133 father's family). 2. n»133 f weign w(yma ^ as term, techn., in Pr, for harlot (perh. because harlots were orig. chiefly foreigners): Prz 16 (II TJJ r*f*U 7 5 (ll id.), 5 »(|| rnj), 6 « (II m nsta unknown,unfamiliar : On^J?? 'JTVl n33 Jb iq" an often am / oecowie m </Wr eye/- »BK 'jajj '3 ♦ VdWVSB ' 3 ** Ec6 V ; of'v s judgment, W-pj? Pinaj I S 28 2. ^ f> ^
- »*/ 01 **?>!); «rJ?J f?J Jea" an «!««,
mm (opp. nCN rjj), fi g . f degenerate Israel; as subst., nnaj p r 20 ie Kt ( > Q r n»i33) aftms, persons unknown to him (II it), so'read also (for MT (V133) || a f» T [~Oj] vb.denom. act or treat as foreign, or strange; disguise, misconstrue; — Nipt' Impf. 133* Pr26 « with hig Hps a ^^ dig _ guiseth himself (dissembles, speaks what is foreign to his thought). Pi. Pf 133 x g 2 »; but v. infr.; / TO; ,/. nj^jj Je I0 « an ^ y ^ ft-eofed this place as foreign (profane); 1133; ,n ^ Dt 32 57 lest their adversaries should mis- construe (it).— HJ3 'N ^X 133 ! S 23' God hath alienated him into my hand, but improbable; © "«9 (cf. Ju 4 9 ) hath sold him, so Th Klo HPS (cf.We); <13D ( as I s I0 4) KrochmDr; Kit either of these; >13DBu; Lbhr either 13D or 1?P. Hithp. Impf D.T.fo 133JV1 Gn 4 2 7 A« acted as a stranger toward them; Pt. f. ni33nn 1 K n™ feign to be a stranger-woman. TLrO:] n.[f.] treasure (so context demands) (®L 2 K 20" rf) r Wipfrw, c f. ©£; der. uncertain; Dl™»> C p. As. M '< Wa >fca7n«], whence '3 '3 • perh. borrowed; this favoured by No ZM0 *> asss;. ?si jj (.zaii.266 (readingna/Waft=rea/iama^;andHeb.Vrii33'3 or ini3J '3))._Only sf. ,lh33 TT3 = ^ <reamre . house 2 K 2o 13 =Is 39 2 . nTJ doubtful y (Ar. j^, ju „ 00l!at - mi
- ! 1 . J4j w^a< one ofaams by another's
bounty.. Lane *">) ;— for supposed Hiph. Inf. sf. TPjB L3 33' = ^3,13 (Ki Ges L « b - 8 ? Kb 1 - 6 "), read ^33 (Pi.I n f. f fa . 80 R a C a ppGes The » Ew Kn Che Brd Di Du), cf. || ^Ofin?. U^^O] ».[».]' gain, acquisitions- Only sf. dJ>31? n^ n ?: n^ Jb Ig » (si vera L j their acquisition, but very dub.; Di (formerly) Bi&, Hi D^D eors, cf. Bu; other conj. v. trmsi in Di ; Du thinks hopelessly corrupt.—® <r«aV [i.e. D?JTJ, @ their word [Dnfeo]. HJ3S0 iSi5 9 v.nj3Kiph. TtWEJ n.pr.m. (cf. Gray Proi,N - 30T ); l. son of Simeon Nu 26 12 1 Ch 4" (=i>K»» q v Gn 4 6» Ex 6"), ® NaF o„X. 2. a Reubenite (brother of Dathan and Abiram) Nu 26*, ® id. tvNiaS adj.gent. of 1 supr., only c. art. 1Q as n.coll. Nu 26 12 , ® Na^o«,X«. a J (-/of following, meaning unknown). trOffil n.f.nnit. (Lag™ 81 ) ant (NH id.; Ar. Hi; (nom. unit, of j£j) ; Syr. ILL);— abs. '3 Pr 6 6 ; pi. D'blMn 30 25 . "lO J (•/of foil., meaning dub.; poss. cp. As. namorw, *Ame, o7earo (fr. glossy coat of panther and leopard), [v. Ar.J^l pardus, and limpidus, purus (of water; cf. infr. nntM)] so Horn N82M S- ag. this Nii **°«am>. 736 Schwally™ '- 12 '; 1?j is comm. Sem.: As. nimru D1 HWB468 - Ar! J*I,^5 Lane 2853 ; Eth. i<TCi Syr. J-jaJ, $ N1D3 • NH 103). tlQ2 n-m. 1 '". Meopard;— abs. ') Ho 13' + 3 t.; pi. Dn»3 Hb i 8 Ct ^-leopard, as spotted Jexs 23 , swift Hb i 8 , keen-eyed Je 5 6 (symb. of calamities of Isr.), so Ho 13' (sim of ); TIL *TW ' 3 Is n 6 (predict.); mn CIOJ Ct 4 8 (IjninK niajjjp).
- rn?M n.pr.loc. place E. of Jordan Nu 3 2 3
® L Ma^par. P er h. = Tel Nimrin, c. 6 m. E. of Jordan, nearly opp. Jericho, cf. Buhl 080 ^ 264 — Cf. '3 TVS (q. v.), also in NH (cf. H103 n.pr.m' Sinait Inscr. SACook 8 ' Lzb 323 ; meaning dub. : N5ZMGM " <lm437 thinks from spotted or striped appearance of ground; place of leopard also Gray***-" ( on tribal names from leopard v.RS 20, alsoSabn.pr.niD3NLevv-Os lc - etci- "Wp Held. 2, 82 i.1- 1 , , r J > C ^V, w e thinks of clear water [cf. foil.]). TD'np] n.pr.loc. in Moab (cf. Sab. J1D3 attrib. of Bark m , DHM ZHG "' , " 1 875),692 y a j QJg IV. No. 103, p. 109. * T *r- 17 ' j^r^ *U wholesome water Lane 2853 , also We 1 ");— only Dnes <g I sl g6 Je 48"; prob. = Brjwanapnn Lag°" om - m - !e i n Wady Kum&re at SE. end of Dead Sea Buhl " 08 ' 272 . '