"MM t*]^ vb. blow (NH = BH; Chr.-Pal.- Aram. *I> Schwally""*- 58 ; Ar. JLU (vulg.) id. (Dozy 11667 ; on usu. mng. of. Wetzst ZPV I,T - ') ; || form of 3t?3, cf. Jen ZA " a889 ^ ; — Qal Pf. 3 ms. DH3 '3 Is 40 24 Ae Aa<A blown upon them (of ^ under fig. of wind); 2 ms. 'JO'TO PSBO Ex 1 5 10 (song). T ?|t!?j n.m. twilight (prop, twilight-breeze, cf. Di»n m-ii> Gn 3 s ; NH id.; % •£&, KS^3) ;— '3 abs. i S 3o' 7 +, 1^3 Je 13 16 ; cstr. Is 21 4 ; sf. 1E^3 Jb3 9 ; — 1. evening twilight 2 K 7 s ' (cf. DTP v 12 ); opp. "ij£l Is 5 11 ; time of concealment Jb24 16 Pr7 9 ( + 'DfP 3-iy, IT^WO rM fie»K, to emphasize sin that shuns the day); of refresh- ing Is 2 1 4 ( , i??'n '3) ; of stumbling, in dim light Is59 10 (opp. cnnx), so 1^3 nn Je 13 16 (both fig.); teE>3 naia Jb3 9 the stars of its twilight (i.e. of night of Job's birth).— so 3^"T?1 '*TO Drnnoj) 1 s 30 17 Kb Kit HPS (rd. rjo'-inr6 for 'rsob, AVe Kit Bu); Th, after Luth, sub 2, BO Buhl 1 ** SS; Lbhr allows either. 2. morn- ing twilight Jb 7 4 (opp.2'1J'), appar. also ^ 1 1 9 147 . trfltf£ and (Is 34 11 ) FffaJ^ n.[m.] a bird (with harsh, strident note ? Bo BJ rra -"- 284; ">■»<«»■»■
- •*, Tristr NHB192 think of ^3— i.e. a tatfftpfa
bird; on format. cf.Lag BN127 Ba"* 231 );— unclean Lvii 17 Dt 14 16 ; inhabiting deserts Is 34 11 . Prob. a kind of owl Bo l ' c- , ' Great Owl' Egyptian Eagle-owl (bubo ascalaphus) Tristr 1-0- cf. <SX Di Dr-White Hl " (Lv), >© OS Lv Is ibis. f I. pt£0 vb. kiss (NH id., As. nas6.hu, % pH5»J, pCO, Syr. >al>, fo«s (orig. smell [J4I] ace. to L il g I,oy - p, * I '- 8 '* c - 24f ): Ar. JJJ is /<wrfe» together, arrange in order, Eth. "MM": pt. ordine dispositus, apte sertus Di 641 , poss. akin to II. ptw) ;— Qal i J /. 3 ms. '3 1 K iq 18 2 S 15 5 ; 3 fs. np^3 Pr7»; 3 pi. lpe>3 ^85"; /mp/. Pf. Gn 4 1 40 , p#>! 2 7 w + ; sf. <?j?# Ct i 2 ; 1 s. cohort. -np,S>K 1K19 20 ; 3 mpl. PPJ5* Ho 13 2 , etc.; Tmu. n^ Gn 27 26 ; Inf. cstr. ~pfi 2 S 20 9 ;— kiss, usu. c. ? pers. : Gn27 2627 29" 50 1 Ex 4 s7 (all J), Gn 4 '8 10 Ex 18 7 (both E), 2 S 15 6 14 83 19" 20 9 1 K 19 20 Pr 7 ,a Ru i 914 ; so of idol- worthip 1 K 19" (cf. We 8kllMnl,, - 1,16!H «' d - 109 ), cf. 'bS» TJ P#™ Jb 3 1 27 anii my hand hath kissed my mouth; rarely c. ace. pers. 1 S 20 41 (B^N
- WTt*(f), ff. per?. 1 S 10 1 Ct i J ( + nipw>), 8',
also Gn 33 4 'np^l (J ; Holz E ; wd. suspicious, Di rejects) ; Ih. EyJJj Ho 1 3' calves do they kiss; P& D^ns^ Pr2 4 26 lips he kisses; abs. ^85" (fig., recipr.).— Rfc T?"^5? Gn 41 40 is dub., Di ' to thy mouth all my people shall yield ' (fit, adapt themselves, cf. Ar. V ), so Kau Buhl Ux , but this meaning uncertain, and text perh. cor- rupt, v. Di Holz). Pi. Impf. 3 ms. pt?3?l Gn 32 1 45 15 , "P^?;i 29"; Imv. mpl. ~*pf) ^ 2 12 ; Inf. cstr. p$3 Gn 3 1 28 ; — kiss = Qal : c. ? pers. Gn 29" (J), 31 28 32 1 45 15 (all E) ; 13^3 ^ 2 n is dub., cf. 1. 13 p. 135 a supr. Hiph. Pt. nip^BT? Ez 3 13 of wings of cherubim, gently touching each other (c. ""?*?)• t[n^©:] n.f. kiss;— only pi. cstr.: *$f>. VM nip'Vap Ct i 2 ; N3.YE> tfp^ Pr 27* kisses of an enemy. j- II. [pli'j] vb. exact meaning uncertain; prob. either handle, or be equipped with (cf. perh. Ar. J-1J, etc., sub I. ptw) ;— only Qal Pt. pi. cstr. 'ptW :— DB*p '3 i Ch 1 2 2 equipped with the bow, so 2 Ch 17' 7 ( + RO); flB-p "pin '3 ir 78 s is difficult, 'i appos. of '1 ace. to Hup- Now Bae al. (Ges !130e ); del. *tfn as explan. gloss Hup Hi Che Kau ; del. ver. as gloss Hup Kau Bae. t.< .< ptl"0, plM n.[m.] equipment, weapons (coll.), armoury; — abs. p5?3 Ez39 9 +2t., PP?} 1K10 25 2Ch 9 24 , PBO 2 Kio 2 +2t., cstr. '3 Is 22 8 , '3 Jb 20 24 ; — 1. equipment, weapons 1 K io 26 2 K io 2 Is 22 s 2 Ch 9 24 Ez 39 9 (gen. term, foil, by specif.), v 10 ; ^na '3 Jb 20 24 ( &m n^p); P?J3 OY 1 jf 140 8 i.e. day of battle; so '} alone Jb 39 21 . 2. appar. armoury Ne 3 19 . tltW n.m. DtS2U griffon-vulture, eagle (NH id.'; As.nasru; £*")•#; Syr. )i*J; Ar. T.U vulture (Lane 2780 ), vulg. ^Li; Eth. "JflC: Di 641 ; Sab. 1D3 n.pr. dei, and nD3 }JT , a DHM MG III! (1875), 600 i IIJITll (1883), 356 . „jL /, TJ gl . . ^3 Dt 28 49 + ; pi. &lf* 2 S i 23 + , cstr. *3f5l La 4 19 ; — sts. (perhaps not always) the griffon- vulture (Tristr NHBmt Dr^^Now*"* 1 - 84 Lane 278 °), Mil 16 (bald, in sim.), flying swiftly to prey Hb 1 8 Jb 9 26 , cf. Pr 30 17 p-p.a), unclean Lvii 13 Dti4 12 ; soaring Jb39 27 , also in sim. Pr 23 s Is 40 s1 Ob 4 , building nest high Je 49 16 (cf. also Jb 39 s7 ) ; as swift also 2 S i 23 , esp. of Bab. and Assyr. invader Je 4 13 La 4 19 , cf. Ho 8 1 Dt 28 49 Je 48 40 49 s2 (all in comparisons), i>i"l3ri -iK>an Ez 17 3 (fig. of Nebuch.), v 7 (fig. of