. of Jordan, in tribe of Gad ; ©B Aai&o>v, A Aa|3«p, ®L Afj3.,p; perh.=13n {6 q. v .,and cf. II. T3T 2 b. mS v. "6 1 , 7ra/. cstr. rib v. 16.

7 -/of foil. (cf. Ar. J^3 be thirsty 

[prob. burn with thirst Lane 2674 ], n. ma&e a fire blaze fiercely, cf. IV ; v. blaze fiercely (of fire), cf. vin ; Aram. [ar6, oo»X] ftitrw, in Shaph. Ishtaph. and deriv.; also N^n?, ^^ib flame; Eth. A00:; As. Za*a6«, - /Zam<?,'Dl HWB3 ' i4 ). tnnj n.m. flame, blade; — 'b abs. JU3 22 - 22 + 2t.; cstr. Ju i3 M +5 t.; pi. D'anij i B 138; cstr. Van? Is 66 15 ; — 1. fiame, of altar, Ju I3 2020 (DSPM 6); nbiK t?K 4, of V 8 judg- ment Is 29 s 30 30 66 15 (in all || forces of nature, whirlwind, thunder, earthquake, rain, hail, etc.); fig. DrTJB 'j> via Is i 3 8 (i.e. hot with ex- citement, cf. Di); sim. Jo 2 5 BW 'b bsp3 (of rush of locusts) ; fig. of breath of crocodile Jb 41". 2. of flashing point of spear Jb 39^; blade of sword Na 3 s ; in prose, Ju 3 22,2S . tnnrn n.f. id.;— 'b Nu 2i 28 + ia t., nanb abs. Jb 15 30 ; cstr. Ez 21 3 ; na> Ex3 3 (=narr> ; Sam. rarb, v. Di); pi. ntar$ ^io5 32 ; cstr. ni2n? ^ 29 7 ; — 1. flame, poet. (|| or + B*N, exc. jf 29' Dn 1 1 33 ) ; of fire consuming (BD?) Dathan, etc. ^ 106 18 (cf. Nu 16 35 ); wasting (Br6) mts. 83 15 ; consuming (b«, 1V3) chaff (in sim.) Is 5 s4 ; cf lightning (with hail) 'i> C>K f 105 32 (cf. Ex 9 24 ), f 2 9 7 «W ^ (on text of v. cf. Che); sim. of judgment, 'b m La 2 3 (vb. i?K) Ho f (vb. 1J>3) Is 47" (6 IV?); cf. io 17 Ob 18 ; ^ 'b Ez 21 3 ; fig. of drought Jo 1 19 , of locusts' ravages 2 3 (vb. orb in both) ; of war Nu 2 1 28 Je 48* (both vb. b?t(); cf. Dn 1 1 33 (|| 3-jri) ; of calamity Is 43 s ; symb. 'b m a;b of »'s presence Is4 5 (cf.Ex 13 21 ); m nsb. Ex 3 2 . 2. point, head of spear 1 S 1 f. C^naS Ex 3 s v. ran). tninbtt) n.f. flame (Aram. K)Tain|)B' j jCSo^i)— in 'V rqrb Ez 2 1 3 , of judgment; so rnnby j b 1 5 30 ; ^nanisE' b»s <s?n ct 8 s i. e. Yahweh-flame = powerful flame (> Jiiger BA8u71 Jastrow JBI - "" (1894) ' '" expl. iT" here as encl. part.) nrh tCin 1 ? Gn 10" = 1 Ch 1", prob. = Q^b q.v.; © Aapitifi. J(l 7 a/ of foil. (Ar. "4J be devoted, attached to a thing, apply oneself assiduously to it). T^n^ n.m. (late) study, i.e. devotion to books; "^| ny?} na-in '*> Ec i2 ,2 (cf. Now). t trO son of HIV of Judah 1 Ch 4 s , © Aaa&, ®L AaaS (etym. and mng. unknown). t [51(1/] vb. languish, faint ( = ™<6) (X iff, id.);— Qal Impf. 3 fs. apoc. HS *6ffl Gn47 13 (of famine). [n7n7] vb.qnadril. amaze, startle (cf. Syr. Palp. cdSIoiSI confudit, obstupefecit ; Ethpalp. stupore percussua est; )oCxoto'. consternatio, all in Lexx., PS l89f ) — Hithpalp. Pt. i?.?n2ril? as subst.=j»ac?j»an, sq. D , i?1 iTVn Pr26 18 '(v. Now). t [13717] vb.blazeup,flame(NHiW.; Syr. jjc»^ ; As. la'dtu, in der. forms) ; — Qal Pt. act. Orb m + 104 4 a flaming fire (so Bae; tjn^l ete Bi Che, cf. 01), made into '"< 's servants ; pi. CCrp 5 7 s (fig. of enemies, cf. &N3p v a ). Pi. Pf. 3 ms. orb Mai 3 19 ; 3 fs. nori> J i»»; 7™^/: 3 fs. or£n jo2 3 + 4t.; en^rn. Dt32 32 ; sf. wcn^ni Is 42 s5 ; — «e< ablaze, usu. c. ace; — foundation of mts., Dt 32 s2 (subj. tW, fig. of י׳'s judg- ment, || rrjj, n^, bs), c f. nnn '^n y, 8 3 1S (in sim., subj. rnrb; I TIJpSalJ Bfc?); of flame (nanj) consuming trees Jo 1 " (of effects of drought; || n^OK Bfc); persons Mai 3" (subj. Nan Di>n ; |pya) ; cf.^97 3 (, io6 18 (subj. rnr£ ; || B«-iyani); hyperb. of v 8 wrath (non nonpt? WJJ1. ia«) consuming Jacob Is 42"; of crocodile (hyperb.), Dn&l D'ftna 1B>W Jb4i ,3 Ais breath setteth coals ablaze; abs. Jo 2 3 , fig. of devastation by locusts (subj. nar£ ; || tPK n^3M). ttOH7 n. [m.] flame; — only cstr. 3}nri cnb n 9f L ir,t ?D Gn3 24 the flame of the whirling sword. ffspn? v. ci^. t[Dll7] vb. swallow greedily (=Ar. j^J ; Di "«■»•« comp. Eth. HOT: ox, cow);— onlyHitb.p.P/;.n' l pn')rip p rl 8 8 i. e . bitsgreedily m m