- T12
(not elsewh.) with similar meaning. 3. fig. of a favour f 46 s . — On 0)1?} ending appar. du., v. tJHS ; Tel Am. Na-ri-ma, Nahrima (Wkl »"••), and Eg. Nhrina (WMM A *- u - Ktt ' M9ff ) point however to orig. ending &— ; this in- consistent with view of EMey «" h » 180 that tf— here a locative ending (cf. Ba 5,94cAM '- 1 Buhl QMl2 ), v. also Di - 24 - 10 . •j-II.nnJ vb. shine, beam (Aram.) (NH id., esp. in deriv.; As. nilru, ligM, D]hwb«o. Ar. y+i daytime, JI4J day, daytime; Aram. toii shine, ~™ id.; Palm. NTfU illustrious, e. g. Vog p " mN, '- 2! ) ;— Qal Pf. 2 fs. consec. flrjgjfj Is 60 5 ; 3 pi. "VJJ ^34 6 ; — 6eam, 6« radiant, fig. of joy : '31 *KTm Is 60 5 , '31 *^f WJIJ ^ 34 6 (rd. '3n, nn», v.'®@33 CheBae Du). tmn3 n.f. light, daylight (as Aram. K"iin3, J5o.cS m!);— '3 V^V V^T'W Jb 3 4 (opp. ^H). t [n-jn2T2] n.f. dub., only pi. -f» nhroen Dnna J u 6 2 ( + nnyE>n caves, nilStpn strong- holds) — (clearly, si vera 1., fr. a V"VI3, but with what meaning? Schultens ,b49 comp. Ar. iJ+L*, j+L; [which means a place hollowed out by water'], and rend, crevices, ravines, so Thes al.; Rashi Ki Wetzst *■»■• 46 think of caves with a Zi(/fa-opening; R. Levi ben Ger- son beacons, i.e. towers for fire-signals, GFM; but 11. "VH late in Heb. ; © rpv/iaX/ar, 93 antra; Bu thinks nrWBn a gloss explaining '3t?n). f [N13] vb. hinder, restrain, frustrate (Ar. (y) «5 (or 'U) rise with difficulty, rise against one (Frey), in. contend with, Lane s*» ; _Qal Impf. 2 mpl. pK13n Nu 32' Kt, but read Hiph. (so Qr), cf. Di. Hiph. Pf. N^n Nu 3 o', etc.; Imp/. *$ v 9 , T, * 141 s , P*J9 Nu 32' Qr;— 1. restrain, forbid (performance of vow), sq. ace. pers. Nu 30 669 n ; frustrate (device of people), subj. sq. ace. rei, + 33 10 (II "Van); refuse 1 4 1 6 (text dub. v. Che). 2. restrain, make averse the heart (ace.) Nu 32' (sq. ^J»), v 9 (sq. Sfc-"!?^). t [nN'tin] n.f. opposition;— sf. T^unNu 1 4 s * my opposition, of '*; pi. «?»? ^V HiKUn Jb 33 10 =occasions for hostility (|| count as enemy). tpW] ▼»• bear fruit (poet.) (Aram. K3*i3 fruit (rare));— Qal Impf. 3W ^6 2 11 Pr 10"; p3U? ^ 92 16 ; — only fig., abs. of righteous under fig. of tree ^92 lb ; 313J '3 b*n 62" if wealth bear- eth fruit ; Pr io 31 HDSn WJ p^S <3 Seared <fo ^rMt* of wisdom. Pol. Impf. 33^ Zc 9 17 , J3"? rfbra '3> En-iw nnina fig. for mate to flourish. fy Kt (Qr a'?, q.v.) n.[m.] fruit;— cstr. Is 57 19 fruit of lips (fig. for thanksgiving). t[lt2] n.[m.] fruit;— W cstr. Is57 19 Qr, v. supr.; 13*3 Mai i 12 of offerings to •> as fruit of his table (|| fan). t !»3fa a chief of people Ne io 20 Qr »yj (Baer ; *J3 van d. H., Ginsb; © Nu/3ch (cf. Palm. "33 Cook 124 Lzb 32 '). Ml^fi n.f. fruit, produce ;— abs. Is 27"; cstr.Vnyn EZ36 30 ; 'roun ju 9 "; pi. naun Dt 32 13 , nl- La 4 9 ; esp. *"# ' n /"■«'<, .p™>a*wce, q/>Za* Dt 3 2 13 La4 9 ; cf. rr$n 11 Ez 36 s0 (|1 JTB yvn); of fig-tree Ju 9"; metaph. of Isr. W?W 'n bn-'ja is 27 s (||'fc» rrun ft> apjr ehjty, f *T) J vb. move to and fro, wander, flutter, shew grief (NH id. (rare); Aram. ,J, TO, slialce, move to and fro, be disturbed, agitated; BAram./ee (v. infr.); Ar. (jjj) 3U waver, tot- ter) ;— Qal Pf. 3 ms. 13 , so rd. for MT "IJ Is 1 7 11 Ges Hi Ew Di Kit Che*" EV ; 3 pi. "? Je 50 3 ; Impf 3 ms. W1K1 4 15 + 3 1. ; 2 ms. TO? Je 4 1 , juss. "tin 16 5 ; 3 mpl. "3;i Jb 42"; 2 mpl. «$ Je 22 10 ; Imv. fs. HU ^ 1 1 1 Qr (Kt 1113); mpl. ra Je48 17 +2t. Je; Inf. **$ Jb2 n + 2t.; Pt. 13 Gn4 1214 ; — 1. a. move to and fro, wander aimlessly, as fugitive, TJJ V3 Gn 4 1214 (J), Je 4 1 (Gie, as apod., so RV; but Ew Hi Gf Che Ke, as prot., if thou wanderesi not [morally], and swearest, etc., — Ew Hi reading with © TW' ni3n *h *3BJ?1 t|f9 ; Co del. v'- 2 ); take flight (perh. metaplast, form of TTJ q.v.), ^ "?. «J Je49 30 (on dagh. v. Ges {20g ), of harvest Is 17" i. e. be destroyed, in fig. (v. supr.); Je5o 3 (|| -pn), v 8 (sq. 'HinO ; || kp), }>. flutter, of birdPr26 2 (|| IW); fig.of soul ty 1 1 1 . c. waver, wav«, s/(aA;«, of reed 1 Ki4 15 (sim. of smitten Isr.). 2.s/tew grief {i.e. by shaking or nodding head), usu. sq. !? pers. : a. lament for the dead (Josiah) Je 22 10 (|| r03), for Jerus. Je 15 5 (|| bvn), 16 5 (||nBD), Is 51 19 ; for Nineveh Na 3'; Moab Je 48 17 . b. con- dole,slvew sympathy with Jb 2" 42" ; abs. ty 69 21 . Hiph. Impf. 3 ms. TJJ Je 18 16 ; 3 fs. sf. ^nsn Jr 36 12 ; Imv. ms. sf. toj?q * 59 12 ( s0 rd - for MT »inin '<S Lag Pro, *- ch * 1<1 -" iv '"- Dr 2916 - 20 cf. Che <*""• Hup-Now Bae Du); Inf. T3n? 2 K 21 8 ;—