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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/664

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mw et.p. of God stretching out his hand over (?5>), oft. with idea of against, i.e. in judgment, Is 5" 6 23" Zp i 4 2" Ez 6 ,4 + 7 t. Ez, Ex f (P); c. "S«  against Je 51 25 , cf. sword Ez 30 28 ; abs. Ex 15 12 (song); pt. pass. }^1| 'J Is 3 16 outstretched of neck; oft. HJ1D3 yil] arm stretclied out (of '*) to deliver, Dt 4 s4 + 14 1. (v. t") ; '3 JftlflJ Je 32 21 ; '3 T, to oppose, Je 21 5 ; mo) Yv Tty in judg- ment, Is5 25 (||i3«3B'^),so9 1116 - !!0 lo 4 (all id.), cf. 14 27 ; "i>5? '"nofrt l»n v 26 ; ♦*£ W?j Pr i 24 (of wisdom's appeal; ||VltOi3). b. stretch line and plummet, c. 75?, 2 K 2I 1S (subj. fig. of destruction), cf. Is 34" La 2 8 ; line, of artisan's measurements (abs.) Is 44 13 , and (c. ?$?) Jb 38 s . c. = offer, only T^V n ? 3 *HJ "^ iCh2i 10 <Are« things do I offer unto thee (so rd. prob. also || 2 S 24 12 , v. bai). . Spread out, i.e. ;ntcA, tent Gn 12 8 26 25 " (all J), 33 19 (E), Ju 4 11 , cf. Je 43 10 ; fig. of establishing people Je io 20 ; of sacred tentEx33 7 (JE), 2 S 6 17 = i Ch I6 1 , 1 Ch 15 1 2 Ch i 4 ; obj. heavens (spread out by '< as tent) Je io 12 + 9 t., cf. Jb 26 7 ; obj. likeness of firmament in Ezek.'s vision Ez i 22 . . Bend, turn, incline: a. intrans., of wady Nu 21 15 (JE; c. p); turn aside, of Balaam's ass 22 s3 (^^519), v 33 (^fO), cf. v 33 C???); c. adv. ace. 22 26 , so of Isr. 20 17 , and (c. vSyt?) v 21 ; c. 3 into, 21 22 ; of individ. 2 S 2 19 (^ TG$), v 21 fy), Je 14 8 (c. inf.); cf. Gn 38 1 ("•if), v 16 ( v*?) ; fig. of deviating from path of loyalty 1 K 2*> (c. nnK), cf. Ju 9 s (of heart), or of righteousness Ex 23 s [yet on text cf. Bu zaw»uiwi).ii3 Ry-noc.^ i S 8 3 (all c. T>nK); c. ft? Jb3i 7 V'44 19 , cf. Pr4 5 and (c. adv. ace.) v 27 ; '* DV» 1 K 1 1 9 (of heart), cf. + 1 ia' uw ; incline, of heart, c. |> 1 S 14 7 (rd. -103 ^ or flBi 6 Th We Dr Klo Bu HPS Lohr); decline, of shadow on dial 2 K 20 10 (fll^n, opp. nfaNj 311?), fig. of failing life ^r 102 12 109 23 ; of day Ju 19 8 + v 9 (txt. emend., v. GFM); bend down, H$ "f! Jb 1 S 29 , H?? "^^ 1 7" (both dub., v. Coram.) ; appar. nba B'l J u 16 30 and /je bowed urith all his »ni^A.« (after n'apjl, ^DBJI ; al. stretched him- self, i.e. yave a thrust, Be GFM, but vb. less oft. intrans. in this sense); of '♦, vN Bjl ^40' ana* Ae inclined unto me, — ntpnpBn Bfll is rd. 1 S 4 2 by © Dr Klo Bu, cf. 0©}. b. less oft. trans. ,6end,oow, «>3i?p iDac* B»1 Gn49 16 (Issachar under fig. of ass); ^DJ "VjJ ^ 62 4 (sim. of fate of wicked; || rwnn "n3); here belongs also prob. "bl W> t35?0? *?$ ^73* (Kt) and I was almost prostrated as to my feet (i.e. by stumbling; Qr VB3 Pf. 3 mpl. but needless, cf. 01 Bae ; || : nw K&f fm); 'ap '3 f n f 7 A<we m- clined my heart (c. inf.); of ' "TS3 DW 0*1

S 2 2 10 =^ i8 10 ; also fig., ^oW o«<, extend 

unto, of '», obj. nDPI Gn 39 21 (J), tibti, etc., Is 66 12 (both c. _ ^)'; of men njn ^, 2I " (^>). < I Niph. be stretched out; — Pf. 3 mpl. ^BJ Nu 24 6 (JE ; cf. 11. ^03) ; Impf. 3 ms. "£ n$fl Zc 1 16 (of measuring line, for building) ; stretch themselves out, i. e. grow long, 3 mpl. ^03) Je 6 4 (of shadows, || Divinje). Hiph. 75 Pf nen Ezr 7 s8 * 1 16 2 , sf. *T$nj

fs. sf. wan Pr 7 21 ; 1 s. wen p r 5 1S ; 3 P l. ttn 

Am 5 12 + 8 1.; 2 mpl. Drmri J e 25 4 3 5 ls ; Impf. Hip. Is 31 3 , & 2 S 9 15 Ezr 9 9 ; 2 ms. nan Ex 23 s + 3 t., juss. Bn f 27» 141 4 ; 1 s. HBN Je6 12 ^49 5 , BK Jb2 3 ", Btf] Ho 11 4 , but rd.'perh. BK1 (cf. Now) as Je 15 6 ; etc.; Imv. ntsn 2 K I9 16 + 7 t., tDHf i7« + 5 t. •fV'Pr; fs. , 'BnGn24 ,4 V'45 11 ; mpl. WfJ Jos 24 23 + 3 1.; 2w/. cs«r. niisnp Is io 8 + 4 t., n'tsnp EX23 2 ; sf. nnitsnp NU22 23 ; P«. nap Dt 27' 19 ; mpl. D'BID ^ 125 5 , cstr. 'ft Mai 3 6 ; — 1. rarely stretch out (as Qal 1), hand Is 3 1 3 (of "> in hostility), c. ^ Je 6 12 15 6 . 2. rarely spread out cloth on (?£) rock 2 S 2 1 10 ; as Qal 2 : tent 1 6 12 ( + ? pers.), tent-curtains (fig. of growth) Is 54 2 . 3. usu. turn, incline, c. ace, in many senses : a. lit. turn ass into (ace.) road Nu 2 2 23 ( JE) ; take aside 2 S 3 s7 (ace. pers. +"-'*?), 6 ,0 (acc. rei + acc.=to)=i Ch 13 13 (•'?)> incline, turn jar of water Gn 24" (J; to give drink) ; intrans. only "/J? 'B! Am 2 8 on garments taken in pledge they recline, and n l x " , 3'? ^L 1 Is 30 11 turn aside, out of tlie path (i.e. do not interfere with us; HTJTTP TJ). b. fig., Eni^fe? B'tpPL 1 ^ 125 5 those turning aside their crooked (ways), i.e. making their ways crooked ; cf. (neg.) Jb 23 11 . . c. turn, = influence, heart 2 S 19 15 ; turn (away) heart (cause to apostatize) 1K1 1 24 (c. , "!DX), v 3 (abs.); 3? subj., c. ace. pers. Is 44 20 cf. Jb 36 18 (ace. pers.) ; of persuasion, c. ace. pers. Pr 7 21 (Ipsn^Fl). d, incline one's own heart unto (??) God and his commands, Jos 24 s3 (E), cf. Pr 2 2 (?) ; subj. 1 K 8 58 V. 1 1 9 36 , c. "Tf Pr 2 1 1 ; neg. (c. ?) V' 1 4 1 4 . «• esp. incline the ear, of men (in obedience to God), usu. ||VOE>: abs.