Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/648

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hns + 3t.; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Lv 2218 + 24 t. sfs.;—vow: 1. of personal service to ׳ Gn 2820 3113 (of Jacob at Bethel), 2 S 15 78 (at Hebron); Lv 2 7 2 (P, any one), of Nazirite Nu 6 26J1 ; Hannah's conse- cration of her son 1 S i", cf. m; 13 Pr 31 2 . 2. in gen. of any kind of votive offerings or promised gifts to '•> Nu 30 »^-^-7.s.m<>, ( P) Dt I2 11.17.J6 23 19.B Ig j 9 21 Nft 2 1 ^ 22 M 6l 6.9 65 2

1 6 1418 Pr 20 ffi Jb 2 2 s7 Ec 5 3 . 3. Jephthah's 

daughter as rpiy Ju 1 1 30 - 39 . 4. the ban Nu 2 1 2 (E). 5. || nbiy ^66 13 ; rnta ,/, 5 o 14 56 13 ; tsnste Nu 1 5 s ; opp. run: Lv 7 16 Nu 15 3 29 39 (P), Lv 22 i8.!i.z. 23 s3 (H), Dt 12 617 1 S t 21 Jon i 16 . 6. once of idolatry Je 44* (D^tfn D3^K>b 1Bp!> '3). — Vbs. used are : "HJ q. v. ; tlW pay 2 S 1 5 7 + 12 t.; nfe>y Jun 39 JC44 26 ; Kfc>3 Dti2 w ; Dip Nu 30 6.8.i2.i5. D ,pn J6 44 25 ; 1DN Nu 3 o 14 ; N.;>B Lv 22 21 27 s Nuis 38 '3 *J6 K^B Nu6 2 ; IDfl Nu 30 9 . (See these vbs.) n: v. TO. fl. JnJ vb. drive, conduot (NH conduct oneself, behave, be accustomed/ Ar. ^£5 ^0 aZow<? the road, keep to the road ; Aram. 3D? lead) ; — Qal Pf. '3 La 3 2 ; WH3 1 S 30 20 ; Impf. Jnfl Is 20 4 , etc.; Imv. 3H3 2K4 24 ; Pi. act. 3H3 Isn 6 4- 2t.,etc; pass. D^VUL^o"; — 1. drive, flocks Ex 3 1 ; cf. (in predict.) Is 1 1 6 (sq. 3) ; fig., obj. Joseph, ^8o 2 (sim. of flock); hence, obj. human being, lead on, Ct8 2 (||"<>*f t03n)); also fig., subj. ׳, La 32 (‖ (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); pass. pt. of kings led in pro- cession Is 60" cf. Di (rather than as captives, Che, as earlier usage ; || N^n) ; drive away, off, (obj. i"!3pD) Gn 3 1 18 (of Jacob, going by stealth); usually as booty (obj. flocks and herds) 1 S 23 s , Uny D'DllV llDn Jb 24 s (unjustly) ; cf. I S 30 220 (rd. WW We Dr Kit Bu, cf. Th, not HPS q. v.), v 22 (no obj. expr. but really captives || 'H??), Is 20 4 ; drive an ass for riding 2 K 4 24 (|| t|pn) • a cart (rtajl) 2 S 6 3 = 1 Ch 13 7 (where '1>3) ; abs. of driving chariot 2 K 9 20 ; lead out an army to battle (late) 1 Ch 20 1 2 Ch 25 11 . 2. fig. *$) n ?3na 3H3 Ec 2 3 my heart behaving itsetf in wisdom (cf. NH supr.). Pi. Pf 3H3 Ex 10 3 ; R3ri3 Is 63"; Impf. VV Dt 4 27 , etc.;— 1. drive away, lead off, sq. ace, daughters of Laban Gn 31* (|1 333); of '*, leading off people into exile, sq. TOB* Dt 4 « (||PW), 28 s7 (fiT^). 2. lead on, guide, sq. ace, subj. '», ^ 78 s2 (TIJ?3 111**3 W); Is 49 10 (I*B, cf. * 23 s ); 63"; ^48 16 ; ^wiiZe orc, a wind, Ex 10 13 (sq. H? a ), V' 78 M (||yBn). 3. cause to drive (cf. Qal, 2 K 9 20 ) Ex 1 4 25 (JE ; subj. '♦, v. Di). ~3i~f2?D n.m. driving, charioteering; — abs. 'D 2 K 9 20 ; cstr. 3H30 v 20 . til. [Jn Jj vb. Pi. moan, lament (Ar. I4S be out of breath, pant, breathe heavily ; Aram, j^^u sigh, groan) ; — Pi. Pt. fpl. ni3rt3tS Na 2 8 t MM J vb. wail, lament (prob. onomatop., cf. Sta 8 ^ 1 - 388 ; Aram. )^i, (in Lexx) ; Eth.' 10?: is recreari, respirare, etc. Di 632 ) ; — Qal Pf. nn31 Mi 2 4 lament sq. ace. cogn.; Imv. HH3 Ez 32 18 , sq. P5?, concerning, for. Niph. Impf. "^Q 1 S 7 2 sq. Tintf w>m< mourning after (so most, cf. Th Dr, who argue against Thes were gathered), < rd. (n)3B , 1, US>1 turned after = submitted to (as Ez 29 16 ) © (perh.), We Kit Bu HPS. T i^ n. J m . J wailing, lamentation, mourn- ing song;— '3 abs. Am5 I6 -f-5t.; VUl Je9 9 ; — wailing, at י׳'s judgment Mi 24 as acc. cogn.; Je

, (c.-!'5?tfc'3 ) +^3, ||n3'p),v 17 (, ||nyt*T), 

v" ('3 ^P), 3 1 15 (II "33, nnnon) ; mourning song 'J *JF1^ Am 5 16 of professional mourners, skilled in mourning song ; cf. Je 9", where taught (||nyp), also VI Ez2 10 (||i>3N, 1BDD) q.v. (01 Co rd. T13, cf. Berthol). Tn^n2 n.f. id. (si vera 1.); — only Mi 2 4 !Tn3 Vti nn3, where, however, Thes al. der. iTn3 fr. rWl (Niph., v. p. 228a supr.); but prob. cor- rupt, del. © Sta ZAW1886 - 122 '• We Now as dittogr. t [*0] n. [m.] si vera 1., wailing (AV RV) (=vi3;_n3V> onisa *p^x «fe» EZ27 32 , but improb.; © <S 0^33, v. MV; so Co, who, how- ever, del. as gloss, cf. Buhl Berthol. t VI n. [m.] si vera 1., wailing (= , n(3) q. v.) Ez 210 (Symbol missingHebrew characters), where probably read (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ol Co, cf. Berthol (‖ (Symbol missingHebrew characters)).

[ /H3] vb. Pi. lead, guide to a water- ing-plaoe or station, and cause to rest there; bring to a station or place of rest; lead, guide ; refresh (cf. Ar. J4^ watering-place, J^j take a first drink ; likewise (Dozy) il+i* station, stage of the road ; perh. also As. ndlu, lie down D1 HWB438 ; Dl HA5ti ProlI7ff - tries to ex-