»yi? '3 Ez i 7 Dn io 6 v. h>; '3 as spoil of war 2 S 8 8 2 K 25 13 = Je 52 17M etc. +2. fetters of copper or bronze, usu. du. Ju i6 2 ' 2 S 3 s4 2 K 25 7 =Je 39 r 52 11 2 Ch 36", also 33"; sg. only La 3' (fig. of oppression). 3. as less in value than gold but more than wood Is 60 1717 ; fig. of worthless people Je 6 s8 ( + -'J"]?), id. (as dross of silver) Ez 22 18 ( + ^1?, br]3, tt$&). — On Ez 16 36 v. IV. BTU. 4. fig. of pitiless sky Dt 28 23 . tSJWIJ adj. of bronze;— '3 ^V?" * Jb 6 12 or is my flesh of bronze f fig. for strong, enduring (II *m; cf -4° 18 )- tnCTlTO and (Lv26 19 Jb 4 o 18 ) HtfTU n.f. copper, bronze (only poet.; cf.i.nBTO); — 'j a lw. abs.; — 1. copper produced from ore by melting Jb 28 2 . 2. copper, doubtless hardened with alloy, =^bronze, as material of bow 2S22 35 = V--I8 35 , Jb 20 24 ; gates Is 45 s ; fig. of strength Jb 40 18 (bones of hippopotamus), cf. 41 19 , Mi 4 13 (hoofs of Zion) ; of obstinate brow Is 48* (|| T5 1B1V 'n^)» unproductive earth Lv 26". t NDUJni n.pr.f. mother of king Jehoiakin
K 24 s ; ® Nf<r0u, A Naurda, ®L N«<r0ai/.
T|riU)n3 n.pr. given to bronze serpent 2K18 4 prob. = bronze-god (so Thes, v. also Bau 8em.Bel.I.288 ; cf fgfy pfU y 4 Nu 2I 99._ chief arg. ag. this are vocalization of© Nt<7#aX«, A©L N((()ordav, and comparat. unimportance of material of wh. image was made ; others think of B'ro serpent (No ZM0 * (1888) ' m |n + B>ro, Klo* 4 10 °- in' + e>ro) ; Lag BN 188 - ** thinks loan-wd. IV. iCnj (poss. /of foil., si vera 1.; but precise meaning uncertain; Gei Cr " chr " ,39:! cp. Ar. fJL^j [=goad, prick; u-Li^ a certain piece of perforated wood (Frey)], NH nB>nj [bottom of vessel, Levy 5rawB1 "- 374 ]). fii. [mfn] n.[f.]atT|«f>rgEB 16 36 where context (|| n J"!y) favours mng. lust, harlotry, or specif, sens, obscoen. ((5o [citing Ki Ea] Ber- thol, v. also Da); text perh. crpt. (cf. Nii 2 " * 1 0886). 7»). Sm prop ^nuin, so appar. Toy""'; Or W?. t [TT y vb. (Aram, and poet.) go down, descend (Aram, nro, fcJL> ; Palm, nru Lzb 323 ); ^Qai Tmpf 3 ms. Hn; j e 2 1 ,3 ; 3 fs. nnn p r 1 <j » On?W ^3 83 ; 3 mp 1 - w !?- J b 21 13 (forms lljg, ■lfin; v. also nnn); — 1. </o doivn, descend, to into She'61 Jb2i 13 . attack Je 2i 13 ; into She'61 Jb 21". 2. fig. descend in chastisement ψ 383 (hand of (Hebrew characters); ‖ Niph. v. infr.); sq. (Hebrew characters) descend into i.e. make impression on, Pr 1710 (of reproof). Niph. Pf 3 mpl. (Hebrew characters) sq. (Hebrew characters) = penetrate ψ 383, (of arrows of (Hebrew characters)). Pi. Pf 3 ms. consec. firm 2 S 22 3S (v. Ges' 148,7 ); = 3 fs. nn_™ ^is 36 ; /m/. abs. nro ^65";— cawse to descend = press down, ace. to most, in 'nsn] nfNnj npp '^ 2 s 22 s5 = -f i s 35 so </<a< my arms press down, stretch, a bow of bronze, but dub.; Bu conj. Hiph. nH£; HPS Tfh and makes my arms a bow of bronze; of pressing down, smoothing out, furrows of land ty 65". Hiph. Imv. nnjn J 4" thither bring down thy heroes, '•> ! (on form cf. Ges i64R - 3 Kb 13 ' 4 '). < † ii. (Hebrew characters) n. [m.] descent; — only cstr., of (Hebrew characters)'s arm in judgment Is 3030 —1. (Hebrew characters) v . sub (Hebrew characters).
t[nn2] adj. descending; — mpl. D'firo (on form cf. Kb" 81 ), 2 K 6 9 (to battle); but rd. prob. with Th Klo Benz after ® CSTO hidden. fin. Jiro n.pr.m. 1. son of Reuel, grand- son of Esau Gn 36 1317 (P ; ® Na^o/i, ^a X od, ®L Na x «9), I Ch I 37 (© Na X et, A ®L Na^cd). 2. grandson of.Elkanah 1 Ch 6", ® Kmvad, ©L Naa6 ;— prob. crpt. for nta v 19 , or Vm 1 S 1 ' (v. these words and We d,g,n1 -'" [who prop, nnn for nru], Dr 1 3 1 7 ). 3. an overseer, Hezekiah's time 2 Ch 31 13 , © Mat6, A fiae6, ®L Naatf. lIUJ vb. stretch out, spread out, ex- T T 215 tend, incline, bend (NH id., incline, spread tent, etc.; Ar. «isj, Lkj stretch out; — Qal l; . Pf. 3 ms.': Gn 3 3 I9 + ; 3 fs. FIT!?} Nu22 M ; 2 ms. JTIpJ Ex 15' 2 ; 3 pl.1CM ^ 2 1 42 Is 45", V$] ^ 73 2 Qr, etc.; Impf. Rf* Jb 15 29 , juss. 0* Zp 2 1S ; DJJ Gn 12%+, "BJ! ^ t11 2fi27 1 Ch 15'; 3 fs. ntsn Jb3i 7 , DP11 Nu 22 23 +2 t,; 2 ms. juss. tin p r 4 527 ; 3 mpl. its'l 1 S 8 3 ; 1 pi. n»D Nu 20 17 21 22 ; /mi). HO? Ex 8' + ; Inf. cstr. nitM Ju i 9 8 + 4 t., nb3 Ex 23 s ; sf. »rib3 Ex 7 5 , intoj f io9 a ; P«. ac<! nCJ Jeio^+et., nO*0 Ez 25"+ 3 t.; sf. nn'Ll i u'ls42 s ; pass. "IBJ ^ 62"+ 2 t., + ^ 7tf (v. infr.); fs. rPttM Is 5^+24 t.; pi. ni'CJ Is 3 16 Qr (Ktmit33) : — 1. a. stretch out, extend, hand, rod, usu. c. ace. + ?i? of direction Ex g*™ 3 (all E), V 9 14' (all P), abs. Jos 8 19 (JE), Ex 8' 2 (P); c. 3 of dart or rod -b<* pT?3 '3 Jos 8 1818 (JE), -^5? ^P3 »|T ': Ex 8' (P), cf. v 2 and fy om.) v 13 (allP), Jos 8 s6 (JE); fig. of hostility to God "^ VlJ ': Jb 1 5 = 5 ;