nca + II. Nt^J vb. only Hiph. Hiph. beguile, T T deceive ; — (kindred with I. NIB*, from which, however, the forms can hardly be derived (conj. We°»»' ls )) ;— Hiph. Pf. 3 pi. W$ Is 19 13 the princes have been beguiled (|| vVfi, V?nn). Hiph. Pf. N^n Je 49 16 , sf. <W$h Gn'3 13 , •sjx^n Ob a ; 2 ins. nstfri J e 4 10 ; 3 pi. sf. ^W'^n C-V; 7»ip/. only juss. K^! 2 Ch 3 2 1S , so ^ 55 16 Qr (v. infr.); K#! 2K18 8 1836", sf. ^$1 2 K 19 10 Is 37 10 ; 2 mpl. IN&'n Je 37 9 ; /«/. abs. N#n Je 4 10 ; — beguile, usu. c. ace. pers. Gn 3 13 (J; not elsewh. Hex); Je40 18 Ob 37 ; IJ^TTB
K 19 10 let not thy God beguile tliee = Is 37 10 ,
of Hezekiah 2 Ch 32 15 (cf. infr.), W^pfe D3 , nB'p5 Je 37° do not deceive yourselves; also sq. b pers. D3? Ntfr^K 2 K 18 29 = Is 36" (= 2 Ch 32 15 , v.supr.), Je 2 9 8 ; £3l6 m&n R#n n ? r ? 4 10 'Aom Aas< utterly beguiled this people; iD^ DICK* ^ 55" Kt appar. =desolations (be) upon them.' (but elsewh. only in n.pr.loc, cf. p. 445 supr.), < Qr ttrfW ni» K>£ Ew 01 Pe De Now Hop , cf. @, let death (beguile them, i.e.) come deceitfully upon them/ Brull Che, cf. Bae, conj. plausibly ta$3>. DIB K^. TpXEJ'2 n.[m.] guile, dissimulation (> ace. to Lag BN196 der.fr. 88*19, lending on usury) ; pSB>53 nN3B> nBjn Yt26 w Aa«raZ may Aide jte 7 / with dissimulation. tjfimCJQ n.f.pl. deceptions jr 73" 74 s , but meaning not suitable ; read prob. DiNiB'O, v. HNiB't? sub K1B> (so Klo Now Hup Bae). III. [NEfa] /o^, v. II. TV1. t[2ttfa] vb. blow (NH = BH; £ 0#J (but also 3TI3), Syr. oj»j. all blow; || form of I? 1 ?);— Q al yJ / 3 fs - ^ 3 "vfj * ° n Is 4° 7 <Ae breath of* lias blown upon it. Hiph. Impf.
ms. D'" 1 2t5^ Jri47 18 Ae causes his wind <o
Woic; Dns 3E^1 Gn 15" and he drove them away (perh. orig. blow away, drive away by blowing, or by a sound like blowing). +1. 71u2 vb. lend, become a creditor T T (cf. I. NW);- Qal Pf. 1 s. WB>3 Je 15 10 ; 3 pi. «*J v 10 ; PL np Ex 22" + 4 t.; pi. D'tfo Ne 5 io.ii + v ? Q r ( Kt &X.p, v. I. mi), sf. TiJ Is 50';— lend, usu. c. 3 pers.: yiflp P] WCO-^ Je 1 5 10 7 Awe wo< £en<, and they have not lent to me, Dt24 n Ne5 7 (Qr; + ace. cogn.), v 1011 (both + ace. rei) ; pt. as subst. creditor, usurer Ex 2 2 24 (E), 2K 4 1 Is 2 4 2 50 1 ^109". Hiph. Impf. 3 ms. 3 Hip? Dt 1 5 2 who lendeth to his neighbour; 2 ms. 3 n& ! ri 24 10 wlien thou lendest to thy neighbour ( + ace. cogn.). t ["'©:] n.[m.] debt;— only sf. 2 fs. "O'EO Kt, T^f? Qr 2 K 4 7 (so Baer ;. van d. H. Ginsb rim) pay 1?o)#) thy debt. t[n^D] n.m. loan;— only cstr. ^>3 BIBB* WJTO Tfl -fX IT nt?>B ^g Dt 15 2 every pos- sessor of a loan of his hand shall renounce what he lends to his neighbour (cf. Dr). fll. [Jlttfj] vb. forget (NH id.; As. niSttu perh. forgottenness Dl HWB486 ; Aram. NB>3 (esp. Ithpe., Aph.), Ju forget ; Ar. ^S forget, neglect; cf. Eth. MlA?: ignoscere, con- donare, indulgere Di <ra ) ;— Qal P/. 1 s. WB>31. KBO D3nN Je 23 s9 I will forget you finally (but ©93® Che Gie *TO^, sq. ^fBJl as V s8 b , v. in. K&D) ; rote WtfJ La 3 17 1 have forgotten prosperity; Impf. 1 s. ^B^ shall I forget 1 i.e. overlook, rd. by We Mi 6 10 plausibly for MT^fcO ; in/. 06*. tfe>J (K ^ J e 23 s9 (v. supr.). Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. sf. Wjfi Is 44 21 thou shalt not be forgotten of me, but dub.; Ges ,u> ifm (Qal); Che 8 . 1 " 'JWan (cf. Dt 32 15 ). Pi. >/. 3 ms. sf. ,| 3E'3 G1141" (E) £<)<£ hath made me forget + ace. rei (— in 1st syllable only here, infl. of n#e Ges 552m ). Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. sf. ntfn HD3n Jb 39 17 God caused her (the ostrich) to forget wisdom, i. e. did not endow her with it. Impf. "|B 1? Hj£ Jb 1 1 6 Eloah allows a part of thy guilt to be forgotten thee, i.e. does not reckon it to thee in full (© = nibvo <£ niB* 131J?3 [Du] there is equivalent to thee from Eloah, ace. to thine iniquity, cf. Bi Che Jol " u " JSo1 -; Bu reads ilB'i for nu^ • Du rejects ver. as gloss). tn ft ©3 n.f. forgetfulness, oblivion, '3 fft yjf 8S l3 T^n), designation of b)Xf (cf. v 1112 ). t1^ ,, ©^^ ,7 i s • , n.pr.m. 1. t*n# rOfc T ■ ' T ' • T
2 7 (van d.H. v 6 ) one of David's heroes, © lrja-ov-
vtt, A Ito-ta, ©L Uaa-ovt. 2. DJ?^, a man of Issachar I Ch 7 3 , © Eto-m, Uam, ®L laaia (and so in foil.). 3. Levites : a. 1 Ch 23 s0
4 2526 . b. 1 Ch 24 21 , © I(ma, etc. 4. one
of those strange wives Ezr io 31 , © Ua(r(()ia. TV£2 xx.[m.] a vein (or nerve) in the thigh (etym. dub.; on format, cf. Lag 1 "" 50 ; Ar. Cj appar. the portion of tlie principal