hh TO
in] plain all the passages from this As. ndlu ; against him v. Pra L0Ph '• m Che Acvi - Apr " "■ 1884 DHM ZDr, - wt No™ "- 1886 - 729 ; <«>o ^-/prop. by EDWilson p "» bB,,T - (N - Y - ) ' A ' ,r "- 18!B (careful art.), cf. Che* 21 * «"•»•);_ Pi. p/ 2 ms . ri5>n3 Ex 15 13 ; Impf. 3 ms. f»n3^ Is 4 o" ; sf. ♦jj^ ^ 23 s , dW Is49 10 ; D .^n?;! Gn47 ,; aCh3a"; 2 ms. sf! S&J?? ^3iV 3 mpl. sf. Q^Wl 2 Ch 28 15 ; P<. • , n30 Is 5 1 18 ; — 1. lead to a watering-place (or station), and cause to rest there, subj. '< as shepherd,Is49 10 (-i'yioc.;||jn3) > ^23 2 (c.^yioc.; || F¥")lt), Is 40 11 (|| nn, J»?i?). 2. lead or ftriw^ <o a station, a goal, '< subj. Ex 15 13 (song; no obj. expressed, vK loc; ||nn3); human subj. 2 Ch 28 15 and they conducted all the feeble of them by means of (3) asses (|| N^n). 3. lead, guide ; %•< "V •'539 P$? Is5i' 8 iAere is no one to be a guide for her, i.e. for Jerus., drunk with cup of *» *s fury (|| PITS pvno) ; *i su bj. f 3 1 4 Zead me (II "%!$&)- *• ?«w «?«< to (T)3^BD^ 2 CI132 22 aw<£ he gave them rest on every hand, cf. © 33 ( = 'DO QTO TOM i Ch2 2 I8 +, prob. so read here, v. Be DHM Ot). 5. refresh with food, '^1 0^3 Gn 4 7 17 (J). Hithp. Impf. prob. journey by stations, stages, only 1 s. npruriK Gn 33" (J), I will pro- ceed, journey on, by stages (i.e. deliberately, with family and cattle). bbrtt v. 11. &ffl. f 1. 77TO n.m. pasture, or perh. (EncBi 614 ) watering-place (see V), only pi. Ov^n? Is 7". . 7 • TO n.pr.loc. Ju i 30 in Zebulun, ® Am/iava, A Eva/i/iav, ©L Apfmv ; =: ??n3 Jos I9 15 2 1 35 , ® Naj9aaA, NaoXwX, ®L Ava<o6, AXun;— site unknown, cf. GFM Ju,S0 . I [D77.D] vb. growl, groan (NH id.; Ar. 'J£ ; Aram. fo,j, 0™);— Qal P/. norm p r 5". ononM EZ24 23 ; 7mp/. D'n3? IS5 2 " ; P<. Dnb Pr28 16 ; — 1. growl, of a lion (viz. while it is devouring its prey : opp. 3Kt?, of roar with which it springs upon it RS Pro,,h - 243 ) Pr28 ,s , of Assyr. (under fig. of lion) Is 5 s9 ; sq. ?5? (over), v 50 . 2. groan, of sufferer Pr 5 11 Ez 2 4 23 . TOrC n.[m.] growling of lion; — fig. of king's wrath Pr 19 12 , cf. 20 2 . t [rTOTO] n.f. growling, groaning; — only cstr. n Onj ; 1. Is 5 30 of sea, in sim. of growling of Assyr. lion. 2. fig. groaning i//- 38' of heart ('31? WNB'). t [pHJ] vb. bray, cry (NH id.; Ar. J4^ bray (of ass); Aram. pn3 cry out (of men), KjWO braying);— Qal Impf. pn3> Jb 6 s of wild ass ; ^P^T. 30 7 of cries of destitute outcasts. fl. [""in J] vb. flow, stream (kx.^run, flow ; perh. denom. fr. .4$ river, and this loan- wd. (cf. Frii S8B ) ; As. n<!rM, stream, river, D1 HWB 44 °; Aram. ]>o»j', N"jn3 river);— Qal P/ 3 pi. consec. VV131 Is 2 2 + 2 t. ; Tim//. 3 mpl. VVU* Jesi 44 ; — _/?<>«;, stream, only. fig.: of restored Isr. streaming '131 fJJTJf "> 3W?$ Je3l 12 ; nations to ("?«) Bel 51 44 ; to temple-hill at Jerus. Is 2 2 (V%) = Mi 4 1 (l^y). ~1TO n.m. 0n2,1 ° stream, river; — abs. 'j T T 120 Gn 2 10 +; cstr. in? Dt i 7 + ; pi. 0*Tnj I s 18 27 + 4t., cstr. *X£ Is 1 8'+ 2 t.; but'oftener n(1)iro is 1 9 « + 23 1. ; cstr. nYvu 2 K 5 12 + 2 t. ; sf. ^riiina E z 3 2 2 , TCiiru i s 44" irrnns Ez 3 i 416 , DJjHnj Ex 7", Dni-vu EZ32 214 ; appar. du. Dnn? Gn24 10 +2t., tsnrn Ju 3 8 (v. infr.) (all in '3 D1X); — 1. stream, river, Nu 24" (JE), Jb 14 11 40 13 ^ 105 41 (in sim.), Is 48 18 (id.), 59 19 (id.) + oft. ; freq. of partic. rivers ; r. of Eden Gn 2 10 and its branches v 1314 (allJ); 0^*9 "™ 15 18 (J; i.e., si vera 1., the Nile) but rd. prob. 'D bn, whence 1H3 through infl. of foil. "VU— cf. 2 K 2 4 7 — N6 ZMGlll886 > 699 (alternat.), Lag BN14 ° Ball Hpi ; 1H3 of Nile Is 19 5 ; esp. of Euphrates n-je - i Gn 15 18 Dt i 7 (both + Snan 'an) j 0S i 4 + 8 t.+ 2 S 8 3 (Qr @ and || 1 Ch'i8 3 ; Kt om. m r B;_cf. also Gri2 14b supr.); oftener (of Euphr.) without 'a : "l™? kot t'$oxriv, Gn3i 21 Ex 2 3 31 Nu 22 5 Jos 24 231415 (all E), poss. also Gn 3 6 37 (P; cf. Di) = 1 Ch I 48 , + 13 t. + 2 S 8 3 Kt (v. supr.); and even without art. (poet.) t Is 7 20 Je 2 18 Mi 7 12 Zc 9 10 + 72 s ; '3H 'an once ofTigristDnio 4 ; t^ nn3 (man) 2K17 6 18 11 cf. 2 Ch 5 s6 ; pi. B*0 nqj 'Zp 3 l °; perh. of a canal: ">33- 3 Ezi 1J +6t. Ez; wnK nnan Ezr8 21 , 'N-in3 v 81 ; cf. ^33 Tiro? ^137";' canals poss. also in '3n ^lyB* Na 2 7 (of Nineveh); of canals of Egypt Ex 7 19 (|| tt*f* etc.), 8' (|| id.). 2. nhTU ('331?) Jb28" usu.' understood of (underground) streams; Szold Comm - Jb Gr Xo, '" ncbt - 1887 ' 410 and Perles Anm,d " e ° 6 »prop. '1 »33} sources of rivers (cf. 36 16 ); Wetzst Hoffm Bu '3 ^30 s s