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vein of the leg which ia in the thigh, vulg. sciatic vein, or (mod.) sciatic nerve and even sciatica, Lane 3<m ) ;— only n$n T5 Gn 32 s " </<e sinew of the thigh-vein (or thigh-nerve, T30 nr^? ■e ? «|) ) cf. v 33 ".— On sacredness of thigh, cf. IiS 8 « ml - 36<);2o,, ' !d - 3!!0 Ve H,ldaM . O^ v. nU^X p. 61 supr. t "?Tt£0 vb. bite (NH = BH, but also transp. B03 Hiph.); As. nasdku D1 HWB486 ; S 71*33 (esp. of snakes); Syr. ka>, Ui 1; Eth. MiuDi"; Ba zKOxiiii <««.). las cp Ar £J^ undo breads, untwist rope, disintegrate, dissolve); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. WJ Nu2i 9 , sf. .3B/31 consec. Am 5", D3f>M consec. 9 s ; /mp/. 3 ms. ^ Ec io 11 , Offi Pr 2 3 32 , sf. «3£ Ec io 8 ; Pfc ac«. tJgfJ Gn 49 17 ; pi. DBO Mi'3 5 , sf. T^F 3 Hb2 7 ; pass. Iptf} Nu 2 1 8 ; — to, chiefly of serpent, c. ace, Am 5 19 9 3 Gn 49 17 (poem in J), Nu 2 1 8 (pt. pass., abs.), v 9 , Ec io 8 also v 11 (abs.), Pr 2 3 32 (sim. of wine); fig. of prophets Dn , 3K'3 '3H Mi 3 s who are biting with their teeth, and crying, Peace ! fig. of oppression, etc., T?F 3 Hb 2 7 (with play on • sense thy debtors, those that give thee interest). Pi. Pf. 3 pi. D;ns O^J] Je 8 17 and they shall bite you fatally (fig.); Impf. 3 mpl. 13^'ri DynTlf? Nu 2 1 6 and they bit the people fatally (both of serpents). t TIC'S n.[m.] interest, usury (lit. something bitten off) ; —'3 abs. Ex 2 2 24 + ; cstr. Dt 23 20 ; — c. "i>y &V Ex 22 24 (E); c. JO npb Lv 25 s6 , |? 3'B>n Ezi8 17 , n^ 22 12 (no prep.), ^33 LV25 37 at interest, so f 15 5 Ez i8 8 - 13 ; '3? Pr 28 s by usury; asacc.cogn.Dt23 20 - 20 - 20 . t["ntT3] vb. denom.. pay, give interest (cf. Gerber Verb " de " om - 89 );— Qallmpf. 3 ms. !$ Dt 2 3 20 interest of anytliing off which one giveth interest (cf. Dr). Hiph. make one give in- terest; Impf. 2ms.!|W Dt23 20 ( + acc. cogn.) v 21 - 21 , all c. *? pers. t IT3tifc n.f . chamber (rare || of ilSB^, q. v. ; cf. W 8 ° OT );— ahs. '3 Ne 13 7 , sf. in3B>3 Ne 3 30 , both rooms of individuals ; pi. abs. niSEO 1 2 44 (Chr) = treasuries, storehouses. t/lu J vb. 1. intrans. slip or drop off; - T also trans.: 2. draw off. 3. clear away (NH ?B ; 3 prob. intrans., Qal not used, but n. ifytfl a falling off, etc.; Pi. Hiph. cast off, let


fall off, Niph. be cast off, fall off; Z Aph. T/H cast out (fr. house) ; Ar. J-U excidit pluma, etc. ; but also trans., avis mutavit rejecitque plu- mas (Frey); — JJLi celeriter extraxit, etc., is denom. fr. loan-word ace. to Frii 88 ); — Qal Pf. ^BOl consec. Dt7'+ 2 t; Impf. 3 ms. b& Dt 28 40 ; Imv. ms. bv Ex 3 s J0S5 15 ;— 1. slip or drop off, ryn-|t? ->r)3n bgljjj Dt 19 5 and tlie iron slippeth off from the wood (i.e. axe-head from helve); ^ ?& Dt 28 40 thine olives sliall drop off (ahs.). 2. draw off sandal fr. (/V®) foot Ex3 5 (E), Jos5 15 (JE). 3. clear away nations T3BJ? Dt 7 122 . Pi. Impf 3 ms. b&M 2 K 16 6 he cleared- the Jews entirely -out of (ff?) Elath. tEDttfo] vb. pant (NH in nn. HD^3, HOB/3, % XOfl, KnoE 1 }; late Aram. Ithpe.; Syr. pL» breathe, blow; Ar. 1 iT.j gently breathe (of wind), etc. ; v. seek a thing with labour and persever' ance (Lane 3032 ); I^U a soul, Lane ib ) ; — pant, of the deep and strong breathing of a woman in travail; Qal Impf 1 s. Dt5>£ IS42 14 . t TVyr'l n.f. breath ;— '3 Dt 2 o 16 + 9 1. ; cstr. HOBO (cf.Lag BN82 ) Gns'+iot.; sf. ^DfS Jb27 3 ; innBO Jb 34 14 ; pi. ni»E>3 Is 57 16 ;— . breath of God as hot wind kindling a flame Is 30 33 ; as destroying wind 2 S22 18 = f 18 16 , Jb4 9 ; as cold wind producing ice Jb 37 10 ; as creative, giving breath to man Jb 32 s 33 4 . . 6reai/io/man 1 K i7 17 Is 42 s Jb 2f Dn io 7 ; breath of life D"n TOBO Gn 2 7 (J); cf. Wl TOBO D^n Gn 7 22 (J) ; as breathed in by God it is God's breath in man Jb 34" 36-*; and is characteristic of man 1SK3 HOBO nE>K DIN Is 2 M man in whose nostrils is but a breath (late gloss). 3. syn. HOB'S ?3 B>B3 every breathing thing Dt20 16 Josii^iKis 29 ; HDB'jn-.'? Jos io 40 + 150 6 ; niOBO Is 57 16 . 4. sp?'ri'< of man, || nil, DIK '3 " 13 Pr 20 27 </i« spin'* o/»n<m ts a Zawip o/' "JTOE?2n n.f. an animal;— 'n Lv n 18 , nn^n ' Lv 1 1 30 Dt 14 16 : — 1. unclean bird, the iftia, water-hen, © iropfyvpiav, (ace. Tristr NHB249 ); or species of 010Z (Di Bu SS); pelican (Ges): Lvn' 9 = Dti4 16 . 2. unclean HF Lv 1 1 30 , feard (Saad Tristr NHBI2 °), or chameleon ^ Bo Hi.roi.i.ioTOfr. ! ^.B M enm.ii.Bosff.^ g0 most . ( t i er j v . ing name from alleged living on air, Plin NH *'"■ 5 '; but this not applicable to 1 ; cf. Lag B!U30C ). x x 2